NFC, or near-field communication, is a wireless technology that allows two devices to exchange data when they ovat placed within close proximity of each other. NFC is already being used in a variety of sovelluss, including contactless payments, public transportation, and even access control. As consumer demand for mobile payments continues to grow, it's likely that we will see even more businesses begin to adopt NFC technology. Here's a closer look at how NFC works and why NFC matters for the future of mobile payments.
Kuinka NFC toimii?
NFC-tekniikka käyttää radioaaltoja viestiäkseen laitteiden välillä. NFC-viestintä käynnistyy, kun yksi laite, jota kutsutaan aloittajaksi, lähettää radiosignaalin, jonka toinen laite, jota kutsutaan kohteeksi, vastaanottaa. Kohde vastaa sitten omalla radiosignaalillaan. Tämän edestakaisen tiedonsiirron avulla kaksi laitetta voivat vaihtaa tietoja. NFC:n kantama on yleensä noin 4 cm (1,6 tuumaa), vaikka tarkka alue riippuu signaalin taajuudesta ja tehosta.
Mitkä ovat NFC:n edut?
One of the biggest advantages of NFC is its ease of use. Contactless payments can be made with just a few taps on your smartphone. No need to fumble around for your wallet or enter your card number—all you need is your phone and you're good to go. As consumers become more accustomed to making contactless payments, we can expect to see even more businesses start accepting NFC payments.
Turvallisuus ja petostentorjunta
Toinen syy, miksi NFC on niin tärkeä mobiilimaksamisessa, on se, että se tarjoaa korkean tietoturvan. Kun suoritat maksun NFC:llä, korttisi numeroa ei jaeta kauppiaalle. Sen sijaan luodaan kertakäyttöinen tunnus, joka auttaa estämään petoksia. Lisäksi monet mobiilimaksusovellukset antavat sinun määrittää PIN-koodin tai biometrisen todennuksen (kuten sormenjäljen tai kasvojentunnistuksen) tilisi suojaamiseksi.
Povatmpi toiminnan tehokkuus
In today's fast-paced world, people want everything to be as tehokas kuin mahdollista – ja se sisältää maksut. NFC:tä käyttävät mobiilimaksusovellukset antavat sinun tehdä nopeammin ostot ja maksut ilman tarvetta odota jonossa tai rekisteröi luottokortti. Tämä lisääntyi tehokkuutta is one of the main reasons why we're seeing such rapid growth in the mobile payments market.
Povatmpi yhteentoimivuus
Another advantage of NFC is that it's a highly interoperable technology. This means that it can be used with a wide valikoima devices and platforms. For example, you can use NFC to make payments from your Android phone, even if the merchant only accepts Apple Pay. Tämä lisääntyi compatibility will be essential as the mobile payments market continues to evolve.
Wide valikoima sovelluss
In addition to mobile payments, NFC can be also used to replace QR codes and be placed on products or in advertisements to provide consumers with more information about the product. For example, you might see an NFC tag on a bottle of wine that provides information about the wine's origin, vintage, and tasting notes. This is because the NFC tag is much more tehokas and you don’t have to start an App to scan the code. Just tap the item, then everything will be operated automatically on your phone. In China, its legal digital currency also uses NFC technology, offering the possibility to pay both online and offline. Such popularity of NFC technology in commerce is also because mobile phones with NFC technology ovat priced not as high as before. Esimerkiksi 8 Gt + 256 Gt HONOR 70 hinta Malesiassa only cost RM 1,999. It's much cheaper than before and people can afford it.
Kun mobiilimaksamisen markkinat kasvavat edelleen ja standardit ovat implemented, we can expect to see even more businesses adopt NFC technology. With so many benefits, it's clear that NFC is poised to play a major role in the future of mobile payments. Thanks for your reading!