(PresseBox)( Kleve, ) Was ist eigentlich Content?Content ist ein Begriff aus der Marketing-Branche und steht im Bezug auf das Internet stellvertretend für alles, was auf einer Website für den Nutzer sichtbar ist - Text, Bilder, Videos, aber auch Strukturelemente wie Menüpunkte.Although Anglicism has been preferred since the 1990s, the term could also be translated well with the German word "content".Because not only this article revolves around the right content, but also the whole (online) world.Bill Gates already led in an essay in 1998 that the contents were the king if you want to be successful on the Internet.But what exactly is the content of the content and how do you use it to answer this question, an understanding of the different content forms is a fundamental prerequisite.Welche Content-Formen gibt es?Content soll den Nutzern in erster Linie ein Produkt oder eine Idee näherbringen.To do this, as a creator, you not only convey an advertising presentation, but also practical information or entertainment and always offers added value.After all, nowadays the user decides whether to watch a video or click through a slideshow.Based on what is to be conveyed, the creator chooses a suitable content form that offers as much added value as possible.Each content has an almost predestined application option. Die Liste bietet sich zum Beispiel als effektives Mittel an, die geläufigsten Content-Formen schnell und übersichtlich darzustellen:Blog-ArtikelVideo, GIFs, AnimationenBilder, SlideshowsInfografikenPodcasts, Audio-DateienInterviewsE-BooksStudien, WhitepaperRatgeberUmfragenPressemitteilungenE-Mails, NewsletterSocial MediaListen und RankingsDer richtige EinsatzDie Liste kann allerdings keine weitergehenden Informationen über die einzelnen Formen geben - hier glänzt jedoch der klassische Blog-Artikel und ist, abgesehen von Social Media, auch der häufigste Vertreter von Content im Netz.For example, a green tea specialist trade in an article can not only be an expert through information about the cultivation areas, but also offers the reader added value at the same time.The effort for a blog or a blog series are limited.In comparison, video production is much more complex.Videos are popular for this and are happy to be clicked and shared.Social media users have the tendency, more moving images than to share texts.And the area of activity of Facebook and Co.should not be underestimated.Die geeignete Content-FormAls Betreiber einer Website hat man nun die Qual der Wahl: In welcher Form setzt man seine Ideen am besten um?Eine eindeutige Lösung gibt es hierbei nicht.However, three important criteria can help with the decision.These are the resources available at first: If you have the know-how for a video shoot or the budget is only enough for a blog? The second is: know your target group!If this is rather young, a podcast may be available.If customers are more of academics, studies and white paper are convincing.Of course, a mix of different shapes also makes sense.Blogs can be loosened up by pictures and concise sentences from studies can shine in Twitter posts.However, the most important thing is quality: good research, readability and uniqueness in a few areas look more sustainable than loveless mass goods.