What are the biggest, most earthly inventions in human history?There are very, many such inventions.Most of which are actually discoveries and usable manners of natural phenomena.There are not quite as many real inventions that have an emergence.Admittedly, this is very Eurocentric, but this is not normative but descriptive.The reasons have shown Jared Diamond that it has to do with the resources and environmental conditions, especially with the number of domestectable species.EmergenzEmergenz ist es im Grunde genommen auch, was Kunst ausmacht.What distinguishes it from the handicrafts, pure entertainment or pure aesthetics.A fun bird once said that art was what you could find in museums.Others think what art is, everyone can decide for themselves.Still others say "art" would come from "ability".What is of course nonsense.But art has a deeper meaning, there is a thought behind it, an idea that is not banal or trivial.The artist wants to say something and says something.This is true art.The limits in reality are of course fluid.The term is used almost inflationarily.ErfindungenDie größten, weltbewegendsten Erfindungen der Menschheitsgeschichte sind die Uhr, der Buchdruck mit beweglichen Lettern, der Telegraph, die Fotografie, das Fernsehen und der Mikrocomputer.Die UhrWas tut eine Uhr? Sie misst nicht die Zeit, denn die Zeit kann man im eigentlichen Sinn nicht »messen«.If you could, you wouldn't have to put a watch.An old Arab wisdom says: you have the clock, we have the time.Arabic wisdom, wisdom itself, are actually always old.That also means something.The vast majority of its existence spent humanity without a clock.With the invention of the clock, according to Postman, God lost violence over time, so the concept of eternity has lost people.And of all people the church jumped on the train and has installed church clocks everywhere.A few countries, for example in Malta, are there on the same church towers watches that run, and watches stand still to confuse the devil.Suddenly our daily routine was divided thanks to the watches, we have appointments.And we have less and less time, the more watches we have.Everywhere we have watches on various household appliances such as ovens or microwaves and steam cookers, we have watches, we wear them on the wrist, in computers, televisions and smartphones there are watches, we have "wake -up clocks", watches hang on the kitchen wall, are in the hallway, interestinglyRarely hang in the living room, where we spend most of the time.Der Buchdruck mit beweglichen LetternBuchdruck gab es auch schon vor Gutenberg.But he invented the book pressure with movable letters so that books could be printed for the masses.What did he print?Bible first.Christianity has actually dominated our recent history, countless buildings and "works of art" were religiously motivated and were financed by the churches.With a book it is possible to make complex facts accessible to a wide audience, but once printed, they are also in the world and cannot be taken back, they are stipulated.They are in black and white.In the United States there was the faith community of the "Brethren", the members of which were assumed to be atrocities.Someone gave them the advice of publishing their beliefs as a book to clarify the matter.On the other hand, they refused with the argument, then this content was laid down forever, but contradicts their conviction that God keeps blessing them with new knowledge.And what has become of the book today?Television has not suppressed it, it just defeated it, but as many books are printed as never before.But what kind of books are they?Banales and triviales are mainly printed, entertainment.Partly also opinion.And a lot of absolute nonsense.You just have to look at the bestseller lists.How can it be that a pseudo -scientific book, like that of Bhakdi, ends up in the bestseller lists?Or a Bohlen biography that was not even written by himself, and then long before his death.Only a few books bring real knowledge.Another aspect is that the writer turns to an insignificant audience and that there is no feedback.Der TelegraphVor der Erfindung des Telegraphen konnte man Nachrichten nicht schneller verbreiten, als man sich zu Fuß oder zu Pferd fortbewegen konnte.It was dealing with messages that came from the immediate vicinity and had to do it directly with yourself.Or they were outdated.With the telegraph you could suddenly spread messages at the speed of light over the whole glob.The concept of "news", the "new from the day" was created.And what kind of innovations were these?For example, what did the people from Texas and the people from New York say? One of the first news that was transferred from England to America was that the princess suffered from whooping cough.The "News" were primarily news about natural disasters, accidents and crimes.As is said today: people, animals, sensations.From people, from well -known people, became "celebrities".It was primarily about things that are called "boulevard", in German: "Gosse".Die FotografieDer Erfolg und die Bedeutung der Fotografie fußen auf der Tatsache, dass das Sehen der mit Abstand wichtigste Sinn ist.It is not for nothing that most people say that they only believed what they saw.But it is also the meaning that is easiest to cheat on the easiest manipulating, such as proving optical illusions.With photography it was possible to capture and reproduce reality.Of course, it works with language, possibly even better, but you believe the picture rather than the word.A photo shows only a tiny temporal and spatial excerpt of reality and distorts it solely by this fact.But a photo is basically true, unless it would be manipulated.Then it would be a picture.The fact that both may not be distinguished from each other is all too popular.It also means that a picture say more than a thousand words.That's not true.It says something completely different.It says what something looks like, something that may not be expressed with words.You can't describe what a color looks like, you can only show it.You can use a metaphor, but you must have seen it beforehand.Although a picture can weigh a thousand words.It takes a context and provides a context for the saying.And be it just a pseudo context.In the sense that something is told and if a picture is delivered to you, one says: »Ah!I see!".Das FernsehenDas Fernsehen vereint Wort und Bild, sogar bewegte Bilder.One works hard without the other, how you can easily find out by not looking or vice versa the sound.So it serves the two most important senses and is therefore so successful that it determines the public discourse.But the book did not suppress it, just defeated.What gives hope.However, it is so successful because it constantly irritates these senses, one also speaks of "mental load".It is primarily entertainment.And because the medium is the message, everything is practically all entertainment on television.You can read this in detail in "We amuse us to death", one of the most important books at all, because it is about television, the most important medium in general.Practically everyone has a television, but not all of them have books.Because everyone can hear and see.Reading seriously and understanding complex facts, however, not everyone can think.And so the news is primarily entertainment: you are presented by handsome people (what does the appearance have to do with the qualification of a news speaker?), There are moving images that are served in easy -to -use snacks, the programs are served, the programsStart with impressive intros and exciting music (what does that have to do with the "messages"?).A lot on television is propaganda This applies not only to advertising, but also to feature films or documentation.But everything is entertainment, otherwise nobody would look at it.Of course there are exceptions, but they then have negligible low ratings.Such as the "Telekolleg" that no longer exists.On the other hand, talks are pure entertainment.Mostly prominent people, sometimes also experts, give their views for the best.Basically, a discussion cannot take place.Then someone would have to keep talking and someone should say all the time that he would have to think about it in peace.On the one hand, there is no time for this, on the other hand, the point would have been off the table for a long time and someone who thinks is in terms of television in terms of television.The viewers would switch.Of course you can also learn something from entertainment, you can learn something everywhere.On the other hand: you can try to reproduce what the content of the news was from a certain day ago a week ago.When do you get the messages to change your plans for the day?Apart from the weather forecast.Or from the stock exchange courses.But does the viewer have a plan to solve the conflict in Bergkarabach?At best, he chooses the government every few years who claim to have such solutions.The television has thus established a discourse type that has revealed logic, reason, consistency and lack of contradiction.In aesthetics this is called "Dadaism", in philosophy as "nihilism", in psychiatry as "schizophrenia" and in the theater language as a "variety".The medium is the message.Television is entertainment and entertainment dissociates, and it also triggers alpha jells in the brain, but according to a theory it also scares.And it is not for nothing that prisoners are very effective by putting a television in the cell to them.Der MikrocomputerDer Mikrocomputer, insbesondere auch das Internet, vereinen Bilder, bewegte Bilder, geschriebene und gesprochene Sprache und Interaktion in einem Medium.They offer supposedly unlimited possibilities.But the experience with television gives hope that the Internet will not displace the book either, and television does not.But it may be the television and the book defeated.With some maybe it already has it.And what do you do with it?The epistemology of the Internet hardly goes beyond that of the book and television.What do you do with the interaction?For example, the invention of the microcomputer in things such as the smartphone or Instagram culminates.In theory, more and more people can be said more and more, but it is no longer said.Rather less.What is said on Instagram?With the most modern achievements of high technology, young women mainly show themselves or their faces of the world, other young people then click on a heart or comment on these photos or films with statements that usually hardly love you "," You sweetie ","Supi!" And banal emoticons at the level go well below hieroglyphs.So these are the great achievements of the »Internet 2.0 «?On Facebook, the whole thing culminates mainly in nonsens, rabble and partly in pseudoemotional, mannered walking and simulated pseudo-empathy.The medium is the message (besser: die Metapher).Both the abstract medium and the concrete medium.The "Bild"-"Zeitung" is a prime example of it.All of this also means that when transferring content to another medium, it is a little different that may be lost, something may also be obtained.But what is lost is possibly everything that matters.Not everything can be digitized, some only partially, some things are not at all.The fact that everything could be digitized is the great belief that is currently prevailing.Of course, for example, you can also represent a book as an e-book.You even win a lot: you don't need a place on the bookshelf, you have a search function, you can carry countless books around with you.But you also lose a lot: you don't have books on the bookshelf, you can't quickly scroll around it quickly, you can't scribble notes, you can't touch and feel the books, you can't put the book aside and an e-e-You can't put the book reader under a table leg.A stack of books or a full bookshelf conveys a different feeling than a filled e-book reader.The latter has a certain arbitrariness.Especially since you are competently advised in a bookstore, in the best case you know your taste there and recommend books worth reading and you bibliographed.You don't need a bookstore for e-books.Amazon does not advise you and does not know its taste, at best it suggests the current bestsellers.You can also browse around there and leaf around in books.You have to know what you want, and at best you can read the first few pages with one or the other book.There are no topics on Amazon, no book tables, no one who can tell you a short content and who sometimes says that a book is not good for a book.And you need electricity and the expensive e-book reader that can also break.And in fact, smart people describe what is taking place in the "social" networks as white noise, as a white noise.On the one hand, a psychologist once said that television was roughly the same for the brain as staring at a white wall.This is of course a joke, but he has a real core.On the other hand, there is the assumption that we might not be able to recognize signals of an outdish civilization because they would be so compressed, so they would be technically so elaborated that they could not be distinguished from white noise.From which one can then also conclude that the white noise of the cosmic background radiation can dissolve the supposed information paradox of black holes.And another funny paradox would be that it speaks for the fact that there are many extraterrestrial civilizations that we have not received a signal of such a civilization so far.