After YouTube was bought by Google in October 2006, the number of illegal downloads in exchange exchanges has dropped significantly compared to the previous year.Now the pirates are beating with their own streaming portals like Cinemax.To back, but not all free video-on-demand offers are illegal.
One of the most discussed video-on-demand portals at the moment to watch films online is Cinemax.to.The illegal internet portal www.Cinemax.to, www.movie theater.1a.to or www.movie stream.To offers documentaries, series and films online as a live stream that can be viewed immediately, free of charge and without registration and long waiting times.
Ist Cinemax.To legal or illegal?The game with the fire
Cinemax.To hosted these films with providers, which provide a limited amount of online storage space free of charge and achieves its turnover through display banners and donations from members.According to copyright, the download of "obviously illegal" or illegal films in accordance with Section 53 of the Copyright is punishable in Germany.For this reason, as an internet surfer, you may be able to check whether the online films are special advertising offers that may be used by certain artists and filmmakers.be offered legally and free of charge (z.B.the film "Home") or whether it is an illegal but pirated offer.A completely different opinion on the topic can be found in the following video contribution.
As a rule, it is an illegal offer if the provider has no right to offer the downloadable content.So.B.Current films offered for download or stream online on the Internet, then it is impossible to be a legal offer, as it is excluded that a private provider already has the rights to use the films on the Internet.
On www.movie theaterx.To meets the fact that is just outlined.In addition to free television series, there are pretty much every current film online as a "obviously illegal" download or.Stream.It is particularly advisable to visit this website.According to the criteria of the Federal Ministry of Justice, “for the respective user, according to his level of education and knowledge.“(Source: Heise.de)
With ignorance, hardly anyone will be able to speak out here. Sowohl die GVU (Gesellschaft zur Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsverletztungen) als auch die MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) haben bereits gerichtliche Schritte gegen die Betreiber von movie theaterx.to announced.
Update: Frankreich will Besuch vonStreaming-Seiten unter Strafe stellen
In France you are now breaking new ground in fighting internet piracy. Dem französischen Politiker Jacques Toubon sind dabei insbesondere dieStreaming-Anbieter, wie movie theaterx.to, a thorn in the side. Wenn es nach Toubon ginge, dann stünden Besucher von movie theaterx.To with one leg in prison. Das Ziel des französischen Politikers ist es nämlich ein Gesetz zu schaffen, dass bereits den Besucher einer Webseite wie movie theaterx.to and not the use of a exchange exchange for download illegal content.Similar legislative projects are already being discussed in Germany.
According to Toubon's opinion, which had previously been a cultural and Justice Minister in France, the laws would only have to be adapted comparatively easily to the current technical development.But as so often, theory and practice differ considerably. Damit ein solches Gesetz Wirkung entfalten könnte, wäre es notwendig, dass staatliche Instanzen an die IP-Adressen der Nutzer von Websites wie movie theaterx.to get.
But already here the project threatens to fail to fail. Die Betreiber von movie theaterx.to and other comparable pages know how to hide it cleverly.In most cases, investigative attempts have so far been left out.It therefore seems more than unlikely that it could be possible to persuade the website operators for active participation.After all, they have no interest in the fact that the visitors could be identified of their website.
Immer noch ungeklärt ist zudem die Frage, ob das Betrachten einesStreams mit einem Download gleichzusetzen ist. Ein Film von movie theaterx.To always ends up in the browser intermediate memory.The complete work, on the other hand, is rarely saved on the hard drive. Ob die User von movie theaterx.to daher wirklich durch das Betrachten einesStreams in den Besitz einer illegalen Raubkopie gelangen, ist hierdurch unklar.
Legale Alternativen zu Cinemax.To to see films online
Nothing interesting is on TV?The video library already has or the weather outside is not very inviting?Thanks to the Internet, you don't have to do without a video evening.Not all free video-on-demand offers on the Internet are illegal.In the following we present legal options to see cinema films on the home PC without hesitation.
MSN Video: Video-on-Demand Portal from Microsoft
Microsoft did not want to watch the trend of the online video portals.That is why there has been the German-language portal MSN video since 2008 on which, among other things, cinema films can also be viewed in full length.The advantage of the video portal: a nicely made and quite clear user interface.When you call up the website you get an overview of the most important topics and the most popular online films.There is a good mix between entertainment, news and background information.
The MSN offer is conveniently structured into the categories of news, entertainment, comedy and movies.The film database, which can be found under "Movies", is quite poor compared to other portals.You can mainly find classics of film here, which are also popular elsewhere.But the optical processing of the whole is quite personable.And a few cinema stars can also be discovered in the film offer that extends from "Fix and Foxi" to "Django".
Quelle: video.de.msn.comThe film portal is also very useful if you want to see current comedy series, such as "TV Total" or "Cindy from Marzahn". Unter dem Stichwort „Unterhaltung“ bekommt man gleichzeitig Neuigkeiten aus der Welt des Klatsch&Tratsch geliefert.Categories such as "Auto" or "Sport", which can be found under the "More" section.There are background reports and interviews from the Bundesliga, or online films of car test trips.
Conclusion: MSN video can offer a nice change for in between.Since the overall film offer is quite manageable and beyond, it is well organized, it is suitable for users who simply want to browse a little in online films.The film offer is much too small for an online video store (even if there is only free feature films).Even those who want to find out more about messages are better offset on the website of the TV channels and newspapers.
More than 350 online films free of charge at MyVideo.de
Myvideo.DE started its own online video store in May 2009 in cooperation with the Onemand Film-Service Nowtilus. Unter der Url Myvideo.De/films are more than 350 movies for free and ready for calling, including former cinema highlights such as "American History X" or "Blade".With films with an age restriction of over 16 or 18 years, you have to register.The free video-on-demand service is financed through advertising.As with classic television, the online film becomes approx..30min for short advertisements interrupted. Die Myvideo Online Videothek wird derzeit in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz angeboten.Series fans can also be series, talk shows and television offers from ProSieben.Satellite.1 and cable in full length over myvideo.de look.
Quelle: Myvideo.deWith the free online film and series offer, the German video portal becomes a serious competitor for Maxdome and Joost, which also offer movies in full length.Myvideo's online video store.de includes films from the genres comedy, drama, action and science fiction. Die OnlineStreams besitzen eine ausgezeichnete Qualität, lassen sich auch in hoher Auflösung im Vollbildmodus anschauen und erfordern einen schnelle DSL Internetverbindung. Man kann nur hoffen das Myvideo.de extends its video offer in the near future and supplemented by current DVD films. Myvideo.de is a German -language video portal and, as a subsidiaryellite.1 group. Myvideo wurde 2006 gegründet und ist heute neben youtube.Com one of the most range video portals in Germany.The video platform is also active in other European countries.
picture.de streamt over 100 movies for free
picture.De wants one thing above all: attention.That is why the much-read boulevard online portal has also been offering an online film offer since the beginning of 2010, where you can watch some film classics with a click in full length. Insgesamt über 100 Filme finden sich zurzeit auf dem Portal von picture-Kino. Die Filme werden perStreaming übertragen und lassen sich nicht downloaden. Ursprünglich hatte picture.de announced to stop a new online film every day at 6 p.m..In the meantime, however, the FAQs of the online portal on the subject of new films are only evident: the films from the current offer can be viewed as often as possible.Overall, the strips remain on the portal for six months, then they are replaced by other feature films.
Quelle: bild.deDie großen Blockbuster wie „Rush Hour“ oder „Good Will Hunting“, mit denen das Filmportal am Anfang um ein neues Publikum warb, findet man inzwischen nicht mehr auf der picture.de-homepage.But there is definitely an attractive offer for the film connoisseur.The makers mainly followed the principle: known names in lesser known films.On the one hand, this is cost -saving for the portal, but on the other hand it also offers the chance to discover one or the other unknown cinematic gem.
An excerpt from the current film offer: Bruce Willis in "Hostage", Klaus Kinski in "Twice Judas", Sophia Loren in "Schap that you are a canaille", Daniel Craig in "Love Is The Devil", Sharon Stone in "SimpoCO“And Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill in“ Freifter der Säere ”.In addition, the offer is supplemented by a lot of bare skin a la school girl report and Pamela-Anderson films.For children and adults there is a reunion with the most beautiful Janosch films ("Oh how beautiful is Panama").To see the films, the Adobe Flash Player (min.Version and JavaScript be installed.You also need an internet connection with at least 2 Mbit/s to be able to play the films smoothly.
Free films at Maxdome.de
The Pay-Per-View Film Portal Maxdome is subject to a fee, but offers the possibility of more than 20 as part of a non-binding trial month.To watch 000 films online.Individual films such as "The fat years are over" can also be downloaded for free.The ProsiebenSat offerellite.1 Media Group can be received online on the computer or using a set-top box on the TV.The trial subscription can be canceled online at any time without giving reasons.After the free month, as a Maxdome Light customer you can access more than 500 online film offers free of charge.
American series for free at Hulu.com
Another way to watch films online offers the English-language video-on-demand platform Hulu.com.The online film and series offer from Hulu.COM includes all television productions from NBC, FOX and ABC.So can z.B.The TV series Family Guy, Simpsons or Stargate in English can be viewed online for free without registration is required.The only requirement for the use of Hulu is an American IP address.German visitors must therefore use proxy services such as proxyworld or local proxy software to see the series and films online.Hulu is also working on a Playon service with which Hulu can be played on any television in combination with the PS3 or Xbox 360.
German television films on Zattoo.com
With the free software Zattoo, TV series and television films can be watched online.The P2ptV service, which initially started in Switzerland in 2006, was able to start its offer in Germany and another 8 European countries through cooperation with more than 70 television stations. Mit Zattoo hat man zwar nicht die Möglichkeit , wie bei Maxdome, Hulu oder movie theaterx.to Filme online vor ihrer Erstausstrahlung im Free-TV zu sehen, dafür kann man jedoch ohne jede Zusatz-Hardware, wie Satelliteellitenschüssel oder TV Receiver, zu benötigen, in -und ausländische Fersehprogramme in Echtzeit im Internet verfolgen.
American films and series at Joost.com
Joost is an internet video start-up of the Skype founders Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis.At the start of 2007, Joost also used the peer-to-peer TV technology to stream high-resolution video content via the Internet.In the P2P-TV technology, which is also used at the Instant Messenger Skype, exchange exchanges, torrent sites and files sharing networks, the video is not loaded centrally by a server, but is transferred decentralized by several users.At the end of 2008, Joost then decided on a flash-based web player, as he did from Hulu.com, YouTube.com or myvideo.de is used.Through numerous content partnerships with major music music, Joost offers labels and Hollywood studios Premium Video Content, including films, music videos, documentaries or series.
The famous documentation about the Cocaine Cowboys can be used, for example, under the following URL Joost.Com/33ison1/t/cocaine cowboys watch.
In February 2007, the MTV subsidiary Viacom agreed a partnership with Joost, the Hollywood Studio Paramount Pictures followed a little later.In 2009 Joost published a film-on-demand website specially geared towards PlayStation 3.PS3 owners can navigate through the video website with a conventional PlayStation 3 controller.The majority of the films, series and documentation on Joost is tailored to users in the USA due to a lack of international license agreements.However, film fans also find many films in German.
Watch the RTL series for free online with RTL Now
Series junkies often plan their week according to the TV program.Certain evenings are scheduled for your favorite series.You can also watch the soaps on the Internet for free.For example at RTL-NOW.de.RTL also offers most of its TV program online.Most TV programs and series are placed on the Internet immediately after broadcast on television.Some series can even be found online before the broadcast.Various search functions make it easier to search for the missed favorite show.So there is a time beam on which you can search the program in chronolgic order.In addition, the platform naturally has a classic search field.
Not all series can be viewed online for free at RTL-NOW.As a rule, RTL recently offers a broadcast series free of charge.But if you want to see the sequence of a series before the broadcast or want to call up older material from the archive, you pay a fee.DE is usually between 0.99 and 1.99 euros for series and shows. Dafür kriegt man dann auch ein reichhaltiges Angebot: So stehen die TV Folgen aller bisherigen Staffel von CSI-Miami zum OnlineStreaming bereit.Even those who want to look at the individual series of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” from last year will find it at RTL-Now.
The range of games and movies that can be viewed online at RTL -NOW is also quite diverse.However, the fees of up to 4.99 euros are quite high compared to other online film portals or the classic video store.If you use RTL-NOW's offer particularly often, you have month or annual subscriptions.If you have selected a clip, it can be viewed in a period of between 24 and 48 hours as often as you like.
Videoload Free: Watch films and series for free
For some time now, Deutsche Telekom has been offering a free online video store with its "Videoload Free" portal.In addition to films and series, there are also recordings of concerts and extreme sports clips.However, the film offer is limited. Bei den Online Filmen können User zwischen den Kategoren „Action & Thriller“, „Drama“ und „Komödie“ wählen.One of the highlight: a ten -year -old remake of the classic Doctor Schiwago.
However, there is not a single film on the free portal that was made after 2002.Another disadvantage of the film portal: There is no rating option that can be used to search for the most popular movies.The music videos shown are not exactly the latest: Highlight are numerous episodes of the 60s music cult of "Beat Club" conjured up from the moth box.
After all, the extreme sports clips offer a fairly wide selection of clips and athlete portraits.Also positive: the integrated channels of South German TV, Electronic Beats and Dmax.The latter attracts with the scrap dealer series "Die Ludolfs".There are also links to various other online portals on “Videoload Free”.In order to watch the online films in the browser, Firefox users need a Windows Media plugin.If you surf with the Internet Explorer, you need the current version of the media player.The online streams are protected by the DRM process and cannot therefore be copied to the hard disk.
If the film offer on "Videoload Free" is not enough, gives way (and that is probably also the calculation of the makers) to the paid sister page "Videoload".There is not only a large selection of films, but also improved search functions.The price for any number of online streamings of the same film within 48 hours is usually 2.99 euros.