Between these two films there were not only four years - but also countless hours in the gym!In any case, you can hardly see the lean stand-up comedian from "The Big Sick" as an immortal superhero in "Eternals"-and the extra muscles do not come from the computer, nor was helped with cleverly cut costumes.
For this, actor Kumail Nanjiani let his fans participate in the physical transformation on Instagram - although he also honestly admits that such a transformation would never have been possible if he did not have the necessary resources and, above all, the necessary time for it through his jobwould have got:
One of the films, which brought him into play for his role in Marvel, runs at 20 tonight at 20.3 p.m.-without advertising-in the RBB: "The Big Sick" is a particularly personal project of the "Eternal" stars-after all, the film tells the true story of him and his wife Emily V.Gordon, who had to be put into an artificial coma shortly after getting to know each other because of an aggressive infection:
The Big Sick Trailer DFThat's what the Big Sick is about: The Pakistani Kumail native (Kumail Nanjiani) is a stand-up comedian, while his parents do everything possible to finally marry him with a Pakistani woman.When Emily (Zoe Kazan) challenges him in a quick -witted way at one of his appearances, the two end up in bed together.You quickly find that there is more between you and that you don't want to leave it at a one-night stand.
However, Emily will soon no longer be able to cope with the fact that Kumail is hiding the relationship from his parents - and ends with him shortly before she has to be put into an artificial coma because of an infection.At her bedside, Kumail meets Emily's parents Beth (Holly Hunter) and Terry (Ray Romano) for the first time - and learns a lot about life and himself from the two ...
»" The Big Sick "at Amazon*" "Eternals" at Amazon*
Darum lohnt sich "The Big Sick"The script for "The Big Sick" comes from Kumail Nanjiani and his wife Emily V.Gordon, who luckily woke up again at the time.Processing such personally personal experiences into a Hollywood script is not always a good idea-often kitsch often comes out of it.But not here - the two meet the right mix of touching observations and dry humor.Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V were reward.Gordon even nominated for an Oscar in the best original script category!
The conclusion of our 4-star criticism is therefore also: "In this bitter sweet, somewhat nerd and extremely entertaining tragicomedy, the seriousness of life is skillfully combined with an accurate culture clash humor and brilliant dialoguewitz."
Die ausführliche FILMSTARTS-Kritik zu "The Big Sick"*The links to Amazon's offer are so-called affiliate links.When buying on these links, we receive a commission.