While the radio and television used to be pretty much the only news channels, this has been used by using smartphones and Co.changed in recent years.Whether music streaming, YouTube and more-all media channels are available on the go.These new media channels also include the podcasts, which can be accessed via the web or special apps.And today we want to go into a little closer to this.
Podcast - what is that anyway?
The term podcast is composed of pod and cast.POD is derived from Apple's MP3 Player iPod (which stands for the success of the podcasts) and cast from Broadcast for transmission/round call.
Each of us has already heard the word podcast and may know that it is a kind of listening for the smartphone or tablet.A podcast consists of a series of audio or video files, which you can subscribe to (usually via an app).Various comedians also offer their shows as a podcast.Whenever a new post appears in the podcast you subscribed to, you will receive a notification on your smartphone so that you can listen to or download the new episode directly.
However, you can also listen to the associated podcast via the operators' websites.A podcast is free and is financed by advertising or the beloved radio contributions.
How do I subscribe to a podcast?
To subscribe to a podcast, you first download one of the countless podcast apps from the Play Store to your smartphone.Google also offers, for example, a podcast app, Google Podcasts,.These are easy to use and find pretty much all podcasts.You choose an interpreter as well as the episode you want to hear and click on the Play Button to hear it directly or you invite you to the consequences on your smartphone/tablet to hear it offline later.
The use of offline is a great advantage of the podcasts.Because normally podcasts, like any other type of media content, are streamed and therefore need a wide range of data.This will be at the expense of your monthly data contingent, provided you stream the podcasts on the go.With the use of offline, you avoid the data load by loading individual podcast consequences in the WLAN on your smartphone and can be heard on the go without loading the mobile phone data.The download takes place in common MP3 format.
Various programs (under Mac works with iTunes and the podcast directory) can also be used on the PC to listen to a podcast.To do this, copy the URL of the podcast directly into the player or you can hear the podcast directly over the browser (for example under Podigee).
Podcasts - more than just entertainment
Most smartphone users have a few games on their devices and mainly use WhatsApp via which they send various media (photos, small YouTube clips).And podcasts are now becoming more and more common in these media.
Podcasts have continued to develop in recent years and have long been out of the status entertainment.In the meantime, a podcast covers all genres such as entertainment, news, interviews, talk, documentation and more.So as a user you have a large selection of formats.The creation of a podcast is also done with professional equipment and has long since withdrawn from the garage radio station of the early days.
Bring a podcast to the start
You can not only participate in podcasts as a listener, but also create some yourself.This requires an exciting topic and a little basic equipment for the beginning, such as a current smartphone of the latest generation for good sound recordings.Later you can continue with professional equipment (microphone).
So you first pick up your text for the podcast.If there is no own recording studio, you are looking for a quiet space that creates as little sound as possible.This can also be a room with thick carpeting and thick curtains, completed with furniture.The main thing is that as much sound is swallowed as possible.Then you can speak your text either for the beginning in the microphone of your smartphone or directly in a professional recording device/microphone.You transmit the MP3 file created in this way (either via SD card or by cable) to your PC to further edit it with audio software.Processing is also possible via audio apps for the smartphone, but not recommended, since the possibilities are very limited.If you are satisfied with your recording, you can now either on YouTube, using your own WordPress blog or, for example, on the already mentioned pody upload and from there.This succeeds by making the link known via social media.In order to achieve a large amount of listeners and subscribers, marketing must be right.Because there are enough podcasts so that you have to lift yours out of the crowd to play at the front.
Where can I find unique podcasts/formats?
In order to keep track of the podcast formats and find exactly one podcast as a listener, platforms like Fyeo have proven themselves.These specialize in professionally produced podcasts.Fyeo has real blockbusters, exciting documentation and other formats, which are particularly characterized by quality in content and shape.So -called “original” has long been part of the offer of platforms such as Fyeo.This means audible series and content that are only available via the online platform.Appropriate a lot of money is put into the production of these formats.These are comparable to the “original” with the in -house productions of Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Podcasts have long been on the rise and inspire more and more listeners.In the meantime, they are easy to find, subscribe and download.There is definitely a market here that should still grow over the years thanks to countless audio lovers.