Til Schweiger is "horrified" by the vaccination for children in the trailer for the film "Another Freedom" and criticizes the German corona policy.Image: dpa
Til Schweiger gets harsh reactions on the net after Corona statements
07.09.2021, 2:21 p.m.More «Entertainment»Frauke Ludowig addresses climate activists on “Stern TV”: “You are not a role model” jungle camp jungle camp voting -Results: Anouschka should have left much earlier "Verkackte Show": Rapper Farid Bang snaps after being kicked out by "DSDS" candidate "Bauer sucht Frau" candidate Antonia reveals her beauty secret: "One of the few who stands by it "RTL presenter Lola Weippert ended up in the hospital - that's whyA new trailer for a documentary film from Austria that deals with the risks of corona vaccination for children is causing a great deal of excitement on the internet. In "Another Freedom" actor Til Schweiger has his say. He makes statements for which he is now assumed to be very close to the lateral thinkers.
"This virus is absolutely harmless for children," says Schweiger there, a vaccination with its still unknown long-term consequences is much more dangerous in comparison. For this reason, he personally considers it "terrible".
Here's the whole trailer for the film.Video: YouTube/schutzfilmThe hashtag #Schweiger is now #1 in Twitter trends
These words were extremely polarizing, especially on Twitter. The hashtag #Schweiger is now number 1 in Twitter trends. Not only Schweiger, but also other celebrities who can be seen in the trailer, are put through their paces and at the same time receive praise from the lateral thinker scene.
In addition to Til Schweiger, there is also the initiator of #Allesdichtmachen, Dietrich Brüggemann, and Miriam Stein, who, together with her husband Volker Bruch, also worked on the Instagram campaign, which received a real shit storm in the spring. But the Austrian actress Nina Proll can also be seen in the little film and accordingly gets her fat off on the Internet.
According to Twitter user Aigner, such films cost human lives
Florian Aigner, for example, an Austrian physicist and author writes on the short message service: "One has to say it very bluntly: such films cost human lives. Who takes part in such films is guilty. This isn't just 'opinion', it's outright bullshit."
Furthermore, Aigner complains about Schweiger's statement that the vaccines have allegedly not been researched: "He speaks of a 'vaccination that has not been researched'. That is stupidity on an enormous scale. There are hardly any medical interventions that are better Are researched. The clinical studies were carried out with tens of thousands of people, there are now BILLIONS vaccinated."
According to Stiko, the advantages of vaccination from the age of 12 outweigh the risk
Even the Standing Vaccination Committee (Stiko) had recommended the corona vaccination for children from the age of twelve, with the sentences that "< b>According to the current state of knowledge, the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risk of very rare side effects".
For the anesthetist and board member of the North Rhine Medical Association, Steffen Veen, the statements made by Schweiger and Co. are "a shot in the leg" for the nursing teams in corona intensive care units.
But Schweiger not only sharply criticizes the vaccination of children in the clip, also in relation to an alleged suspension of the Basic Law you can hear statements in the trailer that are actually just as familiar from the lateral thinker scene.
With statements on the suspension of the Basic Law, Schweiger puts himself in the corner of lateral thinkers
"The other bad thing is the change in the law, which has more or less overridden our Basic Law. This is how people are now practically being blackmailed or seduced – by saying: We will give you some of your basic rights, which we cannot be deprived of based on our constitution, but then you can travel again, then the children can go to grandma again, without fear," says the actor in the trailer.
Twitter author Lorenz Meyer describes these statements by the 57-year-old as an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect: "Til #Schweiger provides a great example of the Dunning-Kruger with his latest statements against vaccination and "restrictions on fundamental rights". -Effect from: The 'cognitive distortion in the self-image of incompetent people overestimating their own knowledge and ability.'"
The Munich film producer and lawyer Peter Heilrath, who knows Schweiger personally briefly, also described the statements in the video as complete "nonsense" to t-online: "Even a Til Schweiger should know that various fundamental rights, such as life and freedom are always in competition with each other. Parliament and administration explore the relationship. And every decision and every law can also be subject to judicial review - even by actors who make wild claims."
Schweiger had attracted attention in the past for his proximity to corona deniers
Til Schweiger had already drawn attention to himself several times in the past with his proximity to critics of German corona policy. Among other things, he advertised the conspiracy theorist Ken Jebsen, showed himself on Instagram with his "hero" and lateral thinking blogger Boris Reitschuster and quoted the corona denier and ENT doctor Bodo Schiffmann on Instagram.
Til Schweiger now gets a proper round of applause from the ranks of this bubble. The actor will most likely be seen as a role model by many in the lateral thinker scene, as did the celebrities who talked about German Corona policy under #Allesdichtmachen. But non-political people could also testify about the Schweigers be influenced.
In spring watson spoke to Alexander Waschkau. Waschkau is a psychologist and publicist. He is best known for the podcast "Hoaxilla", which he and his wife Alexa Waschkau have been moderating since 2010. In the audio format, both deal with conspiracy myths and other legends from a scientific perspective.
Waschkau was appalled at the statements made by popular actors such as Jan Josef Liefers, Volker Bruch and Ulrich Tukur. According to Waschkau, "well-known people use their status and continue to undermine democracy".
Apolitical people could be brought to conspiracy myths by Schweiger's statements
The problem is that celebrities have an incredible reach. "They also reach apolitical people and bring them into contact with these conspiracy narratives."
So far, Til Schweiger has not commented on what he said in the trailer. Irrespective of this, his opinion in the video would remain, as Waschkau made clear in the watson interview in relation to #Allesdichtmachen: "A later classification or correction will no longer be noticed and no longer shared."