There are many key figures with which you can rate the success of your SEO measures.But which ones are the most important?I call you the three most important SEO KPIs and explain what they are helpful for.
Why are SEO-KPIs helpful?
In addition to your SEO strategy and your SEO measures, measurement is also a relevant part of your optimization process.It is essential to develop a data awareness of the individual documents of your website.
Therefore, it makes sense to raise key performance indicators (KPIS) in defined time intervals and compare them with previous targets or KPIs.
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KPIs are collected for the following reasons:
Thus, the evaluation of the SEO-KPIsUltimately serves to monitor the achievement of your SEO targets.
Which SEO KPIs are the most important?
To monitor your own SEO measures, you should observe and evaluate several KPIs.However, it does not make sense to record as many key figures as possible.Instead, select the SEO KPIs that fit the objectives of your SEO measures.
Do your SEO measures relate to the traffic increase, a ranking improvement or maybe to increase the backlinks?Then you should keep an eye on the corresponding key figures.
In addition, I consider the consideration of the following key figures to be sensible in any case: organic traffic, visibility in the industry comparison and theClick Through Rate in the SERPS (click rate from the search results on your own document).
1.Development of organic traffic
Definition of organic traffic
Organic traffic includes the side access from the search engines that were not generated via the paid search.This includes clicks on snippets in the Serps (Search Engine Result Pages, Search List lists) as well as pictures, news articles, Google Maps results and the Knowledge Graph.
Relevance of organic traffic
Organic traffic is a particularly important key figure, since the increase in organic traffic is the focus of search engine optimization.
It is particularly revealing over time to find out how your side access has developed over a certain period of time and whether your SEO measures have already affected the traffic figures.
It is recommended to consider the times and days of the week, in the course of the month and in the year comparison.It is also important to interpret this key figure and to draw conclusions about your target group.Ask questions like:
Der Unterschied zwischen Brand-Und Non-Brand-Organic-Traffic
It makes sense to divide organic traffic into brand traffic and non-branded traffic, since these two groups are based on different intentions during their search queries.
Your brand traffic refers to the visitors whoUsed Keywords with reference to your brand in their search query and have come to your side via a non-paid search result.
For side visitors who have come to your website via the organic search withoutUsing brand-related keywords, it is organic non-branding traffic.
Brand Traffic represents the side visitors who already know your company and search for your website.Therefore, brand trafficUsually has a higher CTR (Click Through Rate) as non-branded traffic.
For searches with brands, your websiteUsually ranks far forward without SEO efforts.But of course there is not only a result on the first Goolge page, but ten.
Therefore, make sure that you are as much as possible in the search results.This is possible, for example, through expert articles on external portals.Positive results for your brand should also rank as far ahead as possible and take as much space as possible in the search results.As a result, they displace negative results.
Side visitors from the Non-Brand Traffic category may not yet know your company or have not thought of you when you search.For non-brand search inquiries, it is important to rank far forward in the search results with the most relevant content as possible.
This allows you to increase the awareness of your company and convince the searchers with suitable content from you.Increasing organic non-brand traffic is a sign that you win for relevant searches for visibility.
Tool-Tipp: Google Analytics, Keyword Hero
2.Visibility development of an individual keyword set
Definition of visibility
The visibility indicates how to be found a website is compared to the competition for a certain keyword set in the search results.It is specified in a so-called visibility index, which is calculated slightly differently depending on the tool provider.
Here the rankings of the website for a representative set of keywords, the expected traffic from positioning and the expected traffic from the keyword are flowing in.
As a rule, visibility movesUpwards from zero linear.A well -known visibility index is that of Sistrix.
Relevance of the visibility of an individual keyword set
Based on the visibility index, you canUnderstand which keywords your domain is easily found.The visibility index can serve as the starting point of your analysis and beUsed to control your measures over time.You can alsoUse your help toUnderstand regulatory measures from Google such as punishment.
The visibility is particularly meaningful if you define individual keyword sets with the search terms that are particularly relevant to you and observed them over time.So you can watch the rankings that are really important for you.For example, you can define your keyword cluster after
If you have formed this cluster, you should compare your visibility in these relevant keyword sets with your direct market companion.
Through the comparison data you can see when and where the visibility of your competitors has changed to the identical keywords, and can derive corresponding measures.
Tool-Tipp: Sistrix, Page Rangers, Searchmetrics
3.Click Through Rate
DefinitionClick Through Rate
TheClick Through Rate (CTR) or click rate sets the number of clicks that take place on a search result in Google, in relation to the number of times that has been shown this result, the so -called impressions.The CTR is given in percent.
RelevanzClick Through Rate
A high CTR is just like a high length of stay and a low bounce rate (S.U.) A positive signal for the search engine.The higher the CTR in the Serps, the more traffic you get out of your rankings.In addition, the CTR provides information about two essential things:
- Wie gut ist das SnippetUnd somit der erste Eindruck eines Web-Auftritts in den Suchergebnissen gestaltet? Eine hohe CTR kann ein Indiz dafür sein, dass der TitleUnd die Description ansprechend sindUnd die Nutzer zum Klicken animieren. Eine niedrige CTR kann hingegen bedeuten, dass TitleUnd Description optimiert werden sollten.
- Eine niedrige CTR kann zudem ein Hinweis dafür sein, dass euer Web-Auftritt zuUnpassenden Keywords rankt. Sucht ein Nutzer zum Beispiel nach „SEO-Kennzahl“, aber findet in den Suchergebnissen eine SEO-Agentur, wird er wahrscheinlich nicht auf dieses Ergebnis klicken. Seine Intention war mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit, sich über SEO-Metriken zu informieren. Er war nicht auf der Suche nach einer Agentur, die ihn berät. Somit entspricht das Ergebnis nicht seiner SuchintentionUnd die CTR für dieses Suchergebnis ist wahrscheinlich gering.
Definiert daher für jedes Dokument eurer Webseite eine CTRUnd beobachtet diese regelmäßig,Um entsprechende SEO-Maßnahmen vorzunehmen.
By the way, the counterpart to the CTR in the SERPS is the return-to-serp rate.This indicates how many users return to the search results after clicking on your snippet.
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Tool-Tipp: Google Search Console, Serplorer
Which key figures are otherwise important?
You should also keep an eye on this SEO-KPIS:
Number of indexed documents
Http status code 404
VerweildauerUnd Absprungrate
Loading time
Nutzt SEO-KPIs,Um den Erfolg eurer Maßnahmen zu überwachen. Besonders den organischen Traffic, eure Sichtbarkeit für relevante KeywordsUnd dieClick Through Rate in den SERPs solltet ihr regelmäßig analysieren.