While clinics in Bavaria fear that they will soon no longer be able to guarantee patient care, there are not yet any bottlenecks in the NRW hospitals . This is the result of a WDR research.
Hilmar Riemenschneider from the hospital company NRW explains that so far most operations, including those that can be planned, can take place. So far, no patients have had to be transferred because of overcrowded clinics. However, the situation is getting worse – also because many hospitals are in the process of catching up on operations that had to be postponed due to previous corona waves.
In the supra-regional trauma and emergency center Bergmannsheil there is a multi-stage " to create additional capacities for Covid intensive care patients at short notice. Robin Jopp, Head of Corporate Communications there, says that the number of intensive care patients is increasing - for example most of them are unvaccinated.
According to DIVI, hospitals in North Rhine-Westphalia have a total of around 5,300 ready-to-use intensive care beds for adults.