By Sabine Schwill
Glue.If you want to be informed or to be entertained, after two years of Corona, you have already got used to sitting on the computer at home and using digital event formats.In this version, the large district town also brought its New Year's reception to the people after the good experiences and the encouragement from last year.He had been designed entertaining and entertaining so as not to let boredom on the screen arise.Due to the one -hour program, Melanie Greiner led from the city administration in a charming way.In addition to the New Year's address of the Mayor Hans D.Reinwald, excellent music as well as interesting conversations and guests were able to attend a very adorable musical premiere.
The mayor had taken a seat to recording his New Year's address in the History Hall of the Historical City Hall.Corona pandemic was at the top of his list of topics."The dominant topic was and is Corona," he emphasized.The virus had changed the life of everyone in the truest sense of the word.Thanks, recognition and respect, he paid everyone who serves the general public in this pandemic, regardless of whether doctors, nursing staff or auxiliary services: "They are due to our respect.Thank you for existing."It is particularly frightening that political extremists would take advantage of the current situation and, with disinformation, distrust and reject against the Corona protection measures and the vaccination campaigns would stir up.This increasingly leads to demonstrations in many cities."Demonstrations are legal, stone throws on police officers are not," said Reinwald.He had no understanding for such behavior."We are all sorry for Corona and want it to end, but there are simply things that a decent person does not do," said the OB.He also worried the "social cold", which is complained about by many in the country. Glücklicherweise sei diese in Glue nicht zu spüren.Reinwald proudly referred to the great willingness to donate among the population for social projects and the sum of 30.000 euros, which was received by the city's social fund in 2021 to help the needy.
A look back at the most important events in the world and in the country was not missing before the OB focused on the large district town.A lot had happened in 2021.Among other things, the flood protection concept for Leimbach or Hardtbach, the new building of the Youth Association Basket 2 had been decided.0 and the introduction of a municipal security service that has extended powers. Zudem nannte er hierbei den Neubau eines Kindergartens beim Ludwig-Uhland-Haus, die Aufstellung des Bebauungsplans für das Interkommunale Gewerbegebiet Heidelberg-Glue, den Lärmaktionsplan sowie die Tiefgarage am Rathausplatz."It is known that the redesign of the Rathausplatz is particularly important to me," he emphasized.In its current form, this is not a figurehead.A good compromise was found in the local council in October."I am confident that in the foreseeable future we will have a nice place with a high quality of stay and that the adjacent gastronomy will certainly contribute to this."
His view had a few more topics and construction sites to offer. Hier nannte er Maßnahmen bei der Awo Glue, bei Turm- und Geschwister-Scholl-Schule, beim Sportzentrum im Stadtteil Gauangelloch sowie die Stadtentwicklung in Glue-Mitte und das neue Interkommunale Gewerbegebiet, von dessen großem Potenzial man sich für die Zukunft einiges verspreche.In addition, street renovation measures and the bike path expansion are available.
"Wir alle geben unser Bestes, um unser Glue lebenswert zu gestalten", betonte der OB.Much that would be desirable cannot be implemented this year either, since the financial scope does not allow it."Administration and local council are working together to improve this situation."Reinwald's final request:" Get in, work with."Whoever has ideas or criticism should argue this."But please do so objectively with respect and decency."Still at home, to scold loudly at the regulars' table or anonymously on the Internet, do not bring anyone any further.
Info: The New Year's address with a musical supporting program is at www.glue.TV available.