Amazon mischt natürlich weiterhin mit im Haifischbecken der Angebote und liefert Ihnen aus den verschiedenen Kategorien die Schnäppchen am Wochenende nach Black Friday: Smartphones, hauseigene Amazon Devices, Küchen & Haushaltsgeräte, Mode, Baumarktartikel, Fernseher, Kopfhörer und vieles, vieles mehr.
However, Platzhirsch Amazon cannot treat itself to a break and must have the competition in mind.The Black Friday offers from Media Markt and Saturn have also provided customers with strong Black Week deals for over days.Up to 50 percent savings are not uncommon here.In places it happens that the two shops Amazon even undercut again in the price.A look and comparison in the offers is definitely worth it.
The Samsung online shop continues to come up with its good action: With the Samsung offered to Black Friday, the online store gives you another free of charge-and that for the next few hours. Egal ob Smartphones, Tablets, TV & Audio, Wearables, Haushalt oder IT - Fans des Herstellers wissen die Rabatte sicherlich zu schätzen.