In the hallways in the Reichstag, the sneakers squeak, but the ties are less likely to blow in the west lobby: the Bundestag has never been so young, diverse and female.And that a new style could also move in, the constituent session on 26.October and the inaugural speech by the new Bundestag President Bärbel Bas clearly.Meanwhile, the coalition negotiations between the SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FDP are running.The basis is the exploratory paper, further proposals seep through.
It is a career that melted the red heart of every social: secondary school, evening studies and now Bundestag president.Bärbel Bas, until recently the SPD faction vice with the health area of health, dressed since 26.October after the Federal President the second highest office in the state - even before the Chancellor.The Duisburg native is chosen with a large majority - 576 out of 725 votes.In her inaugural speech garnished with Ruhrpott, she calls for another style."Let's attach a reasonable tone.Nobody likes to hear the shrill sounds, ”she speaks to the MPs and adds:" By the way, quiet tones are not."
Your political hobbyhorse, health policy, is more likely to be between the lines.Politics also have to take care of the people who are not in the spotlight of attention.
Sabine Dittmar is missing
Now that BAS is President of the Bundestag, she will not take part in the coalition negotiations in the health and care team.For the strongest parliamentary group in the Bundestag, health experts are negotiating.Karl Lauterbach, Bavaria's SPD leader Ronja Endres and Lower Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs Daniela Behrens-Negotiator is DR.Katja Pähle, group leader of the comrades in Saxony-Anhalt.The name of Sabine Dittmar, in the last legislature at least the health policy spokeswoman for her faction, is missing and does not appear in other working groups.
With the other parties there are little surprises.Negotiator Maria Klein-Schmeink (previously health-political parliamentary group spokeswoman), the emergency doctor and member of the Bundestag dr..Janosch Dahmen, Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Health Manne Lucha and the previous nursing policy spokeswoman for the Bundestag Green Kordula Schulz-Ash.For the FDP, the previous health policy spokeswoman Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus and Health Committee Chairman Prof in the first place.Andrew Ullmann, Schleswig-Holstein's Minister of Health Heiner Garg and the previously nursing political spokeswoman Nicole Westig.
S explicit paper without reform zealous
The basis is the twelve pages long exploratory paper from 15.October.It does not reveal a great reform zeal for health policy.Prevention and prevention should become the guiding principle.Citizens' insurance does not come, the previous dual system should be recorded.The cut topics as well as the TO-DO list of still Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU): Develop DRGs with special consideration of obstetrics, pediatrics and emergency care;More cross -sectoral cooperation and networking of various health facilities and professions;Strengthening and digitization of the public health service (ÖGD);Relieve nursing staff through more staff and money as well as less bureaucracy.You have heard and read all of that."Clear nationwide requirements for personnel assessment” are also nothing new.That the traffic lights teach the pandemic and want to make the health system crisisproof - free of charge.
However, it is already noticeable that the clammy location of the health insurance finance is mentioned.After all, the federal government has to shoot a further 14 billion euros from tax money for the coming year so that the additional contributions remain stable.One would have expected at least one half sentence to be preserved from the traffic lights and "the statutory and private health and long-term care insurance".
SPD building blocks go deeper
Ein inoffizielles SPD-Papier, das der Presseagentur Gesundheit vorliegt und „Bausteine" für die Koalitionsverhandlungen nennt, wird da deutlicher.It is circulating a few days after publication of the exploratory results."We want to clean up false incentives of the previous DRG system, some of which have led to over and undersupply," it says there."Financing deficits for basic care hospitals must be eliminated as well as, for example, with offers of obstetrics as well as child and adolescent medicine."The social democrats want to know and promote the outpatient potential of the clinics, especially for care in the area.Regional clinic locations should consistently take care of the "outpatient co -care"."Part of the previously fully inpatient budget share of the hospitals is to be used for clinically outpatient offers in the future in order to strengthen the principle outpatient before inpatient."
The SPD recognizes the previous sector limits as problematic."Our goal is as close as possible to collaborations by hospitals with resident doctors within the framework of integrated care centers."Clinics that meet the requirements for inpatient emergency care are regularly involved in outpatient emergency care, another idea is.Outside of regular office hours, cooperation models between the on -call service of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and hospitals could "become the preferred form of ensuring outpatient emergency care".
Furthermore, the federal government should be more involved in the investments in hospitals - so far officially country business -.The SPD is thinking of an united amount in billions.