The nationwide seven-day incidence of Corona new infection increases and increases.
If the indices were still 149 in the previous week, the Robert Koch Institute reported an incidence of 191.5 this Sunday.
We are in the middle of the fourth wave.And take this as an opportunity to briefly respond to a topic that still (or again) busy in readers' emails: How can I take the digital vaccination detection in the Apple Wallet?
Germany relies on the Covass and the Corona Warn app
Actually this is not officially planned in Germany.The saving is to be made via the Covpass app or the Corona Warn app.
CovPassGesundheit und FitnessiPhone (10634)47 MBGratisCorona-Warn-AppGesundheit und FitnessiPhone (66235)69 MBGratisWell: We have already reported several ways how you can still import your corona vaccination pass into Apple's Wallet app.Also the website Covidpass.EU also helps this.
Where is the advantage?
With Covpass and Corona-Warn app, your iPhone usually has to be unlocked in order to then search for and open the app.If you wear a mask, you need an extra time to find.If the vaccination detection in the wallet is, the double click ranges in the top right, on the way to which Apple Pay also activates you when shopping.
Via Greece into the wallet
ITOPNEWS reader Thomas (thank you very much) pointed out to us at another new option at the weekend to put the vaccination certificate in the wallet.Something strange, but it works: with the official Greek covid app.
Covid Free GRGesundheit und FitnessiPhone (20)26 MBGratisAlternative (same purpose, same authority/thanks Andreas):
Covid Free GR WalletReiseniPhone (23)32 MBGratisOnce loaded, click on the plus sign, then you scan the QR code on your vaccination certificate.And then click on the button to remove the detection in the wallet.Finished!Because the Greek authorities officially allow the deposit in Apple's "cards" center.Also with a German certificate!The EU validity is then displayed in the wallet.
Alternative: State the vaccination certificate as a widget
Finally: The vaccination pass can also be stored as a widget on the homescreen.It is also easy: You take a screen photo of the vaccination certificate from the Covpass or Corona Warn app and link it to a widget.
Here is Z.B.The app Widgetsmith.Choose a square size in the application in the selection.Then click on the right widget and select "Photo".Then you select the screenshot, click on Save and then place the widget at the desired point on the homescreen.
WidgetsmithProduktivitätuniversal (47836)24 MBGratisAlternative 2: Show vaccination certificate in the widget view
Or you do not deposit the widget on the homescreen, but in the widget view on the far left.For this purpose, the device is then simply wiped from left to right to display the widget.