Delegated of the Baden-Württemberg district associations of the Sudeten German Landsmannschaft accepted the invitation to this year's State Assembly in the Home of the Heimat Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart in order to carry out new elections in addition to the upcoming regulations.
Die Sitzungsleitung der diesjährigen wieder in Präsenz durchgeführten Versammlung lag in den bewährten Händen des langjährigen Vorsitzenden der Landesversammlung, Jürgen Ginzel.He welcomed those present and introduced the conference.During the memory of the dead, he reminded of the compatriots who had died since the last meeting.Then he handed over the word to state chairman Klaus Hoffmann.This gave a look back at the events of the past two years, mentioned the decisions of the delegates made in the circulation process at the end of 2020 and went in particular on the commemoration for 4.March 1919, which was broadcast in the spring by video conference.By transferring the commemoration on the Internet, interested parties were also successful outside of Baden-Württemberg for the celebration.So this is one of the few events to commemorate the victims of the 4.March 1919 was in the Sudetenland, which was carried out with technical support from the Heiligenhof, the Sudeten German educational center in Bad Kissingen.The memory of those who left their lives for self -determination rights is one of the central events of the Sudeten Germans.
Mit Spannung wurden nach der Bundestagswahl die Wahlergebnisse aus der Tschechischen Republik erwartet.The government is voted out that the Czech president must now take the next steps in accordance with the constitution.Due to the illness of Zeman, however, this further events at the time of the meeting were still unclear.For this purpose, Prague is currently reported that President Zeman has commissioned the winners of the election to form the government.State chairman Hoffmann was optimistic that a new government would take responsibility in the future and thus also the open Sudeten German question received a new chance of an answer.
"Die Sudetendeutschen sind nach wie vor eine starke, eine agile Volksgruppe" wie er betonte.She was also not turned backwards.Because the long history in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia will always be one of the load -bearing pillars of the compatriot, which is the foundation on which the future would be built.This future is reflected in the fundamental declaration of the Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschaft from 2015, which he repeatedly cited in his speech as a guideline.The explanation sees the strengthening of the Sudeten German community and the processing of the common history as well as its passing on to younger generations in the first place.After that, however, the question of recognition of the wrongly inflicted injustice and a healing in the "framework of the possible".The maintenance and further development of the rich Sudetendeutsche Kultur is also dedicated to a separate point in the fundamental declaration.The Sudeten Germans are concerned with the fact that on the basis of the existing new joint initiatives, which go far beyond the preservation of Sudeten German culture and thus "preserve and make it fruitful for the future".After all, the country team is also concerned that minority rights are protected and crimes against minorities and human rights are outlawed worldwide.
Nach Feststellung der Anwesenheit und Delegiertenzahl erläuterte Vermögensverwalterin Regine Löffler-Klemsche die Haushaltszahlen des Jahres 2020.She expressly thanked the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of the Interior for Corona support, which, however, were not sufficient to compensate for a shortage in the household.According to the report of the cash auditors and discharge of the board, elections followed.
In geheimer Wahl wurde Landesobmann Klaus Hoffmann einstimmig in seinem Amt bestätigt.The delegates also confirmed Deputy Waltraud Illner and now elected Christoph Zalder as a further deputy.Christian Lueger was also elected as secretary.The delegate Ilse von Freyburg, Peter Kainz, Bruno Klemsche and Franz Longin chose as assessors.Regine Klemsche-Löffler will continue the cash register in the next few years and Jürgen Ginzel will act as chairman of the state assembly.With Vinzenz Sliwka (Nürtingen), the meeting was by far the youngest member of the board.With the choice of Otfried Janik, Michael A.Bauer and Roland Liebl as auditors were awarded the last election offices."The board is a good mix of young and experienced compatriots.I look forward to working together in the next few years, "said the re -elected state chairman.
Klaus Hoffmann dankte den aus ihren Ämtern ausgeschiedenen Landsleuten herzlich für deren zum Teil jahrzehntelange Mitarbeit.To the surprise, he had brought in honors by the Federal Association.Johann Jungbauer, Roland Liebl, Walter Heinisch, Elfriede Glassl, Marianne Bayreuther, Christoph Zalder and Jürgen Ginzel received the great honor of honor of the Sudeten German compatriot and Waltraud Illner, City Councilor Iris Ripam A.D., Regine Löffler-Klemsche and Bruno Klemsche presented the spokesman's certificate of thanks.
Nach Verabschiedung des Haushalts 2022 stimmten die Delegierten noch einer Satzungsänderung zu.In particular, the project of Friedenslocken of the Diocese of Rottenburg/Stuttgart was discussed.It was agreed that the project was meant well, but would be critically accepted on the part of the German displaced persons.The delegates recommended the conversation with Bishop DR.Find prince.
Die Landesversammlung der Sudetendeutschen Landsmannschaft 2021 endete mit einem Dank für den regen Austausch des Vorsitzenden der Landesversammlung Jürgen Ginzel sowie einem Hinweis auf die bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen im Haus der Heimat des Landes Baden-Württemberg.