Enjoy pleasant warmth: From now on you also ensure pleasant temperatures wherever there is no heating.With up to2.000 watts of power can be heated up living room, party cellar or bathroom when it is freezing cold outside.
Die Räume sind immer optimal warm: Die Wunsch-Temperatur lässt sich auf das Grad genau einstellen.Thanks to the integrated thermostat, the heating switches on and off automatically to keep the desired temperature.Or you choose the constant operation with 3 heating levels.
Die Heizung mit der Stimme steuern: Mit wenigen Klicks in den jeweiligen Apps profitiert man vom Alexa Voice Service von Amazon und vom Google Assistant. So stellt man beispielsweise die Wunsch-Temperatur und die Heizstufe per Sprachbefehl ein - bequem vom Bett oder Sofa aus!
Automatisch heizen dank programmierbarem Timer: Für jeden Tag lassen sich individuelle Heizzeiten einstellen.So the heating always warms exactly when you need it!Thanks to a weekly repetition, you don't have to activate the timer again.
Von Wärme empfangen: Der Heizlüfter kann per Smartphone-App schon unterwegs eingestellt werden! So sind die Räume wohlig warm, wenn man von der Arbeit oder dem Winterausflug nach Hause kommt.
Platzsparend and der Wand: DieHeizungvonSichler Haushaltsgerätewird einfach mit dem mitgeliefertem Montagematerial beliebig an eine Wand befestigt.
Electrical heating EHZ-20000 with voice control and app
3 heating levels selectable: 800 watts, 1.200 watts and2.000 watts
Freely adjustable temperature: 0 - 37 ° C in 1 ° steps
Integrated thermostat: switches on and off the device to keep your desired room temperature
Programmable on/off-switch timer for daily heating times, also with a weekly repetition
Ideal for rooms with up to20 m²
WiFi-compatible: supports WLAN standards IEEE 802.11b/g/n (2.4 GHz)
Worldwide app control via the Internet, Z.B.To switch on the heating on the way home
Free app "Elesion" for iOS and Android, available in the App Store and on Google Play: for switching on and off, setting the desired temperature, step selection, timer settings
Compatible with Alexa Voice Service by Amazon and Google Assistant: by Echo, Echo Dot, Google Home and Compatible Loudspeakers, serve the heating with voice commands
Switch the device on and off by voice command, adjust the temperature to a certain number of degrees, increase temperature and lower, let current set temperature be announced
Simple operation also directly on the device and by remote control
Illuminated LCD display: shows room temperature, set temperature, time, mode, WLAN connection
One/off switch
Suitable for wall mounting
Performance: Max.2.000 watts
Stromversorgung Heizung:230 Volt, Fernbedienung:2 Batterien Typ AAA / Micro (bitte dazu bestellen)
Dimensions: 92 x 41.5 x 8.6 cm, weight: 5.3 kg
Heating including remote control, wall assembly material and German instructions
Preis: 119,90 EUR