BERLIN.The infection among students in Germany continues to grow rapidly - and pulls up the incidence as a whole."In reporting week 43/2021, the 7-day incidence is again significantly increased in all, even in the higher age groups compared to the previous week.A leap in the current week in the age group between 10 and 14 years is from 240 to 356 per 100 in the current week.000 to observe, ”is how the Robert Koch Institute writes in its current weekly report.The pandemic situation among children and adolescents in the two previous hotspots of Bavaria and Thuringia is currently calming down due to vacation.But worries not only cause the Coronavirus.
Sebastian Mohr, physicist and statistician in a scientist group around the Max Planck researcher Viola Priesemann, collects current corona data and continuously publishes them in an overview map with incidence in cities and circles in Germany, which can also be specified according to age.In the Brandenburg district of Elbe-Elster, the incidence of five to 14 year olds is then 1.960 - as high as never before in an age group of a German region.However, nationwide is the number of counties in which incidence among students over 1 is.000 lies, decreased significantly: if there were still ten in the past week, there are currently only three left.In the previous crisis countries in Thuringia and Bavaria, autumn holidays are currently.
The RKI has launched its Corona risk assessment for Germany-in any case for unvaccinated
The federal states react inconsistently to the infection in schools.While in Bavaria and Thuringia from next week, if the lessons start again, mask obligation in the classroom applies (in Thuringia again a test obligation for pupils who were also deleted there), other federal states-North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein- The mask obligation in the classrooms has just just been deleted."The measure is responsible," says NRW Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann today in the "Rheinische Post".In Saxony, where Cultural Minister Christian Piwarz (CDU) has been infected with the Coronavirus, the already announced loss of mask obligation was canceled in class.The state government of Baden-Württemberg is considering reintroducing the masks in the classrooms after the autumn holidays, even though it was only deleted three weeks ago.
The RKI is positioned significantly."The current development of the situation is very worrying, and it is feared that there will be a further increase in severe diseases and deaths and the available intensive medical treatment capacities can be exceeded, should not quickly be general, non -pharmacological measures - such as wearing masks, compliance with the minimum distance, the contact reduction, ventilation - lead to a significant reduction in the transmissions, ”says the RKI."In the current situation due to the high infection pressure, these measures are also important for vaccinated and recourse (also at events or meetings under 3G and 2G conditions!) In order to spread Sars-Cov-2 and other pathogens, such as influenzaand RSV, to brake and prevent serious illnesses and deaths."
Background: In Germany, serious illnesses from the RS virus are increasing in particular among children.The capacities of children's clinics for emergencies have already been exhausted in many places, asNews4teachers reports.
„Es zeichnet sich über die letzten Wochen ein deutlicher Anstieg der Fälle mit COVID-19-Diagnose auf den Intensivstationen ab"
The RKI has launched its Corona risk assessment for Germany-in any case for unvaccinated. Die Gefährdung für die Gesundheit der nicht oder nur einmal geimpften Bevölkerung in Deutschland wird insgesamt jetzt als „sehr hoch" angegeben."For fully vaccinated persons, the risk is assessed as a moderate, but due to the increasing number of infections."
Because: "With data stand from 03.11.2021 are 2.226 people with a covid 19 diagnosis treated in an intensive care unit.This has become a clear increase in cases with COVID-19 diagnosis on the intensive care units over the past few weeks.Within the last week of 27.10.-3.11.21 there was an increase of 458 people."
The drivers of the infection are obviously the schools - even if this is not explicitly explained in the weekly report.The nationwide incidence of ten to 14-year-old students has increased to the record of 354.Although it has been tested in schools since Easter, the values were never over 250.This also applies to elementary school students, the five to nine-year-olds, in whom 293 also registered in the current weekly report, a previous peak value is also registered in the current weekly report.15- to 19 year olds are just behind at 246.
The RKI has counted a total of 753 Corona eruptions in schools in the past four weeks, whereby more can be added through late registrations.It is emphasized: “The number of school outbreaks transmitted again very clearly from the beginning of August to early October 2021.The autumn holidays probably play a role in the decline since mid -October." Die sind in der kommenden Woche in allen Bundesländern vorbei.
Remarkable: In the past few weeks, the RKI in its reports had (also) justified the number of incidence among students with the regular mandatory tests in the schools. „Bei der zugenommenen Ausbruchshäufigkeit in Schulen spielen vermutlich die leichtere Übertragbarkeit der Delta-Variante und die ausgeweiteten Testaktivitäten eine Rolle, wobei (auch asymptomatische) Infektionen frühzeitig erkannt werden", so hieß es.The latter was gratefully admitted by cultural ministries as an argument to small the infection in schools.This relativization can no longer be found in the current RKI report-no wonder: it has been tested for a long time, namely since April.The numbers have never been as worrying as now.News4teachers
Click here for the current weekly report of the Robert Koch Institute.