Fans fear that Rockstar could completely hire support for Red Dead Online.
We were wrong when we anticipated a big comeback for Red Dead Online after the announcement of the Blood Money update.Despite good approaches, the content on bounty hunters and the criminal underworld did not satisfy a but not long -standing but passionate community for long.Especially in view of the sharp contrast to the lush GTA online.
Now the desperate players start a protest on Twitter and let the hashtag #saovedDeadonline trend. Konkrete Auslöser dafür gibt es auch: Einen Ingame-Teaser, der auf ein Jahr voller Abenteuer
verweist und gleichzeitig die Ankündigung einer (dauerhaften?) Umstellung von wöchentlichen auf monatliche Boni- und Update-Aktionen seitens Rockstar.
This seems like bare irony for many players: on the one hand, support seems to be reduced, on the other hand they should be happy.Part of the problem is the nebulous communication of rock star, so that players often do not know what they are.
Suffered community
Disappointment comes from expectation: Since many fans measure the multiplayer mode of Red Dead Redemption 2 to GTA online, Red Dead Online can hardly do well online.GTA Online is still very popular eight years after the release and generates corresponding income for the developer.An extensive update follows the next.
According to all available measurements, Red Dead Online seems to be interested in far fewer players, accordingly the development of new content should also be less worthwhile.What is understandable from an economic point of view can be a passionate community that sees the game left behind, but little reconciliation.
[Image source: Steamcharts.com]
Protest as a last remedy
If the monthly bonuses actually represent Red Dead online, the signs are not good for the future of Red Dead Online.
Numerous players are now looking for hearing from Rockstar and send the Twitter Hashtag #sauteddeadonline into the ether, which was tweeted 200 times within the last hour.These are also not astronomical numbers that make the underlying problem recognizable.
Many users, for example in 339.000 fans-strong Subreddit, have long been calling the end of Red Dead Online and showing themselves disappointed, sad and angry.A user on Twitter says that Red Dead Online has so few players because Rockstar produces too few content:
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What fans stimulate
Red Dead Online now has a lot of content that can occupy hundreds of hours: you earn money by working as a bounty hunter, schnapps tunnel, treasure hunter, hunter and dealer as well as a natural customer.Many horses, weapons and cosmetics can be earned or buy, there is an even incomplete main story and numerous secondary missions.With Blood Money, a storyline around the criminal underworld was even added in July 2021:
1: 00RED DEAD Online: Trailer presents the new content of the Blood Money update
The hardcore players who spent hundreds or thousands of hours in the game world should have long since played through this.And they want more depth and diversity, similar to them in GTA online.
Increased features include:
Wie leidenschaftlich die Spieler arbeiten, führt ein besonders fleißiger Fan vor Augen: Auf einer Fanseite stellt Yangy
einen komplexen, voll ausgearbeiteten Plan für eine fünfjährige Update-Roadmap vor.The time must show whether there is still something comparable or the fears of the players.