Without question, Kontra K (33) is one of the most successful Germans - and also one of the most productive. The Berliner 2020 was able to show nine albums in ten years, the last five made it to the top of the charts. There will also be new music by Kontra K in 2021: "Back from the light to the shadows", which will be released on May 21st, is the name of his tenth work. Many of the songs revolve around the ups and downs in the 33-year-old's life. In an interview with the news agency spot on news, Kontra K talks about his relationship with death, why the album should be played at his funeral and why he never loses his sense of humor.
Her album is entitled "Back from the light into the shadows". In 2015 your album was called "Out of the shadows into the light". Does that sound a little ominous?
Contra K: It depends on the angle from which you look at it. Is the shadow good or bad? If you look at the world today and the way people treat each other, the shade is almost nice and cozy again. One is at peace with oneself and not in the limelight and constant bombardment. Of course, you can also see it differently: In order to fight something evil, you have to become a little rougher yourself.
Many of the songs on the new album revolve around your own life. Was that a big challenge for you?
Kontra K: I don't just write the songs like that. I've carried them around with me for 20 years. If there's one album that should be played at my funeral, this is it. It's the perfect obituary. I gave people the opportunity to understand me with the album. There are several songs that show different facets of me and make me what I am. All together make the big picture.
The subject of failure is also addressed in your songs. You are one of the most successful in Germany - has that ever happened to you? It seems like everything is going smoothly for you.
Against K: That's not true. More money, more problems. The higher you climb, the deeper the fall. Everything always seems a lot brighter than it seems. The drop heights in which I move are much greater than with other people. The trick is to climb back up when you fall - and best of all, to make it look easy. But it's hard work. Failure is part of winning. I have to run into the wall to know: I can't get through there, I need another way.
The lyrics are also very dark at times. Does that reflect your current mood?
Kontra K: My mood is always gloomy. If you expect evil, then don't be surprised. I prefer to deal with the less good things in life. Then I'm all the happier about the good things that happen.
One line of text reads, "We are all waiting for death". Is that the case with you?
Kontra K: We're actually just waiting for death and life is everything in between. I've made my peace with that. If I get run over today, then I've accomplished a lot in my life. I think that every day and that's how life is good. Because I make the best version of myself. And if it's over today, then at least it's been good up to here. You should just use the time you have.
Many concerts had to be canceled due to Corona. How are you with that?
Kontra K: We continue to work together and test each other every morning and evening. I'd rather spend more money on testing than stay at home, neglect everything and see my business end up going broke. But you also have to stay positive. Don't lose your sense of humor either. I still laugh when the rope is around my neck. I won't let that take me.
You have a tour planned for the end of the year. Do you think this can take place?
Against K: Yes. Once the situation calms down, things should go back to normal. So I assume we play this tour - I pray for that. I don't give up hope until it's lost and not even then. I don't know no. If it doesn't work out, I'll perform at the beginning of next year. How nice will it be when everything opens up again and we can play this tour? This is the moment I'm hoping for and working towards.