On a cold November Monday there was a secret meeting that had what it takes to shake off the German television industry.High-ranking managers and representatives of the Italian ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi met the supervisory board head of ProSiebenSat1, Werner Brandt,.One could almost say: they confronted him - with their dissatisfaction, also towards him personally.
Berlusconi holds shares (plus derivatives and options) in the amount of around 23 percent of Pro7 with his media group Mediaset - and wants to significantly expand his power in the transmitter.Business Insider learned from mediaet circles that Berlusconi wants to take over the broadcaster in the medium term.The secret meeting with Brandt was an important intermediate step.The Italians are dissatisfied with the strategy of the group management under Rainer Beaujean, they do not want to extend his contract that expires in the coming year.He lacks conclusive concepts, it says from Mediaset circles.At Pro7 there would be a non -thought -out smorgasbord of bought -up companies that had little in common, according to the criticism of the Italians.
Was die Berlusconi-Leute meinen, sind die drei Säulen, auf denen Pro7 steht: Unterhaltung, Datingplattformen und dem Segment Commerce & Ventures.The group includes elite partners, Parship or the US dating platform EHARMONY.The Italians would rather have sold this segment yesterday than today. Auch beim Segment Commerce & Ventures werfen sie der Pro7-Führung eher wahllose Investments in Startups vor.
The Berlusconi managers Brandt presented this criticism at the secret meeting.But that's not all, the Italians have also personally counted Brandt.After all, he was who has to control the course of the media group.The Italians criticized this task to a sufficient extent.The message was clear.Brandt's mandate as the supervisory board leader will expire next year.It should not yet be known whether he really wants to continue.Business Insider learned that the Berlusconi people would not put any stones in his way if he wanted to start again as the head of the control committee.The message at the meeting was also clear in this context: there are no stones when Brandt swings in Berlusconi's course.
The ex-premier is particularly important to its European media conglomerate, the "Media for Europe Holding", which is supposed to act across bodies.According to the will of Berlusconi, Pro7 is said to be part of it.CEO Beaujean sees no added value in such an alliance in the entertainment area.Business Insiders learned from corporate circles that the group was of the opinion that humor and entertainment were heavily dependent on the region.In the German -speaking area alone, that is very different.They kept between Germany and France or Italy.
However, Beaujean recently told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” that he sees synergy potential with Mediaset in the platform area.In the foundation of a common platform, on which different content of the media partners are played, he is positive about.Beaujean, very casually, emphasized that he was a lot of pleasure for the FAZ that his current job was a lot of pleasure - and indicated that he was definitely going to lead Pro7 beyond the coming year.A announcement towards Milan.