In the third episode of Prince Charming there is the first kiss with the prince, and the first candidates are also kept and there is also a lot of bare skin.There should also be a scandal!.The prince invites you to another group date.Cédric, Florian, Robin, Max and Pascal can be there.Kim already awaits you and has children's and youth pictures of the candidates in his luggage.Together they start a journey into the past and talk about their childhood, family and about the first gay parties.
Florian even puts one on top, because he conveniently has a polaroid camera with him and can hold the first date with his prince and hang to the other photos.In the meantime, the mood in the villa is pressed.Maurice was the only one to get a chance to get to know Kim better on a date and cry.Arne consoles him immediately, but both are unsure whether they stay in the house.The others talk about who has condoms with them and Kevin is well equipped: "A friend gave me 500 condoms and I still have a few of it."
Better Be Save then Sorry!On the date, Kim tells of his clichéd relationship with the dance teacher and that it was always difficult for him to show feelings and emotions.A problem that many men have in this toxic-male world. Man ist aber nicht nur ein Mann, weil man keine Gefühle hat – im Gegenteil, wer den Mut hat, sich seinen Emotionen zu stellen, beweist „Männlichkeit".This term is unnecessary anyway, - don't let yourself be put in drawers - masculinity can be everything!
Jan is invited to the individual data after the group date.It goes to the beach and there Kim is waiting for the upper body with open hair.Jan is enthusiastic and together they fall into the sea and the two come closer.There is a salty kiss that solves the tension of both men.But after that was broadcast, Maurice published an Instagram story and wrote that a bird chestily chested him with this kiss.Nico made a video about it and asked the ex-boyfriend and Jan: So take a picture of it yourself.
Back on the beach, the two talk about relationships again and Kim tells that his parents are absolutely role model on this topic.Wrapped in a towel Jan has the absolute E.T.-Lock, just not on the phone, but was smooched around.
Back in the villa, Jan vom Date tells very extensively and enjoyable, about the suffering of the other candidates.Maurice then takes him aside again and explains how uncharming he solved the situation.Dealing, jealousy and probably also a bit of hatred is in the villa.
Doch das vergeht alles am nächstenTag, denn der Prinz kommt zur Pool-Party.Exuberant mood, alcohol and the smell of sunscreen.Jan SchUbst Kim into the water and the festival is opened.But on this festival there is also a sad Maurice and Kim takes care of that and talks to him about his worries.After that he feels much better.He also finds the conversation with Arne which calmness exudes him.A man in whom the almost two meter tall Kim can also drop.Corey still has to get rid of something and confesses to the prince that he will go.Instead of stopping him as Corey would have liked, Kim lets him go.Last but not least, Manfred has their say and missed Bon, Max and Jan.Supposedly they should be regularly on a cuddly course.This violates the prince and Manfred hopes that he can score with this information at the prince and the other men get rid of it.
Entscheidung (SPOILER)Cédric, Robin, Felix (obwohl man nichts von ihm gesehen hat in dieser Folge), Jan, Arne, Pascal, Maurice,Thomas, Max, Manfred, Bon und Kevin sind weiter.At Manfred he thanked everyone else that he opened his eyes.He did not make friends in the villa with it: “We'll see each other at the Reunion Show - someone tells rumors here and when I find it out is a zapfenstreich.", ärgert sich Bon nach der Entscheidung.Corey is out as announced and Florian also has to leave the house because Kim cannot give him what he needs.
Who is your favorite and how do you feel about Manfred's action?