Olivia Wilde tells us 5 things that she was guaranteed not to know about you yet

Lifestyle Who would have thought that actress Olivia Wilde could eat 33 pancakes in 20 minutes?

By Emma Specter

Olivia Wilde convinces us not only as an actress, but also with these anecdotes from her life

In our world of 24-hour entertainment messages, it is difficult to remember that there are many things that we do not know about our most popular stars.Olivia Wilde, "Booksmart" director and star of films such as "Tron: Legacy", "The case Richard Jewell" and "So life" is no exception.Below you will find five things that you did not know about the star on the January cover of the American Vogue.

1.She has pretty impressive relationships with literary personalities

The parents of Olivia Wilde, Leslie and Andrew Cockburn are both journalists, and the writer Christopher Hitchens was their tenant in Washington for a while.C.(And even served as a wild babysitter).So it is not a big surprise that Wilde chose her professional name in honor of the Irish writer Oscar Wilde.

Olivia Wilde verrät uns 5 Dinge, die Sie garantiert noch nicht über sie wussten

2.It has Irish citizenship

Why wasn't Wilde yet occupied in a Sally Rooney film adaptation?I could well imagine it as Melissa in "Talks with friends".

3.She is not a stubborn mother, rather a cool mother (at least when it comes to the tattoos)

Olivia Wilde recently had the names of her children, Daisy and Otis, tattooed on the right and left arm.

4.She once tried a betting meal

Wilde ate 33 pancakes in 20 minutes, while working in Australia, and said about this experience: "I only took part in the competition because it was said that a woman could never win, and this is a steady way to do soto bring something."She actually won!

5.We can absolutely understand your enthusiasm for this celebrity

"Angelina Jolie, Clearly! Just see an actress who has gone through everything and who doesn't care what other people say about her - someone who has gone his own way," said Wilde towards "Women's Health" about her biggestswarm.

This article appeared in the original on Vogue.com.

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