Basically, investors in Novavax shares should have been happy about yesterday's announcement by STIKO: Nuvaxovid is recommended for people aged 18 and over. But the course fireworks are missing.
Recommendation for Novavax vaccine
The protein-based vaccine from the US company Novavax has been approved since December last year, and now STIKO is also giving the green light. The vaccine should be available in Germany from February 21.
As the Standing Committee on Vaccination announced yesterday in a press release, Nuvaxovid, the vaccine against the coronavirus, is now also recommended for primary immunization in people aged 18 and over. Two doses should be vaccinated at least three weeks apart. However, vaccination during pregnancy or breastfeeding is not yet recommended.
Similar to the others
The general effectiveness is similar to that of the mRNA vaccines, but no statement can yet be made about the clinical effectiveness against Omikron. Even with the vaccination reactions there is hardly any difference to the vaccines already recommended. The data on the Novavax vaccine is still limited. A fourth vaccination is recommended for particularly high-risk groups such as the elderly and healthcare workers.
High interest
As the Tagesschau reports, the vaccine is in great demand in Lower Saxony, among other places. Around 1,900 people had already put themselves on the waiting list for vaccination with this vaccine by Wednesday morning.
The Novavax share
Novavax shares have been struggling since the last major high in December 2021 at around EUR 193.00. At the end of January, the price fell to around 66 euros. This week it looked at least a little friendlier for investors in Novavax shares and the price ended up at around 88 euros in the meantime. The share certificate is currently worth EUR 78.76.
The price development is a true test of patience for investors in the BörsenNews forum. User Dirk01 writes: "What kind of news do investors need to buy". Others are also visibly annoyed, while some encourage them: “Green tonight. Keep your nerves,” writes user Erhard1234. All entertainment can be found here.