Today's news in the star ticker.
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Today's news in the star ticker:
9:59 p.m.: Arrest after alleged hostage -taking in coach
After a suspected hostage of hostage in a coach, the police arrested a suspect on Tuesday evening on Autobahn 9 between Hilpoltstein and Greding in Bavaria.At around 9:30 p.m. there was an access by the police, said a police spokesman.At first he could not say whether people were injured.
8:56 p.m.: Allegedly armed passenger in coach - A 9 fully blocked
Because of a suspected hostage of hostage in a coach, the Bavarian police completely blocked the motorway 9 between the Hilpoltstein and Greding junctions in both directions.Only the two bus drivers were still on the bus on Tuesday evening with a presumably armed man, as a spokesman for the Middle Franconia police said to the German Press Agency.All other passengers were able to leave the bus beforehand and were in the care of the police.Special forces from the police and a negotiating group were on site."We are currently trying to contact the man," said the spokesman.What kind of weapon the man may have carried with him was initially unclear, as the spokesman said.The testimonies diverge for this.According to his words, the bus held on the hard strip of the highway around 5 p.m.
8:43 p.m.: US Democrat Schumer calls for bid ends "hateful" deportation practice
The majority leader of the Democrats in the US Senate asked President Joe Biden to end the mass-like deportations of Haitian refugees."We cannot continue this hateful and xenophobic Trump policy that violates our refugee laws," said Chuck Schumer in the US Senate with reference to Biden's predecessor Donald Trump's immigration policy.Schumer condemned the use of mounted US border guards against Haitian refugees with sharp words, which caused a sensation and outrage in the United States."Images of Haitian migrants who are taken by whip and other forms of physical violence are completely unacceptable," said Schumer.In the pictures "the stomach revolves around".Appropriate behavior must be changed and punished.
7:55 p.m.: BBC children's television sets guest moderator with Down syndrome
In the future, a young man with Down syndrome will also be part of the moderator team of the BBC children's television Cbeebies.As the broadcaster announced via Twitter, George Webster will soon be shown in the "Cbeebies House" program.In a clip of the broadcaster, which was published on Monday, the 20-year-old said: "I'm so proud and I am so looking forward to getting started".His family always told him that he could achieve everything, webster continued and added: "And look here, here I am. In the Cbeebies House!"
7:32 p.m.: Actor Wilfried Dziallas died
The actor Wilfried Dziallas is dead. The native of Hamburg became aware of a audience of millions through his role as district manager Bernd Voss in the ARD evening series "Großstadtrevier".Dzallas died on September 18 at the age of 77, as the Hamburg Ohnsorg Theater announced.There he had started his theater career, which later led him to film and television.In many television productions, Dziallas stood in front of the camera, including alongside Evelyn Hamann in the crime series "Adelheid and her murderers" very popular with the audience.In the mid -2000s, he belonged to the television investigators of the "Großstadtrevier" in around 60 episodes.In 2016 he was seen there again as a guest.
7:26 p.m.: Human Rights Court blames Russia for Litwinenko murder
According to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Russia is "responsible for the murder" of the Kremlin critic Alexander Litwinenko, poisoned in London in 2006.There is a strong suspicion that the two perpetrators "acted as agents of the Russian state," said the ECHR on Tuesday.Russia rejected the allegations as "unfounded".In the meantime, British investigators accused a third suspect in the case of the poisoned Russian ex-agent Sergei Skripal.
InterviewRepression in Russiaolga Tschurakova researched about corruption - now she has to live in her own country as a "foreign agent"
5:04 p.m.: US President Biden wants to "double" a contribution to climate aid for poorer states
US President Joe Biden has announced significantly more efforts in financing climate wilfing for poorer states.His country would "double" the contribution, Biden said in his speech before the UN General Assembly.This will make the United States a pioneer in international expenditure for climate protection.He did not name a specific number.
Six weeks before the COP26 World Climate Summit in the Scottish Glasgow, the UN General Batte, which started on Tuesday, was all about climate protection.UN General Secretary António Guterres had already called on Monday to an end of the "War against our planet".
16:59: Seven drowned migrants found on the coast of Spain
On the coast of the southern Spanish province of Almería, seven bodies of migrants from Algeria have been found.The newspaper "Voz de Almería" reported that four men, a woman and a four -year -old child as well as a victim that had not yet been identified who have been found on beaches or in the water in the area of the Levant district.
It is unclear whether they all came from a boat that may have dropped.It is also possible that they were forced to jump overboard and then drowned by tugs that bring migrants to Spain with quick boats from Algeria to Spain, and then drowned.
4.46 p.m.: Austria distributes 150,000 laptops and tablets to students
As part of a digitization plan, the delivery of a total of 150,000 computers to the children of the fifth and sixth school levels began in Austria.In view of the acquisition value of 250 million euros for the laptops and tablets, Education Minister Heinz Faßmann spoke on Tuesday in a Linz high school from the largest investment in the digitization of schools so far.
According to the Ministry of Education, 93 percent of schools take part in the campaign.The prerequisite was the presentation of a concept of how the devices are used in class, as well as the approval of parents, teachers and students.A quarter of the purchase price must be paid by the parents.From next year, the computers will then be output in the 5th school level.
16:24: Kohl widow announces legal steps against Kohl Foundation
The dispute over a state-owned Helmut Kohl Foundation is probably on trial.The widow of the former Chancellor, Maike Kohl-Richter, announced a lawsuit against the project.Through her lawyers, she said that she would legally act against the foundation to ensure "a historiography obliged to truthfully".
The Bundestag, who had been adopted by the Bundestag, had officially started work.The foundation's board of directors had come together for its constituent session in Berlin.The Kohl, who died four years ago, held the office of Chancellor from 1982 to 1998 and is considered the "Chancellor of Unity".However, his name also stands for the CDU donation affair uncovered in 1999.
4:16 p.m.: Russia election: All votes counted - allegations of fraud stop
After counting all votes in the parliamentary election in Russia, the opposition and observer see their allegations of fraud confirmed.In the capital Moscow, for example, there is clear evidence that the vote had initially assumed in favor of the opposition, it was said in a declaration of the detained Kreml opponent Alexej Nawalny on Tuesday.With the later publication of data from the online vote, the result was then adjusted in the sense of the Kremlin party united Russia.The result was changed in the "most primitive way" and the voters were stolen, Nawalny scolded.
Russia cloned opposition candidates: The Wischnewskij case shows how dirty it is in the Duma election
In the early Tuesday morning, the Russian election commission of the party supported by President Vladimir Putin again granted victory.Although united Russia had to accept slight losses, but received 49.8 percent of the votes and ultimately got the absolute majority in the state duma again.The communists came in second place in second place.
3:49 p.m.: Fish cutter sunk after water slump in front of the Elbe mouth
In the North Sea in front of the mouth of the Elbe, a fish cutter sank on Tuesday.The five crew members rose to a rescue island in good time and were taken on board by another fishing cutter, the German Society said to save shipwrecked in Bremen.The accident occurred near the uninhabited island of Scharhörn in the German Bay.
According to the sea rescuers, there was a strong water slump on board the cutter.The team put an emergency call and left the ship, which captured and sank a little later.Numerous ships immediately took the scene of the accident, including a sea rescue cruiser and a police boat.The crew was taken on board by another cutter who was the first to arrive.
3:40 p.m.: Google buys office buildings in New York for $ 2.1 billion
Despite the trend for working from home, Google is more than two billion dollars in buying an office building in New York.The heart of a building complex of the Internet group in the southwest of Manhattan is to become a building complex, CFO Ruth Porat wrote in a blog entry from Tuesday.The building named St. John's Terminal - an expanded former freight station - has already been rented by Google.Now the group uses the opportunity to buy it for $ 2.1 billion (around 1.8 billion euros).
With 12,000 employees, New York is already the second largest Google location outside the headquarters in Mountain View, California.
3:39 p.m.: Taliban promise school visit to girls from 7th grade
The militant Islamist Taliban have promised a reopening of secondary schools for girls from the 7th grade.The Taliban left open exactly when this would happen."We cannot call a date, but this matter will be solved in the near future, according to God," said Taliban spokesman Sabiullah Mudschahid in front of journalists in Kabul on Tuesday.The Ministry of Education is working on a new procedure to allow students to continue their training, said Mujahid.
Since the takeover of the Islamists in mid -August, the school attendance for girls from the 7th grade has been prohibited.According to his presentation, the future rules aim to secure the educational environment for girls and women and their daily path to class.The government hopes to be able to devote itself as soon as possible of this "important matter".The Taliban had called on secondary schools last week to reopen for boys.Students had not been mentioned in the explanation.
3:09 p.m.: GDL fails in court with a lawsuit against tariff unit on the train
The GDL train driver union failed with its approach to the collective bargaining unit at Deutsche Bahn before the Berlin Labor Court.The court rejected a lawsuit by the GDL against the employers' association of the railway.The union wanted to ensure that the association affects the railway company so that this collective agreement concluded by the GDL continues to apply to its members.(Az. 30 Ca 5638/21)
MeinungRail strike slope train driver, with your selfishness you endanger us all
The employer and business association of mobility and traffic service providers, AGV Move, concludes collective agreements for the Bahn companies and has done so with both GDL and the larger EVG.Since the beginning of the year, the tariff unit law has also been in the case of the railway, which is intended to avoid tariff collisions.Negotiating various unions for the same professional groups in a company, the union's collective agreement, which has the most members at the time of the conclusion.The GDL considers this to be contrary to the constitution and European law and does not see the prerequisite for the application of the law.
2:34 p.m.: Four -year -old falls from the window eight meters deep
A four -year -old boy fell from a window eight meters in Frankfurt.Yesterday afternoon he had climbed alone in his room in an apartment on the third floor of an apartment building on a children's slide to get to the window sill from there, the police said today.Then he should open the window and fell on the lawn in front of the house.When the emergency doctor arrived, the boy was responsive and was then taken to a hospital.The police could not say how seriously the four -year -old was injured.
At the time of the accident, the father and the mother were also in the apartment.It is currently being checked whether the parents have made themselves punishable.
2:28 pm: "I still live" - Pope jokes rumors about the end of the pontificate
Pope Francis has rejected speculation about an upcoming end of his pontificate."I still live, even if some people wanted to see me dead," the head of the church recently joked during his trip to Slovakia at a meeting with Jesuits.The Jesuit magazine "La Civiltà Cattolica" published the wording of the meeting today.
In summer, Francis had undergone a intestine operation.That is why there had been rumors that, like his predecessor, Benedict XVI.resign soon."I know that there were already meetings of prelates who thought that the state of the Pope is more serious than in the official versions. They have already prepared a conclave. Patience! Thank God," said the Pope.
2:01 p.m.: "Hanging the Greens" posters now also banned in Saxony
The "hangs the green" election posters of the right-wing extremist small party III.Away must be left behind.The motif fulfills "the objective fact of incitement", found the Saxon Higher Administrative Court of Bautzen.The poster is suitable to disturb public peace by spiking to hate and an attack on the human dignity of the members of the Greens.The OVG thus agreed with the city of Zwickau, which had been done with a disposal against the posters.
Parties should also express criticism in exaggerated and polemical form - this freedom of expression protects the Basic Law.However, this has limits when there were important criminal offenses, it said.The OVG thus received the judgment of the Chemnitz Administrative Court.In the first instance, this had decided that the posters could get stuck, albeit at a distance of 100 meters from the Greens.The decision of the OVG is incontestable.
Election campaign Munich prohibits the right-wing extremist small party "III. Weg" the hanging up of anti-green election posters
1:52 p.m.: Forest fires on the north hemisphere cause record emissions
The huge forest fires in various regions of the northern hemisphere caused carbon emissions to record height this year.According to the EU Copernicus atmospheric surveillance service, carbon emissions have never been as high as in July and August of this year since the start of the recordings in 2003.According to the estimates, 1258.8 megatons CO2 were released worldwide in July.In August it was even 1384.6 megatons.The intensity and duration of the fires were also exceptional.
More than half of the emitted carbon in July and August were created by fires in North America and Siberia.In Russia alone, there were 970 megatons CO2 from June to August.But violent fire also raged in the Arctic and the Mediterranean region.
Nasa-DatenThis interactive map shows where the world is on fire
1 von 61:45 p.m.: Hamburg Looses 2G model-mask obligation is no longer necessary
In Hamburg, football stadiums can be fully occupied again from Saturday under 2G conditions.Even in the clubs, vaccinated and recovered people are likely to dance again without a mask and without distance, as Vice Senate spokeswoman Julia said openly.A corresponding adjustment of the Corona insulation regulation, in which the mask obligation and capacity limits are eliminated below 2G conditions, is in the works and will come into force in time for Saturday, midnight.Furthermore, 12- to 17-year-olds are likely to take part in 2G events until further notice.So far, a transition period of six weeks has been true.
Hamburg was the first federal state to introduce the 2G option model at the end of August.Accordingly, operators can decide for themselves whether they only let vaccinated and recovered people, who are then freed from many Corona restrictions.Among other things, restaurants, pubs, cinemas, theater, museums and zoos can use their facilities fully again.
SuperSpreader event in Münster hundreds celebrated at a 2G party.Now 85 are infected with the coronavirus.How can that be?
1:27 p.m.: Cabinet in Dresden decides on new Corona rules-2G system applies
In the future, Saxony will be increasing on the 2G system in Corona pandemic.The possibility of granting only vaccinated and recourse access should apply to the inner catering, events in interiors, events of up to 5000 people, indoor pools and saunas as well as discos and clubs.The regulation is formulated as an option model in the new Corona protection regulation decided by the cabinet.
Nobody is obliged to weigh up this for themselves, said Minister of Social Affairs Petra Köpping (SPD).If the facilities use 2G, restrictions such as mask obligation and the distance requirement are eliminated, but an inlet control must be checked.The 2G model does not apply to children under the age of 16.
1:24 p.m.: Call witness call in London 20 years after alleged ritual murder of a boy
Exactly 20 years after the find of the gate of a little boy in the Thames, the London police started a witness call.Anyone who could make information about the gruesome find of September 21, 2001 should "prove courage", report and contribute to the investigation of the alleged crime, the call said.The boy had probably come to Great Britain from Africa via Germany.
The children's goal was recovered from the Thames at the Tower Bridge.The investigators gave the dead boy the name Adam and assumed that he was the victim of a ritual murder.
1:22 p.m.: France and India agree on joint action in the Indopacific
In the middle of the submarine dispute with Australia and the United States, France and India have agreed to collaboration in the Indopacific.Both countries wanted to "act together" in the Indopazacific region, it said in a statement published by the Elysée.France's President Emmanuel Macron and the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi would have agreed on it in a phone call.France wants to help "strengthen the strategic autonomy of India".
This also includes industrial and technological cooperation.The aim is to "strengthen regional stability", says the explanation.Every hegemony should be excluded.
1:21 p.m.: Hamburg target investigators find alleged drug and arms dealers in Mallorca
Target investigators from the Hamburg police have tracked down a sought-after alleged drug and weapon dealer in a holiday home on the Spanish holiday island of Mallorca.Spanish emergency services then arrested the 50-year-old there, the officials said in the Hanseatic city.He is said to have sold more than 450 kilograms of drugs as well as a assault rifle and a pistol.
1:19 p.m.: Russian observers rate Dumauhlen as "not really free"
After the parliamentary election in Russia, independent election observers complained in a preliminary balance sheet.It was "forced to determine that the elections cannot be recognized as really freely," said the Russian organization of Golos.Specifically, the election observers criticized, among other things, the exclusion of numerous opposition candidates.The supporter of the Kreml opponent Alexej Nawalny were not approved for the vote last weekend.
1:16 p.m.: Sex worker found dead - investigators assume killing offenses
In the case of the sex worker found dead in her apartment in Hanover, the suspicion of a homicide has been confirmed.In the autopsy of the 53-year-olds, forensic doctors found that the woman had died through external influence, said a police spokeswoman.There is no suspect that a possible accident in certain sex practices can be excluded.
The woman had found a 46 -year -old neighbor lying on the floor of the apartment in an apartment building on Sunday evening - lifeless and tied up.According to the information, the 53-year-old operated a brothel in the apartment, presumably alone.The background of the crime initially remained unclear, the police did not provide any further information.
1:07 p.m.: Drivers arrested due to suspected attempted murder
A driver who is supposed to be at a group of people with his car and has seriously injured a woman and a toddler is suspected of attempted murder.
Investigations were taken against the man yesterday in Altbach in Altbach in Baden-Württemberg on suspicion of triple attempted murder, said the police and the public prosecutor's office.The 25 -year -old man was temporarily arrested.It should be demonstrated to a judge during the day.
1:02 p.m.: British ministry accidentally gives email addresses Afghan interpreters Price
The British Ministry of Defense accidentally revealed the email addresses of more than 250 Afghan interpreters and possibly put them in danger.A spokeswoman for the ministry admitted the data breakdown on Monday evening and announced an investigation.The error "could cost interpreters to live, especially if they are still in Afghanistan," said an interpreter of the BBC.
Afghanistan "could cost life": British accidentally reveal more than 250 email addresses
12:52 p.m.: Skipal poisoning on Skripal: Scotland Yard complains third suspects
The police in Great Britain charged a third suspect because of the poison attack on the former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia.As the metropolitan announced, it is a Russian citizen named Denis Sergejew, who is also known as Sergei Fedotow.The indictment is, among other things, attempted murder and possession and use of a chemical weapon.However, a delivery request is not provided due to the lack of hope for success, the announcement continued.
Skripal and his daughter were discovered in March 2018 with severe poisoning on a park bench in the southern English city of Salisbury.As it turned out later, they were poisoned with the Novichok nerve poison.They narrowly got away with life.
12:51 p.m.: Toulouse commemorates industrial disaster in fertilizer factory 20 years ago
With sirens and a subsequent minute's silence, victim associations and politicians in Toulouse in the industrial disaster in the AZF fertilizer factory thought 20 years ago.At that time, 31 people were killed, thousands were injured."The drama was so bad that the pain is still alive," said the mayor of the southern French city, Jean-Luc Mouden, at the commemoration.
The explosion of 300 tons of ammonium nitrate in the factory on the outskirts of Toulouse was the most severe industrial disaster in France in the post -war period.The detonation created a ten -meter -deep crater with a diameter of 50 meters.Around 30,000 houses within a radius of several kilometers were damaged.
12.48 p.m.: Arrest after theft of "irreplaceable" treasures in England
Almost four months after the theft of "irreplaceable" historical treasures from a castle in southern England, the British police caught a suspect.The 45-year-old was arrested in the Western English village of Eckington and is now being interviewed, the police said of the county of Sussex.
The treasures in estimated one million pounds (£ 1.17 million) were stolen from the Arundel Castle around 80 kilometers south of London at the end of May.The most valuable piece is a rosary that the Scottish Queen Maria Stuart had in her execution in 1587.
12.46 p.m.: Violence in protests against Corona measures in Melbourne
In protests against the Corona measures in the Australian metropolis of Melbourne, there have been violent clashes between demonstrators and the police.More than a thousand demonstrators, many of them in construction workers and warning vests, went through the center of Australia's second largest city and shouted slogans against Corona vaccinations and lockdown regulations.Some lit luminaires, threw the police officers with bottles and attacked police cars.
The state chief of the state of Victoria, Shane Patton, said that around 500 civil servants were deployed to deal with this "challenging" situation.They use batons, rubber bullets, pepper spray and glare grenades to drive the crowd apart.The demonstrators showed pictures of former US President Donald Trump.There were several attacks on journalists, a television reporter was hit by a can on the head during a live transmission.
A strict Corona Lockdown was imposed in Melbourne seven weeks ago to contain the spread of the delta variant.Some foci of infections were found in connection with construction sites, where a lax handling of Corona protection regulations is supposed to prevail.
EU countries ensure France support in the dispute with Australia and the USA
12.45 p.m.: Berlin is expanding a lawsuit against pig farming
The state of Berlin is committed to more space and freedom of movement for pigs in their stables.There is also a standard of standards by the Senate at the Federal Constitutional Court.According to changes to the corresponding regulation, the state has now expanded its application, as consumer protection senator Dirk Behrendt (Greens) announced.He published the original application from 2019 and the expansion.
12:33 p.m.: Palestinians are ruined by Israeli police officers
According to Israeli information, a Palestinian killed an Israeli police helper in an attack and injured another police officer.The man had run over the two officials in the north of the country, reported Israeli media, citing the police.According to the information, a suspect was arrested.The police therefore investigate whether there were other participants.
Several Israeli media reported that the police officers had checked a construction site in the city of Naharija to look for Palestinian workers without a valid work permit.Thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have a work permit for Israel, many of them work on the construction.Some Palestinians also work illegally in the country.
12.31 p.m.: SPD remains ahead in a new survey - but Union comes a little closer
A few days before the Bundestag election, the SPD continues to be ahead after a Forsa survey, but the Union can reduce its gap to the Social Democrats.In the RTL/NTV trend barometer, the CDU and CSU improve by one point to 22 percent compared to the previous week.The SPD remains at 25 percent.According to the data, the survey values of the other major parties have also not changed: after that, the Greens come to 17, AfD and FDP to percent and the left to 6 percent.Support for Union Chancellor candidates Armin Laschet is also increasing-he improves by three percentage points.With 14 percent of the vote, he was still far behind the SPD applicant Olaf Scholz (29 percent) and his Greens competitor Annalena Baerbock (16 percent) in a direct election by the head of government (16 percent).
PressestimmenElection campaign end sprint "Laschet is offside": For example, media look at the last TV triad before the election
In principle, election surveys only reflect the opinion at the time of the survey and are not forecasts on the election outcome.They are also always affected with uncertainties.Among other things, waning party bindings and ever short -term election decisions make it difficult for opinion research institutes the weighting of the data collected.
11:38 p.m.: SUV drivers should pay much more for parking in Tübingen
The Baden-Württemberg Tübingen was the first city to decide a drastic increase in parking fees.The owner of a normal car should pay 120 euros for a resident parking card in the university town from next year, as the municipal climate committee decided.Drivers heavy cars, so -called SUVs, are to be asked to checkout at up to 180 euros.Socially weaknesses should receive discounts.Mayor Boris Palmer wrote on Facebook: "Subsidies for cars just have to stop."Parking spaces cost far more than the 50 cents a day.The Greens politician sees the increase as a first step.He originally wanted to introduce twice as high parking fees, but failed on the local council.
Tübingen is the first city to use the possibility of setting fees for parking space itself.So far, they have been capped by law.After changing the Road Traffic Act in July, the federal states may now regulate their parking fees or leave this to the municipalities.Other cities are also currently examining increases.
MeinungAre SUV owners "anti-social"? No more SUV bashing!
11.35 a.m.: Human Rights Court sentenced Russia for Litwinenko murder
According to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Russia is "responsible for the murder" of the Kremlin critic Alexander Litwinenko, poisoned in London in 2006.There is a strong suspicion that the two perpetrators "acted as agents of the Russian state", according to a statement by the ECHR published in Strasbourg.The participation of the state is the "only plausible explanation" for the murder, the judges said.The Russian authorities also had not accepted any efficient investigations to identify the perpetrators.The ECHR sentenced Russia to the widow of the murdered for payment of 100,000 euros.
Litwinenko died in exile in London in 2006 from poisoning with highly radioactive polonium.Previously, the former Russian agent and Kremlin critic had drunk tea with the Russian businessmen and former KGB agent Dmitri Kowtun and Andrej Lugowoi.Moscow denies all responsibility for his death.
InterviewRussian secret service Your husband was probably poisoned by Putin - that is what Marina Litwinenko says about the Nawalny case
11:08 p.m.: Numerous climate activists arrested on London's ring motorway
For the fifth time within eight days, climate activists on the most important motorway in Great Britain paralyzed traffic.About two dozen demonstrators blocked the London ring motorway M25 on two trips in the southwest of the British capital and poured blue color onto the road, as the Insulate Britain group announced.The police in the county of Surrey tweeted that she had arrested 23 people that the route was free again.
Insulates Britain calls for a comprehensive heat insulation of houses in Great Britain.The recently increased energy prices made a solution to the problem all the more pressing, the group emphasized.She wants to continue her protests until the government bends its demands.
10:55 a.m.: Jewel thief 15 years after the crime in Bavaria in custody
15 years after an armed robbery for a jewelry business, the police in Bavaria were able to take a suspect in custody.The now 41 -year -old man from Serbia in Kempten is said to have taken the jeweler in Kempten in Kempten with a accomplice with a broken weapon and mashed the jeweler, the police said.With a hammer, the two men are said to have smashed showcases and stolen high -quality wristwatches.The entire attack did not take much longer than a minute, and the men fled on mountain bikes.
An extensive securing of evidence and meticulous investigations had managed to identify a suspect ten years after the crime.There has been an arrest warrant against the man since 2016, and it was also advertised internationally for searches.In Croatia, the suspect was finally arrested a few weeks ago and was delivered to Germany last week.He denies the deed.His accomplice is still unknown, the prey disappeared.
10.45 a.m.: According to the British Association, CO2 crisis can lead to food shortages
Because of a CO2 crisis in Great Britain, the food industry believes that there will soon be acute care problems in supermarkets and gastronomy.Above all, the production of chicken and pork as well as baked goods is affected, warned Ian Wright, head of the Food and beverage manufacturer FDF, in the BBC Radio 4. "We still have about ten days before consumers, customers and restaurant visitors notice thatThese products are not in stock. "
Due to a lack of truck drivers, gaps recently occurred on the shelves.An extreme lack of carbon dioxide is currently being produced by meat products, for example.The gas is necessary to seal packaging vacuum -safe.CO2 falls during fertilizer production.However, fertilizer manufacturers were recently hit by the enormously increased energy prices.The important manufacturer CF Industries therefore initially stopped two factories in Great Britain.
10:36 a.m.: Taliban announce the reopening of the schools for girls
The radical Islamic Taliban have announced the reopening of the schools for girls in Afghanistan."It will happen as soon as possible," said Taliban spokesman Sabihullah Mudschahid.Last week, the Taliban had ordered male teachers and students back to secondary schools.Teachers and students were not mentioned.In addition, the Islamists replaced the previous Ministry of Women's Afghan government with a "Ministry of Virtue".Such a authority was responsible for scapping out of women during the first Taliban rule at the end of the 1990s.
After the US troops deducted, the Taliban took over power in Afghanistan in August and used a new government.Despite the earlier promise that their rule will be inclusive, the government has so far been made up of loyal supporters of the militia and only of men.Today Mujahid also announced the allocation of the remaining posts in the new government - also exclusively men.
Afghanistan The Taliban is expanding their control network: what this means for the population
10.30 a.m.: Idar-Oberstein mourns the loss of shot cashiers
After the fatal shots on a petrol station treasurer in Idar-Obersteinim (Birkenfeld district, the city administration discusses an appropriate commemoration for the killed. "At the moment everything is in the river, there are various suggestions with a view to a public memorial event," said a spokesman for theCity. It was clear that Idar-Oberstein wanted to react to the crime. Merry beam was ordered for the town hall, the corresponding suggestion had come from the population.
Idar-Oberstein "cruel murder": politics reacts horrified to shot cashiers after a dispute over mask
Because the latter pointed out to him, a 49-year-old is said to have shot the young cashier in his head at a petrol station on Saturday evening.The investigators assume this in Idar-Oberstein.The German stood, he sits in custody.According to the investigators, he also said that he rejected the Corona measures.As a motive, he stated that the situation of Corona pandemic was heavily burdening him.
10.26 a.m.: 83-year-old in Kassel restaurant guests on a sidewalk
An 83-year-old hit restaurant guests on a sidewalk in an accident in Kassel in North Hesse and his car.Two people were injured, one of them seriously, as the police said.There is no danger to life.The 83-year-old was also slightly injured.All three were taken to the hospital.
According to the investigation, the cause of the accident was the cause of the accident on Monday.Accordingly, the 83-year-old drove backwards from a parking space in the afternoon and pushed against another car.Immediately afterwards he took the forward gear and drove up the restaurant guests uncontrollably, which were on the sidewalk on chairs.The officials confiscated the man's driver's license.
10.20 a.m.: Vulcan eruption on La Palma
The volcanic eruption on the Canary Island of La Palma belongs to Spain is causing increasing damage.So far, more than 160 buildings have been destroyed by the lava, reports the state TV broadcaster RTVE.More than 100 hectares are already covered with a meter -thick layer of around 1000 degrees of hot lava, which now runs out of nine castles in the area of the Cumbre Vieja in the south of the island.According to civil defense, the number of evacuates has increased to almost 6000.There are still no injuries.It is expected that the lava will reach the west coast of the small Atlantic island during the day.The authorities warned that toxic gases arise when the glowing hot lava falls into the sea.
The volcano had become active for the first time in 50 years on Sunday.Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who actually wanted to travel to the UN General Assembly in New York, had instead flown to La Palma, where he agreed to those affected.
Kanarische InselExplosive nature: the eruption of the volcano on La Palma in pictures
1 von 810.06 a.m.: Environmental aid is a lawsuit against BMW and Mercedes-Benz
German environmental aid wants to force the carmakers BMW and Mercedes-Benz to exit the combustion by 2030 with a lawsuit.The association had raised climate lawsuits against German companies for the first time, the DUH said.The plaintiffs were submitted to the responsible regional courts in Munich and Stuttgart yesterday.The association calls for "the climate-friendly conversion of its companies in particular by a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions of their vehicles in accordance with the binding regulations of the Paris climate protection agreement and the German Climate Protection Act by BMW and the Daimler subsidiary Mercedes-Benz.The two carmakers should stop selling climate-damaging combustion cars by 2030.
9:52 p.m.: Puting attempt in Sudan thwarted
In Sudan in East Africa, an attempt to coup near the capital of Khartum is said to have been thwarted.The army was able to prevent a overthrow in the morning, said a military spokesman, Taher Abu Haja, on Sudanese state television.There was a large number of military vehicles on the streets of Khartum.At first there was no information about the identity and the motif of the coupons.
The Sudan was ruled hard by President Omar al-Bashir for 30 years until the ruler was crashed by the army after mass protests in 2019.As a result, civilians and military people founded a common transitional government, which was welcomed worldwide.
9.46 a.m.: Police is said to have led the penalty friendship with Halle assassins
According to media reports, a young police commissioner from Bitterfeld is said to have conducted months -long penalty friendship with the assassin of Halle.As the "Mitteldeutsche Zeitung" and the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", the NDR and the WDR, the civil servant was suspended from duty.According to the reports, the Ministry of the Interior has not yet commented on the process.
According to the information, the policewoman, who is said to have done service in the Bitterfeld area, said the information for the assassin and anti -Semite Stephan B., who had hard to arm it on October 9, 2019 to penetrate the synagogue in Halle.The letters to the B. sentenced to life in prison were therefore found during searches for the man's cell.The woman is said to have relativized Stephan B. to colleagues in summer and expressed a positive statement about the assassin.These would have informed their superiors.
Police officers from Saxony-Anhalt wrote love letters to Halle assassins from the service
9.28 a.m.: Man wants to steal gravestone with wheelbarrow
A morbider case for the police in Hagen: There, a stranger tried to get a stolen tombstone away from a cemetery with a wheelbarrow.According to the police, an eyewitness (47) spoke to the man last night, whereupon the thief without tombstone fled.The police are now looking for other witnesses and initiated a procedure for theft and disorder of the dead rest.
9.05 a.m.: Car starts at the student - injured notices noticeable
With the help of a student, the police in Upper Franconia convicted an accident.The 14-year-old had noticed the license plate of the car, as a police spokeswoman said.A 35-year-old joined his car in Münchberg yesterday on an exit against the girl who ran on the sidewalk.Then he just drove on.
The 14-year-old was slightly injured.According to police, she noticed part of the license plate.Then she got into a bus, saw the car again and noticed the rest. The police are now investigating the driver due to negligent bodily harm and unauthorized removal from the scene of the accident.
9.03 a.m.: Radio play box reports and leads the police to kindergarten burglars
The police in Halver (Märkischer Kreis) led a radio play box to a kindergarten burglar.As the investigators announced today, the narrative box had automatically registered with the manufacturer after the theft.The police found her suspicious of the 44-year-old's apartment.He is said to have entered a daycare center in April and, next to the box with 13 characters, on which there are radio plays, fish sticks, pasta, a laptop, picture books, cups and glasses.The man was found by the box in May.The police now made the success of the investigation public because they were able to give the children the box with permission from the public prosecutor: "The battery is empty, but otherwise everything will run again."
8.58 a.m.: Merkel advertises in front of the UN General Batte for more ambitious climate protection goals
Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) promoted the UN General Batte for more ambitious climate protection goals worldwide.Germany wanted to be climate -neutral by 2045, she said in a video message."This also sets a sign of the climate conference in Glasgow," she said with a view to the COP26, which begins on November 1st."We also campaign for ambitious goals at the biodiversity conference in October," said Merkel.The UN species protection conference COP15 is about a global agreement to protect biodiversity.COP15 is scheduled to open online on October 11, but the presence part will not take place until the end of April 2022 in Kunming in southern Chinese.
New Yorkbids meet XI Jinping: Great tension in front of UN General Batte
8.36 a.m.: Cologne wants to set up 3G zone at the start of the carnival in the old town
For the traditional start of the carnival on November 11th.If the city of Cologne wants to make parts of the old town and around the Zülpicher Straße, popular with Jecken, a 3G zone: only those who vaccinate, recover or test how to vaccinate, as was communicated after a round table with the carnival managers.There should be an "access regulation" by general order, which applies, among other things, around the hay market.On the square itself, where there should be a stage as usual, the organizer even relies on the 2G rule: there is only allowed to do who is vaccinated or recovered.
According to the announcement, the so-called Kwartier Latang around Zülpicher Straße is also to be documented with a 3G supply rule.The street with many pubs was always densely filled in front of Corona for the carnival start and at carnival itself.
8.33 a.m.: Man with three per thousand at 220 km/h on the motorway in Hessen
In Hesse, the police stopped a drunk with three per thousand, who raced over the Autobahn 3 with up to 220 kilometers per hour.As the officials in Wiesbaden announced, the 56-year-old caught a witness on Saturday afternoon when he pee against a petrol pump at a petrol station.Then he got into his car and drove to the highway towards Cologne.The motorway police found the vehicle and followed him.The officials measured speeds of up to 220 kilometers per hour.The man was checked at Limburg.A breath alcohol test resulted in more than three per thousand.In addition, the man had no driver's license.He was temporarily arrested and had to hand in a blood sample.His car was confiscated.
8.24 a.m.: Party new people arrives in Russian parliament
A party could ensure some fresh wind in the new Russian parliament: The Novyje Ljudi (German: New People) movement has brought 5.3 percent of the vote and thus made the leap into the state duma.Observers also see this as an expression of dissatisfaction with the policy of head of state Vladimir Putin.The team of the detained Kreml opponent Alexej Nawalny said that some protest voters had made their cross on the ballot at the new party.The newspaper "Kommersant" wrote, citing sources in the Kremlin, the party should prevent the communists from becoming too strong.
The center-right party was only founded in March 2020.She sees the self -employed as its base and also campaigns for ecological topics.She promised tax relief for companies in the election campaign.In addition, the standard of living should be increased and thus also population growth.The party chairman is the entrepreneur Alexej Netschajew.Observers have repeatedly written about connections from the party to the Kremlin.Open criticism of Putin was avoided.
7.35 a.m.: The oldest identical twins live in Japan
According to the Guinness Book of Records, two more than 107-year-old Japanese sisters are the oldest living twins in the world.Umeno Sumiyama and Koume Kodama were 107 years and 300 days old on September 1st and thus broke the previous record of the famous Japanese sisters Kin Narita and Gin Kanie, whom they had set up at 107 years and 175 days, as Guinness World Records announced.The new record holders therefore live in separate old people's homes.
Sumiyama and Kodama were born on November 5, 1913 on the island of Shodoshima in western Japan in a family of 13.Her families said Guinness that the two twin sisters often joked about surviving the former record holders.The twins, who died around 20 years ago, lovingly called "Kin-San" and "Gin-San", were in Japan with their old age and their humor as national heroes and had also gained celebrity worldwide through numerous television appearances.
12-hour surgery common back of the head: Siamese twins successfully separated from each other
Video6.06 a.m.: Vietnamese transforms negative coronate test into positive - and must have fine
In Vietnam, a man has transformed a negative coronate test into a positive and now has to pay a penalty due to the spread of false information.The aim of the unauthorized action: The 41-year-old from the province of DAK Nong wanted to skip the work, as the local newspaper Vnexpress reports, citing the local police.The employee of a telecommunications company did an anti -test on August 21 in a hospital that was negative.He then changed the result on the certificate and sent a copy of the supposedly positive result to his employer and to several relatives, it said.
A medical center in the Cu Jut district had learned from a sister of the Vietnamese about the positive test and sent employees to confirm the result by another test.The dizziness was blown up.
5.50 a.m.: Hospitals are desperately looking for personnel
The German hospitality industry also lacks numerous workers in the corona crisis.This emerges from figures from the Federal Employment Agency.The situation partly leads to the thinning of the service in the companies up to closures, complains about the DEHOGA hotel and restaurant association.
According to the Federal Agency's figures, the number of open positions in gastronomy has practically doubled since April.In August, innkeepers had reported 20,686 vacancies across Germany, hoteliers another 7678 vacancies.In April, the number in the catering trade was still 10,977 in the catering trade and at 4138 in the hotels.At the same time, the number of unemployed in the industry has dropped significantly.
5.48 p.m.: Bukele jokingly describes itself as the "dictator of El Salvador"
The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, jokingly described himself as a dictator of the Central American country on Twitter.The 40-year-old changed his account description in the short message service from "Laylas Father" to "Dictator of El Salvador", as the presidency of the AFP news agency confirmed.The step took place after thousands of people in the country protested against legal reforms, which in their opinion threaten democracy.
The country's highest court recently cleared the way for a possible second term of office of the president.The re -election of the head of state was not yet possible in El Salvador.The judges at the Supreme Court who changed this requirement had been reinstated by the parliament.Bukele is popular in El Salvador due to his commitment to security and against organized crimes.The opposition accuses him of authoritarian tendencies.
4.39 a.m.: Trudeau's liberal party wins parliamentary election in Canada
According to forecasts, the Liberal Party of Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has chosen the parliamentary election.The Canadian media reported shortly after the last polling stations were closed.
New elections in Canada Trudeau wins the choice - and still gambled away
4.17 a.m.: RKI registers 4664 Corona new infections-Incidence of
The 7-day incidence in Germany is again slightly declining.The Robert Koch Institute indicated the value of the new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week in the morning with 68.5, the day before it was 71.0, a week ago at 81.1.The health authorities reported the RKI 4664 Corona new infections, a week ago there were 6325. 81 deaths were recorded throughout Germany within 24 hours.A week ago there were 68. The RKI has had 4,150,516 infections with SARS-COV-2.The number of recovered was 3,909,300.The number of people who died in or with the participation of a proven infection with SARS-COV-2 rose to 93.052.
The number of Corona patients recorded in clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days indicated the RKI with 1.65.A week or month comparison is not possible due to a high number of late registrations.A nationwide threshold, from when the situation can be viewed critically, is not intended for the hospitalization incidence, among other things, due to large regional differences.The previous maximum value was around 15.5 around the Christmas season.
3.55 a.m.: US athletes fight for right to abortion in front of Supreme Court
In an expert declaration, more than 500 athletes have contacted the Supreme Court of the United States and emphasized the importance of the right to abortion."As athletes in sports, we have to have the power to make important decisions about our body and have control over our reproduction," said football star Megan Rapinoe, according to the US media in an accompanying statement.In addition to the 36-year-old world champion, 25 other Olympic participants are among the signatories who argue from their individual perspective.
The Supreme Court put the hearing on a legal dispute from the state of Mississippi on Monday on the agenda for December 1st.In this case, attempts are made to reverse the pioneering decision of the Supreme Court from 1973, with which abortions had been declared legal nationwide.A law in Mississippi, which was previously blocked by courts, prohibits abortion after the 15th week of pregnancy.The state now also requires the Supreme Court decision in the Roe v.Wade from 1973 to take back in general.
2.16 p.m.: Waldbrand broke out again in Greece
A forest fire broke out in the northeast of the Greek capital Athens.Around 70 firefighters with 20 emergency vehicles fight against the flames in the coastal city of Nea Makri around 38 kilometers northeast of Athens.As the fire brigade announced, several people had to leave their houses for security reasons.At the weekend, the temperatures in parts of Greece had reached more than 35 degrees Celsius, yesterday they decreased slightly to about 32 degrees.It should continue to cool down during the week.
Since the end of July, hundreds of hectares of forest have risen in flames in hundreds of forest fires in Greece, at least three people were killed.In addition to the islands of Euböa and Rhodes, the Peloponnese peninsula and the forest areas north and southeast of Athens were particularly affected.The Greek government is responsible for the worst heat wave caused by climate change for decades for the devastating fires.
Weather chaos between torrential showers and flaming forests: pictures of the summer 2021
43 Bilder0.44 a.m.: According to the study, more US citizens died of Corona than through the Spanish flu
As a result of Corona pandemic, more US citizens have died than through the Spanish flu.According to a count at the Johns Hopkins University, more than 675,700 died in connection with Corona infection in the United States.The Spanish flu, which raged between 1918 and 1919, according to the US health authority CDC cost 675,000 people in the United States.The Spanish flu has, at least in absolute numbers, lost its title as the heaviest pandemic in recent US history.According to historians, at least 50 million people died through the Spanish flu worldwide.
Unlike the Coronavirus, the Spanish flu often ended, especially for young people, especially fatal, especially people under the age of five or between 20 and 40 years of age were often affected.
0.15 a.m.: IFW boss Felbermayr forecast a high increase in wages in the coming years
The President of the Institute for World Economy (IFW), Gabriel Felbermayr, predicts an excessive increase in wages for employees in Germany because of the demographic development."On average, wage increases of five percent a year are realistic," Felbermayr told the "Bild" newspaper.The wage plus can be even higher in industries in which specialists are urgently needed."The situation for employees is almost no longer for 30 years," emphasized the IFW boss.In recent years, however, nominal wages have only increased between 2.5 and three percent a year.
According to Felbermayr in the next few years, the reason for the strong wage plus in the next few years is that "from 2023 at the latest the number of available workers will decrease due to demographic change"."The companies will therefore not vie for employees as much as they have been in decades."An increase in the minimum wage and higher inflation also helps to ensure that wages will increase significantly more than before, said Felbermayr.