The internet never forgets and that's why there are still rumors on the net of national coach Jogi Löw and his sexuality.The origin is already a decade in the past when a non -nominated player is said to have spread from frustration that the Swabian is gay.
However, this was clarified in the same year.At that time Joachim Löw led an extensive interview with the Welt am Sonntag.The 61-year-old clarified the rumor by saying: "I have already heard that too.What can I say?It's like with the toupet.That is not true either.Please ask my wife.".He is still married to his wife Daniela Löw today, so she is still available for this question.Before that, a different false statement was already corrected in the interview, namely that he would supposedly bear a wig.
„Im Stadion fehlt die Offenheit"
Das ist also Blödsinn, viel spannender sind die Aussagen, die er in einem aktuellen Interview mit der Wochenzeitung „Die Zeit" geäußert hat.There he was asked about the coming-out of ex-footballer Thomas Hitzlsperger: “Thomas dared to take this step when his career was actually over.He kept me up to date."He is also of the opinion that society is fundamentally open to the topic, but" although a lot has happened, the openness may still lack a bit in the stadium.", he points out.Football means slower than the rest of society, why this is so, the national coach does not know that exactly.
Ten years later - the question again to clarify sexuality
However, Löw regrets the non -existent openness in football: "Our society and thus also football stands for openness, diversity and participation," said the national coach.When asked: "How would you act if it affected you?" He replied: "Then I would stand by it too."So if the 2011 interview is not enough, here too he confirmed it again.So the Internet can now complete the topic of gay national coaches.The discussion is after ten years beyond stoppage time, extension and penalty shootout.