The audio boom has long since recorded the newspaper publication: titles such as the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" and the "Hamburger Abendblatt" have already built a handsome podcast portfolio.From the perspective of publishers, the production of podcasts means an additional effort and additional costs, while the advertising business is just developing with it.
The Medienhäuser NOZ Medien/MH: N Media, Funke and Axel Springer have therefore taken a look.With it, written texts can be converted into hearing contributions in a short time.With their diverse audio offer, the publishers also want to cover newer devices such as smart speakers and cover situations in which the users cannot read articles.
Noz Medien/MH: N Media, the Norddeutsche Zeitungsgruppe around the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung", can claim a pioneering role in the German publishing scene when it comes to audio.The group has been dealing with its most important digital development project since 2019.
"Audio-Inhalte werden im Netz immer stärker genutzt, während Text an Bedeutung verliert", prognostiziert Patrick Körting, Head of Audio bei NOZ Digital.“As a media house, which historically produces text primarily, we have to ask ourselves how we can play on this channel."
Roughly speaking, the publishing group's answer to this question is: With the help of TTS, it already produces large amounts of audio contributions and integrates them into their products.In the future, she also wants to cut this content tailored to the respective individual preferences and combined with music to the listeners.
Tip: The complete audio strategy case in Kress Pro-now in our shop
Das Audioprojekt bedeutet für NOZ Medien/mh:n Medien ein erhebliches Investitionsvorhaben: Zum Kernteam gehören acht Personen, hinzu kommen je nach Bedarf weitere Mitarbeiter.The group built up at the locations of Osnabrück, Hamburg, Flensburg and Schwerin Studios and it develops a central hub through which it sets up, hosts content and plays over its own and the external channels.In the future, she wants to offer this platform other publishers as a white label solution.
According to Körting, the publishing group is already producing up to 35 per month.000 hearing contributions - he compares this with the offer of two and a half radio stations.Podcasts are part of it, but only a small one.Rather, the cost-effective automatic setting of almost all newspaper articles using TTS ensures the background noise, whereby the Osnabrückers use the services of the Bottalk start-up.A third, small content column form audio items: Körting and Co leave per day.Include about a dozen selected contributions from professionals.The group plays this audio content via their websites, apps and e-paper editions as well as over external platforms or.Devices from.Even the phone is a relevant channel: According to the Körting, thousands of listeners can be read to this way, messages can be read on this way.
The pure number of contributions is huge, but a mass -friendly and future -prone audio product still has to become of it.Currently, digital subscribers can have articles read out in the newspaper titles of the group.In the news apps it is also possible to put together playlists from articles that are then played in a row.Since Christmas, the Osnabrückers have also been experimenting with editorially curated playlists, for example from the weekend newsletters set to music.
In den kommenden Monaten soll eine Funktion hinzukommen, die Körting für einen "Gamechanger" hält: mittels künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) auf die Vorlieben der jeweiligen Nutzer zugeschnittene Playlists, die auf deren bisherigem Verhalten basieren.In further steps, the publishing house wants to integrate music and finally develop an individualized program of local news and entertainment.
How the "Smart On Demand Radio of Tomorrow" should pick up the user, why for Nicolas Fromm, digital boss of the group, the topic of "routines" is so important and how to make the audio functions more popular.
Dazu: Wie Funke das Hamburger Abendblatt hörbar macht - und das Projekt Aravoices von Axel Springer.
Sie möchten weiterlesen? Der komplette Strategie-Case "Mehr als nur ein paar Podcasts von Henning Kornfeld ist in der aktuellen kress pro-Ausgabe 4/2021 erschienen.You can order the magazine in our shop.
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