The number of corona infections is increasing rapidly, "boosters" are on everyone's lips. And now, of all times, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to temporarily limit deliveries of the Biontech vaccine to general practitioners. Instead, the doctors should get vaccine from Moderna. A good idea?
Why does Spahn rely more on Moderna?
"", with these words Spahn advertises a booster vaccination with Moderna. However, the public headwind was apparently so great that Spahn announced on Monday evening that Biontech would continue to deliver in large quantities. This week, six million doses of vaccine from Biontech are to be delivered throughout Germany. In the coming week then three million. Initially only two were planned.
There are understandable reasons why Spahn still prefers the vaccine from Moderna: On the one hand, the Moderna doses in stock will soon reach their expiry date. This sounds like inferior quality, but is not the case, as several studies have shown.
On the other hand, Moderna was only recently approved for booster vaccinations: "" says Hugo van Aken, the chairman of the board and medical director of the University Hospital in Münster.