The first step for users of Microsoft Team is to create a team that can then be added by the team's owner.The central point of a team is the chat.Unlike Skype for Business, the chat remains even after the application is closed.
Divided into so -called channels, the team can be sorted into various topics.Electrum cards can be added to each channel.This is where the integration of the Microsoft 365 services begins: An Excel table can be added to the team as a tab, as can a plan from Planner, an OneNote notebook, a video from stream or a Sharepoint site.The content that it needs can be presented to the team - in one place.
The highlight of teams: it also opens the gates outwards.External services can also be integrated as riders via so -called connectors, such as Dropbox, Trello or YouTube.
Mighty chat function
The simple chat is expanded in teams to such an extent that it actually represents the linchpin for communication.So the chat should not only be about an easy exchange of lines of text, but the chat also integrates, for example, audio and video consultations.These are then automatically added to the chat.
If another participant comes into the chat, he sees that a meeting is currently underway and can join this.After completing the meeting, a complete recording is made available in the chat.Technically, the recording ends up in Microsoft's video platform Stream.
In the future it should also be the case that Microsoft 365 automatically creates a transcript of the meeting and, if the video function switched on, the texts assigned the right speakers straight away.Speech recognition within stream already works today, but only in English and Spanish.
Services and connectors can also be added to the chat.So it is possible that, for example, the Twitter Connector is involved.The latest tweets of a person or company then land directly in the desired course of the chat.The connector to Google Analytics automatically gives you the visitor evaluation of your company website in the chat course every day or week.
The possibility is also exciting to integrate bots into a chat.For example, you can enter a travel destination in your chat and the offer automatically answers with suitable information about the trip and the destination.You can also hire the bot directly to book a flight.
Microsoft also provides playful functions, such as animated GIFs.Here it is sufficient to enter a term in the search field and the system delivers corresponding gifs.
Teams as the successor to Skype for Business
At Ignite 2017, Microsoft announced that Teams Skype for Business will replace.But that currently only applies to the cloud.On Premise, the new version Skype for Business Server 2019 was published in October 2018.If you add a support period of five years, local operation is secured by 2024.
However, Microsoft's direction of march is defined-great further developments and improvements in the Skype-for-Business client must no longer be expected.In the background, Microsoft also uses the Skype for Business Technology for Microsoft Teams.So the Skype Backend will be further developed and SIP will be replaced by http in the future.
For the cloud, however, teams will probably be available to users as the sole communication client, but this is not yet official.Until then, it is still a long way: Many Skype-for-Business functions are still missing in teams.Even the Surface Hub from Microsoft is not yet a "Team Ready".The parallel use of both clients is possible.
Deep Dive: This is how teams work
Although the button is inconspicuous to create a team, setting up a new team triggers an avalanche in the background.First a Microsoft 365 group is created in the Azure Active Directory.It forms the basic structure for a team and places the connection between Exchange, SharePoint etc..from.
Microsoft-365 groups use identities stored in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD))))))))).This means that all authentication and authorization functions in Azure AD such as support for multi-factor authentication (MFA))))))))) are available directly for use by teams.
By default, a Microsoft-365 group with the associated SharePoint online website is created for a team created in teams-including a document library and an Exchange online group mailbox, which is used by teams to save information such as meeting invitations.
The dependence on the Microsoft-365 group object means that a new private Microsoft 365 group is also created when creating a new team.The same Azure-ad guidelines that are used to control group creation determine who can create new teams.
The meeting functions are shown on the basis of the cloud -based infrastructure, which is also used by Skype and Skype for Business.These include Azure-based cloud services for media processing and signaling, the video codec h.264, The Audiocodecs Silk and Opus, network resilience, telemetry and quality diagnosis.
Components of a team
Belong to a group:
Microsoft Teams not only depicts a group, but also adds two special features to the group function: the teams Wiki and the teams chat ("Contributions"))))))))).These two functions can only be obtained for a team.If you only put on one group, it is not visible in teams and does not have the teams Wiki and the teams chat.
Special feature: The Wiki team
The Wiki team is saved in SharePoint, but not as a SharePoint Wiki, but as a MHT file (Multivurpose Internet Mail Extension))))))))).You can't do anything in SharePoint. Das Wiki ist somit nur aus Teamsfromaus zugänglich.
Make a group a team
A team can be created using existing Microsoft 365 groups so that existing group memberships and content that are saved online in SharePoint Online and Exchange can be ported according to teams.The owner of a group can activate the group as a team.In this case, the properties of the group are updated.Group members automatically get access to the team when a group is capable of team and can start chatting and sharing as desired as desired.Under these circumstances, the group remains visible in Outlook.
Permissions in Microsoft Teams
In Microsoft teams, three roles are fundamentally differentiated:
All members have the same access to the information available to the team.It cannot happen that a subgroup of the members of a group may access the associated team and that other members are not.The file storage is an exception to this, since own permissions could be awarded in SharePoint (see next point))))))))).There are no “reading” rights of your own.Whoever is in a team can also edit and write.
The group's owner can add new members, edit team settings and rename or delete the team.He can also make other members owners.There can be up to 100 owners in a team.In addition, the owner is also the website collection administrator of the associated website collection in SharePoint.
Members can add channels, rename channels and add registers, connectors and bots.
Some functions remain refused.This includes taking up a new team, joining other teams, looking at the organization chart from other people or adding bots, apps and connectors to a team.
You can determine whether guests are allowed in their Microsoft-365-tenant.This function is switched off by default.Once activated, the owners of a group can add guests to a team.
The SharePoint problem
The linking of teams and Sharepoint looks good at first glance, but also harbors some problems.SharePoint has, for example, a completely own authorization concept.The permissions are taken from teams, but of course this does not prevent the team's owner from changing these permissions in SharePoint.For this reason, there may be deviations between the two authorization models.
However, the own authorization control in SharePoint can also be a great added value.In teams, otherwise it is not possible to justify individual channels or other content separately.
A document library, regardless of whether this is located in the team's site or not, can be integrated into teams as a tab.However, this is just a link. Es wird dadurch keine Verknüpfung bezüglich der Berechtigungfromgestellt.Another difficulty is the standard document library that creates teams in SharePoint.There is a folder for each channel.Files that are attached to the chat are also there. Die Problematik zwängt sich einem Administrator regelrecht auf, wenn man weiß, dass Teams keine „harte Verdrahtung“ zwischen den Dateien, dem Ordner, dem Chat und den Kanälenfromstellt.Files without any hindrance can be deleted in SharePoint, folders can be renamed and everything without any warning.Of course, teams will no longer find the files and loses the assignment.
A possible solution would be to actually only use the document library via Microsoft Teams.A second document library should be created for all other purposes in the site collection.Microsoft is currently working on a solution to this problem (as of September 2021))))))))).
The planner problem
The problem refers to the way planner file attachments store: file attachments are stored in SharePoint.If a file attachment is removed as an attachment for a planner task, it is retained in SharePoint.Thus, a once added file attachment will remain in SharePoint forever.
Manual deletion is more difficult than expected: since there is no hard wiring (as described above with "The SharePoint problem"))))))))), you cannot see in SharePoint which files are actually linked to tasks and which files are orphaned.
You can delete all without any problems and without an error message.You will then lack the attachment in Planner or a mistake is issued as soon as you want to access it.
Important limits
Within one tenant it is currently allowed a maximum of 500.000 groups.That sounds like a lot, but keep in mind that a group in Microsoft 365 is now being created in “Almost every action”.When creating a SharePoint site, when creating a plan in a planner, setting up a channel in stream, opening a group in Yammer and of course when starting a team.Some important number of boundaries:
Where are my data?
Teams divides the data on various services in a team:
This also shows that SharePoint must be activated in your tenant, otherwise you will lose all file storage and release functions.
If you chat privately (outside of a team))))))))) with one person and attach a file to this chat, the file in OneDrive for Business is saved and released to the chat partner.
Teams in Outlook
Teams are not visible in Outlook.That was different at the beginning of teams.The Outlook mailbox and the calendar are still technically available in teams, but are no longer accessible via Outlook.The background was that it was very confusing for users to find “conversations” in one team twice.In Microsoft Teams there are conversations ("contributions"))))))))) that represent the chat.In Outlook there is also the team, Outlook also represents conversations, but means the group mailbox.But this has nothing to do with the chat.
For admins: Introduce teams in the company
Microsoft Teams are available in the plans for business Essentials, Business Premium, Enterprise E1, E3, E4 and E5.Microsoft also offers a free version of teams.Since the main competitor Slack also offers a free version, Microsoft seems to have followed.
Provide Microsoft teams
Microsoft teams must first be activated for the organization. Alle Einstellungen, die hier aufgeführt sind, wandern derzeit an einen neuen Ort: das „Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business Admin Center“.This is rolled out to all tenants in these weeks.The description refers to the currently valid variant:
1.The first activation takes place via the "client -wide setting", this can be found in the admin center at:
Einstellungen => Dienste und Add-Ins => Microsoft Teams.
2.In the "General" section, activate the three buttons.In addition, activate or deactivate the "Microsoft teams for all users of this type" Under "Settings according to the user/license type"..
If you would also like to activate the email integration so that users can send an email to a channel via the channel email address, activate the "E-Mail Integration" item.
3.The third step is to activate the apps that are to be available in teams.Under the "Apps" section, you can set whether teams should allow external apps whether new apps should be available automatically and whether the cross shop of apps is allowed.
The cross shop of apps is used to integrate apps into teams that you have developed yourself or that come from a third party, which cannot be found in the store.You also have the option of regulating separately for each app whether it should be available to your users or not.
With the options, you will also find the option of allow third-party services to allow users as a cloud storage space in addition to OneDrive.Box, Dropbox, Google Drive and ShareFile are available there.
The settings for calls and meetings can also be controlled via the graphic admin interface.You can regulate whether you would like to allow private meetings to be planned to be planned, whether instant reviews are allowed or whether you want to enable video meetings and screen transmissions.In the news area you have the option, for example, to switch off the "funny GIF pictures".
Connectivity, IP addresses and ports of teams
For Microsoft teams, some FQDN and IP address endpoints must be accessible.You can find the current overview at https: // aka.MS/TeamS IPS ports.It is also worthwhile to look at the interior width calculator from Microsoft, as Microsoft teams can produce a lot of traffic: http: // aka.MS/BWCalc
Access to the team
Access to Microsoft Teams does not always have to be done via the browser, as with other Microsoft 365 apps.There is also a locally installable application.The application is locally, but the content is only to a limited extent. Sie können Microsoft Teams über den Microsoft Storefromunterladen oder aber als MSI-Datei ausrollen.
Surprisingly, the offline access to the files in teams does not work if the document library is located locally on the PC via the Onedrive Sync Client.Teams do not seem to get this information and always tries to access the files online.
Corresponding apps are also available on other platforms such as Android or iOS to ensure access to Microsoft Teams.
Governance guidelines
Before activating Microsoft Teams, think about whether every user should really be able to create 365 tenant teams in your Microsoft.If you do not want this, you must limit the creators in advance.This works as with the Microsoft 365 groups.
The second superior approach is whether you define name guidelines in advance.This could be a blacklist with terms that must not be used as team names (e.g. "management", "board", "works council" etc..))))))))).You can see how to set up the name guideline using the PowerShell.
To clean up superfluous groups from time to time, you can introduce drainage rules.The owner of the team or the group is then pointed out 30 days before the end of the expiry of renewing the group.Otherwise the deletion takes place.
Admission teams
Microsoft Teams has integrated compliance and supports the standards ISO27018/01, SOC 1 and 2, hipaa and the EU model clauses.Your data is encrypted, regardless of whether it is the chat, notes or files.Microsoft Teams is also Tier-C Compliant.
Teams supports the multi-factor authentication and information protection with archive, ediscovery, Legal Hold, compliance contents, auditing and reporting
To back up
Microsoft currently has no separate way to secure teams.Team content stored in SharePoint can of course be protected with the common methods of SharePoint (version management, retention guidelines, etc..))))))))).Another option is to have copies of files generated in another location with flow (for example in a record center))))))))).
The archiving of a team is currently not intended.A new group owner can be added as a workaround.Ideally, this should be a special compliance administration account instead of a tenant administrator.
Then remove all owners and members from the team and ensure that the group is "private".This means that no new members of the group can join in without their intervention.The content and documents of the team remain invisible to Delve or other search processes.
In the last step, block e-mails to the team's email addresses by changing the primary SMTP address of the group and put the requires transmitter a authentication material using the PowerShell on $ True.There are no more messages from the outside.
Microsoft teams protocol functions
Teams created some log files during operation.First of all, the installation is recorded (this is under %Appdata %\ Local \ Microsoft \ Teams \ Squirrelsetup.Log to be found))))))))).The log for ongoing operation is under %appdata %\ roaming \ Microsoft \ teams \ logs.TXT available.
In addition, Teams creates media logs.These contain diagnostic data on audio, video and screen release.You are under %Appdata %\ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Teams \ Media-Stack*.to find etl.The Outlook-Meeting-Add-in also creates its own log: C: \ Users \ Username \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Teams \ Meeting-Addin \ Team-Meeting-Addin.log
If you open teams, you can use the key combination to...Have the TXT save in your download folder.At the Mac you use the key combination option + command + shift + 1.
This protocol shows you registrations, connection inquiries to services as well as calls and conversations.
Administration via PowerShell
The PowerShell currently offers these CMDlets for the administration of Microsoft Teams:
Microsoft teams - frequent questions and problems
What happens after the switching off of apps?
In the administration interface you can also deactivate the apps retrospectively.If an app was used in a team in a tab, this tab is hidden.If the app is reactivated at a later date, the tab will also be available again.Blocked apps with connectors can no longer send messages.If a connector was integrated into a chat, he can no longer post any further messages in the chat.
What happens when deactivating a bot?
If a user had an existing conversation with a bot, then the entire content of this conversation remains intact.However, the user cannot interact with the bot.
Can teams be brought together?
No, this is not possible so far.A merging of two teams is only possible with manual work, although this path causes pain: a chat history and the tasks in planners, for example, can only be taken over by "copy-and-paste".
What happens when the owner of a team is removed?
The team still works.All data are retained and all existing users can continue to use the team.If the distant user was the only owner of the team, the global administrator can take control of the team again.To do this, add yourself in the Microsoft-365 admin center or another person as a team owner.The team recognizes this change.Connectors that the removed user added to the team no longer work.Planned meetings continue to work because they are included in the group calendar.
Well -known problems from Microsoft Teams
It happens regularly that the Outlook add-in for teams to create new meetings is not available.Even after a reinstallation of teams, it does not want to appear.Microsoft has published a detailed error treatment.The problem is that the button in the ribbon is displayed in Outlook by a COM-Add-in and this can only be installed with administration rights.Microsoft empfiehlt Outlook als normaler Benutzer auszuführen, anschließend die Teams-Appfromunterzuladen, zu installieren (als Administrator))))))))) und sich einzuloggen.After that, it must also be ensured that the add-in in Outlook is not deactivated.
The problem is certainly caused by the users if a user leaves the company.Microsoft Teams then continues to represent this user as a "unknown user".In addition, it is even displayed in the entertainment tab: "Unknown user has been added".Unfortunately, Microsoft does not yet offer any problem solving.
There is also no problem solving in the event that a channel has been deleted and a new channel is then to be created with an already used name.This is not possible as long as the channel is still "in the trash".Only after 30 days the channel is actually removed.
If a guest creates a channel, no wiki is added to this channel.The wiki can no longer be created afterwards.Combined with the problem that the entire channel cannot be deleted and created under the same name, this problem is currently not to be avoided.Channels should always be created by the owner or by members, not by guests.
You can find more known problems on https: // docs.Microsoft.com/de-de/Microsoftteams/known-issues
How is Microsoft teams positioned in contrast to Yammer?Yammer is not given up, but remains part of Microsoft 365.Microsoft has created a diagram of an inner and outer circle, which says that Yammer is primarily there for larger statements and communication with external.Microsoft is probably also known that there are very large overlaps over large parts.This is the only reason why the discussion "When do I use what" will be kicked off again and again.
And again and again there are new ideas and representations of Microsoft, but they do not solve the basic problem: too much overlapping offers.
Conversation circle
Microsoft introduces the future conversation via the following three platforms:
The focus of these three areas is then SharePoint for files, sites and content.The Microsoft-365 group forms the bracket for all these services.
It is questionable whether this idea is so well received by every user.Especially since, for example, teams now also has a guest access with which can also be worked together with external people.Yammer is also used well internally.The borders blur strongly and are not as clear and clear for a long time as Microsoft represents them.Skype for Business no longer plays a role there.
Future of Microsoft Teams
Microsoft would like to equip Microsoft teams with AI functions in the future.Some of the functions have already been announced.Some examples are listed below:
Alternatives to Microsoft Teams
Microsoft did not necessarily reinvent the wheel with teams.There are already comparable products on the market.The development of Microsoft Teams was probably mainly driven by the main competitor Slack.But Facebook also provides a similar product with its workplace.There are also more unknown alternatives such as Mattermost or Hipchat.
Teams more or less depicts what we wanted from SharePoint a few years ago: a surface that we can customize and put together for a specific group.In teams, this is not shown by SharePoint apps and web parts, but by channels and riders.
Teams are therefore much more limited than Sharepoint: no individual adjustments, no complicated right -wing management.In teams there are only owners, members and guests.This creates teams to become an app, the benefits of which can already be opened after a short introduction.Teams also offer an app that can be installed locally and can be put in the taskbar for the user.The entry is actually equipped with a significantly lower threshold than with SharePoint.
Teams are heavily pushed by Microsoft and will probably be the app in the near future, which will be further developed most.In addition to Skype for Business, teams also displaced a bit of Outlook from their place.Because in teams I can chat and communicate with people, keep video and audio meetings, view appointments, plan and process tasks.
*Thomas Maier heads the 365 academy and is active in this position as a consultant and trainer on the subject of Microsoft 365, collaboration and SharePoint.“Working more productively - this topic drives me.Both in the SharePoint and in Microsoft 365 ″, the author said.The goal of the expert is that users can better exploit their Microsoft 365 and thus the productivity in the company can be increased.