Digital skills are now no longer only desirable in both professional context and in everyday life, but necessary prerequisites.For this reason, at Microsoft, we work with partners on numerous projects for digital qualification in order to convey the necessary skills.In our new blog series “qualified?Certified! ”We present people who took part in various Microsoft training programs and were able to open up new possibilities with the help of the acquired skills and certifications.
Certifications as a career driver
New technologies develop with increasing pace and there are more and more tasks and jobs that require technical knowledge.Further training certificates can offer added value for employees and job seekers, because they show relevant skills and knowledge that are currently in demand on the job market.This can result in better job opportunities and even opportunities for promotions.In a current Civey survey [1], around two thirds (61 percent) of the respondents stated that certifications in the application process can improve the chances of a job offer.People who are in vocational training are even of 92 percent of the opinion that certificates have an advantage for applications.According to the results, digital skills are also considered important skills in the labor market of the future.65 percent of the respondents estimate that it will be important in the future to be able to deal with digital media.Over half (53 percent) considers the ability to communicate via digital services to be relevant to the future.
Certifications also offer advantages for companies: A good two thirds (69 percent) of respondents at the highest management level and in HR will confirm that it has positive effects if employees can show certificates.42 percent of company decision -makers also stated that certified employees enrich the knowledge collected in a company.
How Microsoft drives digital qualification
Microsoft wants to help as many people as possible to develop competencies for the digital age.Last year we started a worldwide qualification initiative that is aimed at everyone who wants to prepare themselves for the requirements of the new world of work and strive for the entry into future -proof professions.The IT-Fitness initiative is part of it.It supports people of every age group to move confidently online.With free online tools for self-assessment and self-learning modules on topics related to artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, learners can acquire the most important skills for the AI age.
The new part of the IT-Fitness initiative is an online academy with various courses that lead to microcertificates based on the open standard "Open Badges".The first training sessions are located in the field of job coaching: The participants receive tips for professional application documents and communication in emails, learn how to build a network and can acquire basic IT skills with tutorials-of course everything with the help of modern technology solutions.The offer is continuously supplemented and adapted to the current needs.Workshops, online seminars and coaching are offered as support for the learners.After successful participation, the graduates receive a link under which they can download their open bathroom.You can then integrate this into your LinkedIn profile and applications, for example.In addition, the Badges can be canceled and ideal for preparing for industrial certificates.
Our new blog series “Qualified?Certified! "
We inspire the experience reports of the participants from various Microsoft qualification initiatives.So we would like to share you.In our new series of contributions we will present some alumni and alumnae of our qualification measures and their success stories.Be excited to see how the participants benefited from the courses and to what extent the certifications opened up new options to them.
In the coming week we will publish the first episode of the new series here at the News Center.I recommend that everyone who in the meantime would like to get fit for their own professional future, I recommend a look at the diverse offers of our IT-Fitness initiative.
A contribution by Astrid Aupperlelelleiter social engagement at Microsoft Germany
[1] The opinion research company Civey on behalf of Microsoft from 11.11.2021 to 15.11.2021 Online 1.000 dependent employees in Germany interviewed.Furthermore, in the period of 11.11.2021 to 30.11.2021 Online 1.000 people at the top management level and employees asked in human resources.The results are representative due to quotas and weightings, taking into account the statistical error of 5.2 % (total result).
Tags: qualification, skilling, certifications