The MediaMarkt electric market chain has now started a European online marketplace-but only in Germany for the time being.The platform should be open to every dealer.
Anyone who buys online at Amazon will have noticed that you often do not exchanged goods for money with Amazon, but with a third dealer.The online giant itself only takes over the handling of the trade - and then receives a small Obolus.This is the principle of Amazon's extremely successful model place.
Something similar has now started media market: the MediaMarkt Marktplatz.In principle, the platform is open to every dealer who has its company seat within the EU and also operates its shipping from there.The dealers can then also offer their products online via the marketplace at MediaMarkt - and then reach more and other customers than through their classic sales channels due to the large range of the platform.
Traders pay basic fee and commission
In return, the dealers pay a monthly basic fee of 39 euros and a sales commission, the amount of which depends on the category of the product sold.
As far as the plan.For the time being, however, the market square is still in the beta phase.This means that you start with a limited range and basic functions.Both should then be gradually expanded.In the future, for example, customers should also be able to pick up purchased on the marketplace directly in a nearby MediaMarkt.So far it has not been possible yet.
How well the new marketplace is accepted must still be shown.If successful, he could significantly strengthen the position of MediaMarkt as an e-commerce platform, also to competitors such as Amazon.It could also mean more selection for customers and, in the best case, lower prices.It should be particularly interesting if the marketplace should actually gain a foothold across Europe.Until then, it should be a long way for MediaMarkt's marketplace.