Thomas Anders when the "The Masked Singer" turtle is unveiled.Image: ProSieben/Willi WeberterView
After crossbeats on Bohlen at "Masked Singer", Thomas Anders clarifies: "Revenge has no style"
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The former modern talking singer could not take the special recognition value.And although his years of cooperation with Dieter Bohlen is far behind him, the musician duo has been officially separated since 2003, the pop titan was also discussed on the ProSieben show: the annoying sidekick of the turtle was a parrot, which was a parrotMustard gave.
When it became known that Bohlen had to hand in his jury post at "Das Supertalent" and "DSDS", the parrot clearly turned out to be a Bohlen symbol at "The Masked Singer"."A place has become free here, people, and I have time too.I am expecting hammer-like performances today! ".
Der Papagei bei "The Masked Singer" mit Rateteam-Gast Katrin Bauerfeind.Bild: ProSieben / Willi WeberWhat has thought of these allusions, why he avoided hairdressers because of the show and what he advises the future "The Masked Singer" candidate, he told in an interview with Watson.
Watson: How satisfied are you with your "The Masked Singer" placement?
Thomas Anders: I'm super happy that I made it into the final.So my goal was definitely surpassed in the first program, definitely exceeded.It was just a great and liberating feeling for me finally to take off the mask.
"Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass es nach der ersten Sendung das öffentlichste Geheimnis Deutschlands war, dass ich die Schildkröte bin."How did you experience the final?
You have to say very clearly: it was by far the most difficult finale because all four finalists are top singers.And that has never happened before.In the end, the placement may then be due to the title selection or the sympathy for a mask.No matter, the main thing is that the main thing is to have fun in the final, the main thing is that the main thing is that the main thing is.
During a TV interview, they were addressed to their possible "The Masked Singer" participation.How did you feel at that moment, shortly before the exposure?
Of course you think: Hach, what do I have to tell here now, when everyone all believes to know that I am.But then you have to play along consistently and try to redirect the track.I felt that after the first show it was the public secret of Germany that I was the turtle.In the end it was 88 percent in the app who said that I am.That's why I found it to say so far: "In the name of the people, it is Thomas Anders", as Rea Garvey said in episode five.
Did your private environment recognize you and if so, what?
It was always the voice.I heard so often: "You sang the first tone and we knew it was you."Or:" It was such a phrasing and we knew it was you."And I also tried to leave out these typical phrasings for me with the help of my vocal coach.
And did that work?
I was so strained by Phil Collins at the first song "In the Air Tonight" and thought: The song is so far away from Thomas Anders, the song also had a special arrangement, you can't get on it directly.Well, but the first thing I read was: "That was clearly Thomas Anders".
"Meine Stimme trägt den Künstler Thomas Anders und dass die Leute das sofort erkennen, sehe ich auch als Kompliment."They have been in the show business for several decades, but, after their exposure, said that it surprised them that the recognition value of their voice is so great.How does that fit together?
I don't analyze my voice and then see how high the recognition value is.Because I see myself as a whole person, logically.When I appear, the face, gestures and voice are a coherent cosmos for me.Talking about expression under the mask did not work either.The fact that the voice is perceived so strongly alone, with such a high recognition value, I really wouldn't have expected that.But in reverse: this is probably one of the reasons for my success.If you have been so successful like me for 35, 36 years, then people have got used to it and know how to sound.
That is also a big compliment for you as an artist.
Definitely, that's my ID.The voice made me what I am artistic.My voice wears the artist Thomas differently and that people recognize it immediately, I also see as a compliment.After all, that makes them hardly interchangeable, so you have to see it too.
"Notiert euch die Namen derjenigen, die ihr 'angelogen' habt, damit ihr am Tag danach wisst, bei wem ihr euch entschuldigen müsst."Who knew about her "The Masked Singer" participation?
My wife and son knew it, and only those who had to know.And then I tried to go out as little as possible for the last six weeks so that I will not be confronted.
What kind of situations do you mean specifically?
I didn't go to the hairdresser especially so that I cannot sit in the chair and cannot flee if the demand comes to the turtle.I definitely didn't want that.I held back a lot.
Do you have a tip for future candidates?
I can only advise everyone who follows me: make a list, tap it in the cell phone, write down the names of those who "lied" so that you know who you have to apologize the day after.(laughs)
Der Papagei und die Schildkröte bei "The Masked Singer".Bild: ProSieben / Willi / WeberWhat made it particularly difficult about your costume to perform in it?
They are almost 13 kilos heavier within a good ten minutes.Then the costume is padded at the bottom, there is a leather coat, you had a tank in the back.In one hand I had the microphone and in the other I had the enter hook.So I could only always wave around with my tank hook, I couldn't do anything else.I couldn't go on my knees, otherwise I would have hit the floor with the tank.But I couldn't sit down either, which was also not possible through the tank.It was a very, very large restriction.But I tried to breathe life into the turtle as far as possible.
With success!Despite the adversities...
Then you shouldn't forget the huge head with your hat.There were three fans in the head and you still hardly get any air.If you move and perform, it was very exhausting physically.If you haven't participated, you totally underestimate it.
In your opinion, were the other masks similarly demanding?
There are certainly masks that are easier.I think the worst hit the monstronauts.And the dinosaurs had the problem that his teeth went so far that the head threatened to tip forward.You always had to hold your head back with your neck muscles so that it doesn't happen and still sing.
Are you happy to have caught the costume when choosing?
At least I couldn't have imagined any other.
Her costume also included a fairly tall parrot, which was symbolically turning out to be Dieter Bohlen in the season.Especially in a "The Masked Singer" edition there were clear, but also nasty references to Bohlen ("Schnabel-Dieter, stop the edge").What do you say about the comments in the issue about Bohlen?
That wasn't my idea.I knew when I got the costume that a parrot was also part of the turtle captain.However, I believe that this was not so pushed into this personal context at the time and that only developed.Matthias Opdenhövel then played with this and then suddenly played in the indications of clips.That was a sure -fire success.
"Da werden die Damen und Herren von RTL schon wissen, was sie tun."Dieter Bohlen has never held back with nasty sayings in his "DSDS" career with nasty sayings.Do you see the comments about him at "The Masked Singer" as a counter -strike or compensation?
no.Revenge has no style.You don't need that.This is something that I have never allowed myself to do it.I think in the end only quality counts.
Dieter Bohlen war lange Zeit Juror bei "DSDS".Bild: dpa / Henning KaiserDo you think that "DSDS" and "The Super Talent" have a future without Dieter Bohlen?
So I don't want to comment on that, because I am basically not interested in that either.I haven't seen the shows before either.RTL will already make the right decision and RTL has certainly thought about the current decision, which was certainly not discussed at the breakfast table.The ladies and gentlemen from RTL will already know what they are doing.
Could you imagine becoming the successor to Bohlen in the shows?
no.That is immediately excluded for me.That would also be a bit too flat and that would be too effective.I wouldn't want to do it at all, because that is not my genre either.It's not about having to assess young people somehow who often have no talent.I dont want that.
What will be in your future?
In the coming weeks I have many more television records for various other programs.Then my English -language album comes on Friday, but that's intended for the international market, for my international fans.I haven't made an English -language album for seven years and now they are also their turn and not just the German fans.And then the preparation for the next album starts.In addition, there is still hope that we can occur every now and then from summer.