The second season of celebrities under palm trees started on Sat1 and with an absolute cracker.A crackle of shit.But one by one.The reality TV series "Celebrities under Palmen" in Thailand was able to start under hygiene requirements (Schwulissimo reported).
Celebrities and/or reasonably known people who have already been seen in one or the other Trash TV program are fighting for the prize money of 100.000 euros.Everything in a paradisiacal backdrop, but the human abysses quickly make paradise to hell.
At the top of it: Prince Marcus von Anhalt, who probably deserves this title just as little as the state controls it on it.He gets together with Patricia Blanco right from the start.The 54-year-old does not seem to know himself as well with compliments as with the tax system in Dubai and said the following about Roberto Blanco's daughter: "In the first five minutes of conversation, you gave me a completely different impression than I had from you becauseMany said that she is the daughter of a celebrity and did not do anything himself, the fat sow."A real woman understander, our fairy tale prince and when he received the middle finger for it, he added charmingly: Yes, now you are no longer so fat".
But Fattshaming and sexism were not everything.He also had homophobia in the queue of idiocy.And so he collided with the drag Queen Katy Bähm, who, incidentally, married her long -time friend yesterday (gayissimo reported).The prince used the term "fleet" and said Katy Bähm that it is "gross when two men kiss".Perhaps the Marcus has only accidentally evaded taxes because it obviously proves with this statement that it has not yet arrived in the 21st century.Should his tax advisor tell him that we are in 2021 - could solve two problems.
Does he find it gross when two women kiss on his sex parties or is that okay because it serves his fetish?Oh, this homophobic double standards.Willi Herren does not like this statement at all and then campaigns for Katy Bähm and common sense.Until the purchased noble shouts: "When I say it is gay shit, that's how it is ... for me".But at the end he says something wise that can finally be agreed with him: "I am not compatible for this world."
Usually, princesses are always connected to towers, locks or the realm of eternal dreams, but could one turn the tables for the benefit of equality and for the benefit of mankind?Thanks!
Am Schluss hat er sich noch für sein „Benehmen" entschuldigt, aber das reicht nicht.There is no education that Olivia Jones offered, for example,.On Facebook and Instagram, she offers him his books and even read them himself.There was also a lot to read on Twitter, because the audience were shocked.Sat1 therefore made it clear that they did not share these statements.
In the end you have to say that Alexander Marcus with his title song Papaya is the only good Marcus in this production!