Mannheim/Metropolitan Region Rhein-Neckar.Saturday, 8.January 2022, 17.00:00 tingling pleasure in the gloss of the chandeliers an evening in the castle.During the tour of the evening castle, the chandeliers sparkle and radiate - it must have been so elegant in the courtyard balls in the Palatinate residence!It will also be a special evening for guests: the shine of the luster is reflected in the filled champagne glass.The tour of the Beletage with their magnificently equipped rooms takes a look at the courtly festivals - hardly known details and anecdotes included.
Adults € 12.00, reduced € 6.00 Registration required: Service Center Tel.: 06221- 658880
Sunday, 9.January 2022, 14.30 o'clock galant enthusiasts and dancing at the farm dancing was an essential part of court society: it represented the whole splendor and the shine of a Fürstenhof.From the menuett of the Renaissance to the waltz of the 19.Century: During the tour of the state rooms, you can find out how dances changed.In the court music room, the time of the big festivals comes to life again: the newly acquired, original stand clock harbors a music box with rollers for different dances of the time.Adults € 12.00, reduced € 6.00 Registration required: Service Center Tel.: 06221- 658880
Thursday, 20.January 2022, 17.00:00 from the original to the reconstruction of traces of traces in the castle of the castle of original stucco fragments and historical sources was reconstructed by Elector Carl Philipp's parade bedroom: the room with its unique stucco ceiling can be virtually tangible today with 3D glasses.On the tour of selected rooms, guests learn what is original from the electoral period, which has been destroyed and reconstructed.A film shows the path from the stucco to digital animation.Sunday, 23.January 2022, 14.30 p.m. State Raison and Passion?Love and relationships in the hopeful marriages were not very romantic: they were closed for dynastic and political reasons.The spouses often found feelings, closeness and warmth elsewhere, for example in a love affair with a mistress or a lover.A lady of the court or a chamber lord provide an insight into the relationships between the Elector Carl Philipp and Carl Theodor as well as the elector ElisabethAugusta Sophie and MariaAnna.Adults € 12.00, reduced € 6.00 Registration required: Service Center Tel.: 06221- 658880
Saturday, 29.January 2022, 14.30 a.m. Murder at the Electoral Cour Interactive crime game for the entire family Leibkoch of their electoral delicacies ElisabethAugusta was insidious.Did the attack really have him or should the elector herself be the victim herself?The guests try to solve the case and slip into the roles of suspects.The knowledgeable court lady Leopoldine from Ketschau supports the guests with information about the conditions at the farm. Vielleicht schaffen sie es, den Fall zu lösen?Adults € 12.00, reduced € 6.00 Registration required: Service Center Tel.: 06221- 658880
Schwetzingen Castle special tours in January 2022
Sunday, 9.January 2022, 3 p.m. I can introduce: My name is Charles Burneyob musician, painter or scientist: You know your life at court up close - because you were there!Various historical personalities report vividly on a tour of life at the court.The British music historian, composer and organist DR describes almost enthusiastically.Charles Burney his impressions of the electoral court music - which enjoys an excellent reputation.
One -hour lecture in the palace chapel award including.Garden admission: adult € 11.00, reduced € 5.50 Registration required: Tel.: 06221- 658880 or email: Service@Schloss-Schwetzingen.com
Sunday 23.January 2022, 15.3:00 pm Clothed experience in the castle band in the HistoricalAndreas-Ubhauserorgeldie Organ of the Castle Chapel is the only one in Baden from the transition period from the Baroque to Romantic.The instrument was built in 1806 byAndreas Ubhauser.Castle organist Heinz-Georg Saalmüller tells of the organ building around 1800 and explains the building history of the Schwetzinger organ.To the musical end, he plays pieces from the time of the organ, including from W..A.Mozart.Price incl. Garteneintritt: Erwachsene 12,00 €, Ermäßigte 6,00 €Anmeldung erforderlich: Tel.: 06221- 658880 or email: Service@Schloss-Schwetzingen.com
Sunday, 30.January 2022, 15 Uhr„Zwielicht unter Göttern” – Die Skulpturenausstellung in der OrangerieEin besonderes Highlight – Der abendliche Themenrundgang führt in den legendären „Wald von Statuen“. So zumindest bezeichnete Johann Wolfgang von Goethe beeindruckt dieAntikensammlung des Kurfürsten. In mystischerAbendstimmung werden die barocker und antiker Skulpturen im Lapidarium erkundet. Dauer: 1 StundePrice incl. Garteneintritt: Erwachsene: € 11,00; Ermäßigte: € 5,00Anmeldung (erforderlich) unter Tel.: 06221-65 888-0