Mannheim/Metropolitan Region Rhein-Neckar.01.12.in front of and in the Kulturhaus, Stampelpark15 Christmas tree with Nikolaus17 p.m. Christmas edition of the Kultur Cafésine Cooperation of the KG Löwenjäger and the Kulturhaus, Freidas Kulturhaus brings out all the construction site difficulties and celebrates the Käfertaler Christmas tree together with the KG "Die Löwenjäger" in the Stempelpark (Mannheimer Strasse).All children are cordially invited to decorate the large tree.The tree is donated by the flower house water, the setup takes over the volunteer fire brigade.Santa Claus has also announced, and there is a mulled wine stand for the big ones.The cultural center has also opened its gate.There is coffee and cake here, and from 5 p.m. a Christmas edition of the Kultur Café.Sachie Matsushita (Rhodes), Markus Krämer (double bass), Fumiya Matsushita (guitar) and Yui Matsushita (VOC) entertain with Christmas carols and jazz, in addition Vivien Schömel from the Christmas story of Charles Dickens reads.Free admission, donations desired 14.12.7 p.m., Younity Studio, Kulturhaus II, Wasserwerkstraße 70YOUNITY FAMILY KONCTION 2019RELEASE YOUNITY OIL IIAA This year, the Younity Family invites you to its annual concert shortly before Christmas, in the concert dream of the YOUNITY Studios in the Kulturhaus 2 in Wasserwerkstrasse 70.Kulturhaus Käfertal and the WHO rapschule at the I Creative Academy also present the third joint album "Younity II - From Ma Heart".After the first 2016 with songs by young refugees and locals in 14 languages and the second album 2018, mostly written in German, the third publication focuses primarily on the songs of young women.Half of the titles come from the pen of young rappers who look forward to many concert goers.Free admission, donations are desirable
15.12.5 p.m. Käfertal Culture Café, in the Stamp Park “Light-Engelberth-Stabenow” Jazz Standards in chamber music-like, light, clarinet, has been a member of the HR Bigband since 2005 and also musically widely spread in a wide variety of formations.Volker Engelberth, Piano, is a jazz winner of the state of Baden-Württemberg.In addition to his own bands, he teaches at the Stuttgart University of Music.Thomas Stabenow, Bass, is also a jazz winner of the State of Baden-Württemberg, professor of double bass at the Mannheim University of Music and runs his own label "Basic Sound".Three heavyweights that sound asleep.Free admission, café opening 3 p.m.
31.12.8 p.m. NEW!New Year's party in the Kulturhaus Music from the 70s to the present day opening at 7 p.m., the start of the event 8 p.m..If the big hall is not yet fully renovated, on New Year's Eve, the new foyer room becomes the place of a New Year's Eve party with DJ "Seelinio", DJ "Stefan H.“ und einem Life Auftritt des Duos„Stefan & Gio“ mit internationalen Hits.After the New Year's Ball has no longer pulled enough visitors, Ute Mocker, Stefan Hoock and the Kulturhaus team rely on a new form of event for people of different ages with casual party atmosphere and a broad music spectrum.There is chili con carne to eat, also in vegetarian form, sandwiches and nachos with dips.Tickets for the price of 28 euros in the Kulturhaus, at Bücher-Wirth (Käfertal) and Bookstore Waldkirch (Feudenheim), ticket reservation at Kulturhaus@kaefertal-net.de, Tel.0621/738041DAS Kulturhaus needs new chairs. They godfather, from 30,- euros If the cultural center appears in new splendor after the renovation, a modern facility is still missing in some places.Especially the aging around 700 chairs must be replaced.For this purpose, sponsors are sought that cover the costs.120 euros are required for a chair.But half or a quarter of the amount is also welcome.All donors are named in the opening brochure: For companies, clubs and institutions that take over 5 or more chairs, there will be a very special sponsorship wall.Contact: Kulturhaus@Kaefertal-Net.de, Tel.0621/738041
Current topics and dates: www.Facebook.com/cultural house.mannheim.Kaefertal or www.Facebook.com/Younitymannheim