Vaccination obligation: The hard punishments could threaten to refuse to vacate

Germany is in the middle of the fourth wave.But an end is far from in sight because of the too low vaccination rate.Therefore, a general debate is now being debated over a general vaccination obligation.But what would the legally mandatory corona pik actually mean for refusing vaccinations?What sanctions would you expect?We will explain to you which punishments would threaten in the event of a general obligation to vaccinate.We can tell you one thing in advance - you really have it all.

The majority is for the introduction of the obligation to vaccinate

What leads to moral fundamental discussions in Germany at the moment has been carried through in our neighboring country Austria - the general vaccination obligation.But since despite the government's work for months, the government has simply not managed to mobilize enough people for vaccination, the vaccination is now required from all sides.In the eyes of many experts, this is still the only way to avert a fifth or even in the worst case of sixth corona wave.Not only doctors: inside, work associations and politicians: Interior interpreted for general vaccination obligation.A large part of the German population also supports the introduction of a mandatory vaccination, which can be seen at least from the survey results of the ARD Germany trend.

From a legal point of view, according to lawyers, this would even be possible.And it could come even harder for them: those who are still vehemently resisting a vaccination would have to count on horrendous punishments.From the termination in the job to driving license withdrawal, everything is included.

High fines are threatened as a punishment

Anyone who should still resist the corona piks in the event of an obligation to vaccinate must expect high penalties.To date, nobody can say exactly how high they could ultimately be.Since a measles vaccination has been decided in Germany since March 2020, a refusal to vaccination Corona vaccination could be punished in a similar way, with high fines.For example, educators are given to the information: Inside, who work in a daycare center without measles vaccination and refuse a vaccination, with a fine of up to 2500 euros to checkout.It is therefore very likely that in the event of a corona vaccination, similarly high fines can be imposed.But the possibilities of the sanctions are even more diverse than some might think.

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If you would still defend yourself against a vaccination afterwards, you would have to dig deeper into your pocket.As the Leipziger Volkszeitung reports, the regulatory authority can "enact an administrative act against the individual" in such cases ".That means: "This gives the person concerned with the order to be vaccinated.Each individual violation, on the other hand, can be between five euros and 25.000 euros."The person concerned has only two options.Either you can vaccinate or give up your work entirely.According to the, however, questionable.

Payment of social money according to vaccination status

There is also the possibility that the state could make the payment of services such as BAföG, housing benefit and the like dependent on the vaccination status.This means that students who vehemently turn off a vaccination would then have to do without their BAföG.Even low earners would then have to do without housing benefit.There would also be the almost "complete exclusion" for unvaccinated from public life.Thus, in the event of an obligation to vaccinate, you should not visit any restaurants, cinemas, hairdressers or events.The state could also withdraw the driver's license

Attachment of salary and objects are possible

And if all of these measures have no effectiveness, the authorities can order the attachment of the salary or other objects of objects in a next step, says constitutional lawyer Walther Michl to the online portal"If this is also unsuccessful, the last remedy can be pronounced a compulsory compulsion" ".

Forced in the event of non -payment of the punishment

Anyone who would violate the obligation to vaccinate and simply do not pay the fine imposed must even fear that it is forced to do so.Because in Germany the following applies: If you cannot or do not want to pay a fine, you have to serve a prison sentence.How high this is depends on the amount of the fine.However, many experts advise against such a sanction.After all, the bid of proportionality would still apply.Therefore, other sanctions should first be used to help a possible obligation to vaccinate.

Loss of health insurance coverage for those who refuse to vaccinate are conceivable

In order to further increase the pressure on unvaccinated people, experts go so far to demand that those who continue to endanger the welfare of the entire population will lose their health insurance protection.That would mean that if you get sick unimagined, you can stay on the costs incurred.In the event of a severe corona infection, this could be quite expensive with several ten thousand euros.However, this option has not yet been discussed.However, the calls to the health insurance companies are louder of distinguishing tariffs after vaccination status.For example, the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians recently demanded that unvaccinated higher insurance contributions pay or should participate in the costs of the Corona behavior.


Austria not only decided on the nationwide lockdown in the fight against the coronavirus, but also imposed a general vaccination obligation.Unpainted people have to be on the hat, because in Austria there will soon be high penalties in Austria.

However, the following rules apply until the decision on the subject of the subject of vaccination is made for everyone: These are the new measures of the federal and state governments.Also important: 3G in the workplace: This now comes up with employees: inside.

Sources:,, and Tagesspiegel