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What was early in the morning and in the evening is no longer so important: make -up to go to the office or to the club.We stay more at home.That has changed the make-up trends.
Berlin/Frankfurt - The relationship with make -up, like much in the everyday life of people, has changed a lot through pandemic.In the past you put on your make -up for everyday life - and added something when you went out.
All of this still exists -or finally partially again -but there have also been new situations in which we can need a special make -up.For example for video calls.And during mask wearing.
"The focus is now on the eye," says Boris Entrup, make-up expert for the VKE cosmetic association.You emphasize the eyebrows, use mascara, eyeshadow, kohl or eyeliner - "just the places that you can show with mask".Here is consciously striking and unusual: for example with a statement Eyeliner.
In trend: the wing strike on the eye
The strikingly colored, particularly thick, graphically or with extra swinging eyelid stroke has long been used by fashion fans and for staging fashion images and the models on catwalks.But in everyday life it only arrives in pandemic - as an accent next to the masked protective mask.
Subtle enough for everyday life, but still more striking than the usual eyeliner only on the lash line is the so -called Wing: it is a clear extension of the eyeliner a bit outwards."So that the wing becomes symmetrical on both sides, first pull the base stroke directly on the lash line," explains Ricarda Zill, make-up artist and expert for the industrial association body care and detergent (IKW).
Then think of a line from the nose wing over the outer corner of the eye or alternatively create a pen.A small point is set on this line where the eyelid lid is to end.It should be at the same height in both eyes."Then pull a line from the point with the eyeliner from the point - the perfectly symmetrical wing is ready," says Zill.
More transparency and information
While the market for decorative cosmetics broke down in these pandemic times, according to Ricarda Zill, the overall business is booming - from hair treatments to nail care.Above all, it can be seen here that consumers place more and more emphasis on quality.There is also a need for transparency regarding the ingredients and that the cosmetics are sustainable.
This is accompanied by a demand for "Clean Beauty", which means clean cosmetics.Manufacturers of these products do without critical ingredients, often there are organic, organic and vegan cosmetics behind it.At the same time there is a growing interest in caring, supportive products for the facial skin - often instead of opaque, strong make -up.
The make-up for home and home office
And when make-up is bought, then often the one that fits everyday life in the home office and also more time in your own four walls.Like clothing, many people have changed the make-up for it, says make-up artist Boris Entrup.He speaks of a "home level".
But since you are also increasingly involved in digital communication in the form of conversations in front of laptop cameras, there is also a counter trend.Because you always have your own picture like when looking in the mirror in front of you, especially since cameras do not hide anything benevolently.So many pimps the sight-for example with concealing cosmetic products with terms such as "blurring" and "Pore-Refining effect" in the name.These promise roughly summarized a guards, fresh and even more even complexion with smaller pores.
Place strong - if you go out
But something is happening out there again: restaurants are open, theater playing again, the first clubs are dancing.Therefore, it is now clogged up when going out instead of spilling."The relief of being able to move freely again can also be seen in make-up," says Boris Entrup."The trend towards more complex make-up was recognizable before the pandemic."
He means, for example, the bonds from the 80s. „Rouge ist stark im Kommen, Lidschatten wieder mehrfarbig", zählt Entrup auf.And even the striking eyeliner and an emphasis on the eyebrows are included."However, the eyebrows remain strong and bushy - not as narrow and accurate as in the 80s." Und ab Herbst, aber auch schon mit Blick auf Weihnachten erwartet der Make-up-Artist viel Glanz, insbesondere die Verwendung von Gold.
And: Despite the many wearing a mask, the lips are currently being made up in intense, bright colors. „Zunächst hat man viel klassisches Rot gesehen, dass dann von leuchtendem Pink abgelöst wurde", berichtet die IKW-Expertin Ricarda Zill."Lipsticks with a shiny finish are particularly popular again."
Kusecht equal mask law
Who is surprised how it should work in combination with a mask?With long -lasting products that also survive kissing and eating.Here the color is sealed with a cosmetic paint, which means that it does not stick to the mask or clothing.
Although there has been a rethinking with some of the lockdowns and the many at home, how to dress or make it up, the desire for going out and thus make it up to be elaborate, which will certainly also exist.And with the right products, even the mask is not an obstacle.dpa