Ski touring: What beginners should consider

In many places Corona in many places was out of the question of skiing.Passionate winter athletes had to look for an alternative - and often ended up when walking ski tours.You go up a mountain with special skis, mostly off the slopes and then drive down.

In truth, what just sounds is "a rather complex thing," says Flo Schimpflug.Beginners in particular should consider a few points before you start with the skis for the first time.The author of the book "On the track: 50 ski tours in the Austrian Alps" explains in an interview with the news agency Spot on News what matters when ski touring.

Do not start alone on the first tour

Before interested people try to go ski tours, they should "venture more and more out of the slopes into the terrain," said Schimplug.It is best to slowly increase the number of excursions until "you feel safe and have the necessary trust".Because freeride experience is in any case a good basis for touring.However, the preparation is not done.

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"Planning, avalanche risk and risk management are often underestimated and it takes time for you to build experience," says the expert.Therefore, he recommends doing the first tour accompanied by experienced and "going to take a avalanche course in any case".After all, you never know who it was caught."I think that you have to be able to save your comrades.This is guilty of this, regardless of whether you are a beginner or professional."

This is important for tour planning

Therefore, tourers should have a "functioning LVS equipment".What is meant is a avalanche hunter search device.Always carry the LVS on your body.Important: Switch on before starting and check for functionality.In addition, an avalanche shovel and a probe are part of the basic equipment.Without a probe, no point location of a buried person is possible, nobody can dig it up without a shovel.

Always have the avalanche situation in the eye during tour planning."You can't see what is going on in the snow cover," explains Schimplug.When planning, "the weather and above all how you feel" should play a role."You can't do the tour of your life every day."However, if the local conditions such as snow and weather fit," you can do the best tour even most inconspicuously ".

These are the biggest mistakes in ski touring

The biggest mistake that winter sports enthusiasts can do when ski touring: "Self -overestimation", the author knows."You not only have to get it safely on the summit, but also unscathed again unscathed."Therefore, nobody should be put under pressure or stress."It's neither about the most altitude nor about the best time."

If you don't want to go up slopes, but seek loneliness directly, you should pay attention to two things when choosing a route."In Austria you should avoid game rest zones and reforestation areas and look for your line with considerate."The German Alpine Club also appeals to respect protection and good areas for plants and animals and to avoid noise.Best choose naturally friendly ascent and downhill routes.

Ski tour "has a positive effect on mental health"

Nevertheless, winter sports are criticized to be harmful to the environment and to disturb animals in their habitat."Skitourism and its infrastructure, such as lift, storage lakes and snow cannons, are definitely environmentally harmful," says the Viennese -born.However, the effects are lower when walking."After all, there is no infrastructure that you need."However, tourers would also have to put up with the accusation that they disturb animals in their winter rest."Respect for nature and prudence on the mountain are important.We are only guests up there and should behave that way."