The federal and state governments met on Tuesday to discuss a stricter corona winter plan-with a still uncertain outcome.Because the exact resolutions were postponed to Thursday.But one of the participants: Inside, already commented in advance and has a few real shockers in their luggage.
The designated Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz has spoken out for a general corona vaccination obligation.He announced that he would initiate a corresponding legislative procedure this year.If the majority of the Bundestag agrees, a general vaccination obligation could still apply from March.But he moved into a clear position on other topics.An overview of his evening statements.
Olaf Scholz speaks for general vaccination obligation
In view of the dramatic corona situation and the newly discovered virus variant Omikron, the designated Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz pleads for the introduction of a general corona vaccination.In his opinion, it should apply from March 2022 at the latest."My proposal is that the time to which everyone and everyone has been vaccinated is not too far, that is, my suggestion: in early February or early March," said Scholz on the television broadcaster "Bild".But during the interview, he expressly emphasizes that such a decision would not be hit by him or other ministers: inside, but would be left to the Bundestag.
According to Scholz.So the SPD politician told the picture: "I assume that this will start this year."In addition, Scholz again pointed out that such a vote would be a mere" question of conscience "for the individual MPs.Finally, vaccination saves human life.As a designated Federal Chancellor, he would vote in the event of such a vote with a clear "yes".
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"National task": 30 million vaccinations until Christmas
Before the still managing Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) or other ministers were able to comment on the inside, Olaf Scholz spoke of a "national task" that now required solidarity towards the particularly hard "high infection countries".Federal states, which at the present time have a low incidence, should accept the current and possibly still restrictions.In order to cope with the dramatic location and prevent further deaths, the entire country must now pull together.
By Christmas-in less than four weeks-around 30 million vaccinations should also be administered, i.e. first, second and booster vaccinations, Scholz said, citing the statements of other Corona summit participants: inside.Only a large -scale vaccination campaign can finally break the fourth wave sustainably.To achieve this goal, of course, you need more capacities.Since general practitioners and vaccination centers are already overcrowded, pharmacists, dentists and veterinarians should also actively support the nationwide vaccination campaign in the future.According to Scholz, corresponding legal adjustments are already in the works: "If I understand the Bundestag correctly, he is ready to get this on the way now."
Proof of vaccination should only be valid for 6 months
But vaccinated people will soon have to watch that their vaccination status always remains up to date.Because, according to several media reports, the future Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the SPD-led federal states demand that the validity of the vaccination certificates should only be valid for a period of six months.Scholz justifies his proposal to the picture as follows: "Because the protection of vaccination over time significantly decreases, the vaccination status will lose its recognition as a complete vaccination protection after six months."
That would mean that the persons currently still fully vaccinated could be classified as unvaccinated according to the new plans and this 6 months earlier than actually thought.In order to continue to keep vaccinated status, a booster vaccination would be necessary.But the SPD is not alone with such claims.The EU also plans to reduce the validity of the vaccination certificates.Here, too, the project is justified with a gradual decline in vaccination protection.
Kontaktbeschränkungen für Ungeimpfte & 2G im Einzelhandel
In addition, Scholz and the SPD calls for stricter contact restrictions for unvaccinated, according to the Berliner Zeitung.For example, private gatherings in which unvaccinated and not recovered people participate are only to be limited to their own household and a maximum of two people from a further household.Exceptions are only intended for children.In addition, a nationwide 2G regulation should apply to the entire retail trade.The exception of everyday needs such as supermarkets and drugstores are excluded here.
It remains to be seen exactly which decisions will be implemented by Thursday.But one thing is already emerging to break the fourth wave and prevent the rapid spread of the new virus variant Omikron, it requires the whole power of the population and also stricter measures.
Germany is in the middle of the fourth wave of Corona.Now the vaccination obligation is being debated violently.But would a general vaccination obligation in Germany be possible?Here you read what lawyers say about this project.
More and more scientists: Inside.After all, they protect them quite reliably from severe courses.The science journalist and YouTuber Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim also advocates a vaccination obligation.These are your arguments!
You can find out more about the coronavirus on our topic page.
Sources: ZDF.de, tag24.de, mirror.de and picture.de