At the wrong time in the wrong.Place - that's how the main character feels when it wakes up on an abandoned beach.The last memory: how she was brutally murdered by a woman with a machete.The fact that there is no dream behind it, but a time loop of the same day, find the main character Colt and the player quickly find out.But what is behind the island full of masked mask, the Colt mercilessly hunt?And how can he escape?Answering this is the goal of the great new action mystery games "Deathloop".
The idea of the time loop known in itself is skillfully turned: instead of making the main character into a repeated world, such as the nineties comedy "and the marmot greets" so great, "Deathloop" turns the principleAbout: everyone knows - only the main character and players have to find out slowly what the hell is with the island of Blackreef and the time loop.And how to finally escape him.
Where - and especially when?
Despite the unusual game idea, gameplay and optics quickly feel familiar.That is not surprising: developers Arcane Studios is known for games such as the "Dishonored" series and "Bioshock 2" who gambled the games, feels at home quickly.To cope with the superiority, sneaks, shoots and chops through the level with an arsenal of weapons, tools and playable super skills to find new clues what actually happens around him.
How much is normal? Aid, I am killed!If your own children don't get rid of video games
The time loop plays a crucial role in this.Each of the four play areas, such as the city of Updaam or a snowy military complex, can be visited at different times of the day - with sometimes completely different results.In the morning, human grapes can stay on the morning, the weapon depot will be cleared during the day.And the clipboard with the password for the safe that can be found in the morning can have disappeared again in the afternoon.And with him the valuable content of the same.As a player, you have to think carefully about which part you visit and when.
After death there is a new morning
Death also loses its horror through the time loop, at least a little: In order to complete a period of time, you shouldn't bless the time more than twice - otherwise the day starts again.At least at the beginning, this also means that you lose all the great weapons and improvements.Only the knowledge of secrets and some passwords can be kept first.Only later does you get to know opportunities to keep the best weapons and extensions.
This ensures a fascinating game experience: equipped with ever new knowledge, more and more closed doors open in the levels, which then reveal new secrets again.Those who like to stroke through levels to find secrets will always discover new ones.Because you can only die limited, the numerous fights remain exciting.Due to the newly discovered clues, failed loops also rarely feel wasted.And if only that you get to know the levels well enough to be able to cleverly avoid the opponents next time.In order to win the game, the player has to succeed at the end of the perfect loop.What this means exactly and what secrets hold him from it is not revealed here.But it is not easy.
If this is not enough for tension, you simply switch on the online game.Then your own game suddenly becomes a field for others - and you your goal yourself.In the role of the character Julina, other players can then enter their own game.Your goal: kill Colt.Because he continues to do all hands with the ordinary opponents, the challenge increases considerably.Especially if you only have to fear little danger later by the standard opponents, this can keep the tension high.Or you just switch off the online mode, then it will continue to appear Julianna, but the computer-controlled version is less creative than the human opponents.
Complex, but fresh
If that seems very complicated: it is definitely.However, the developer makes a lot of effort to explain the processes, mechanics and ideas behind it.They are slowly introduced, in the menus there are always indications that help to explain the increasing complexity.With small help, such as the automatic insertion, passwords already discovered, it is also ensured that the flood of indications does not overwhelm.Because the gameplay itself is generally known, the complexity acts more as a welcome variety and enrichment, than as a hurdle.
The familiarity is also that Deathloop has successfully mixed popular genres and game principles.Visually, with the very open and detailed level design and the successful gameplay, it is strongly reminiscent of the "Dishonored" series, the reset to the beginning is known from Rogue-Likes, the multiplayer mechanics based on invasions and the later possible resources of resources fromYour own body is clearly inspired by "Dark Souls" and Co.And the idea of having to be in different places at the same time had already implemented "Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask" wonderfully over 20 years ago.To combine all of this into a very round, fun and yet demanding mix is actually a performance.
Conclusion: ambitious and very successful
With the formula of the freely explored time loop, Arcane has put on a very exciting but also very complicated game, which skillfully mixes a wide variety of genres into a very successful cocktail.It helps that the well -known elements such as sneaking and shooting have been implemented great, the world design inspires with great attention to detail and invites you to explore - and again and again.
However, "Deathloop" is not suitable for everyone.Firstly, because the level of violence is really high-the USK rating "from 18" is not wrong.On the other hand, however, because the complex game principle, which caused enthusiasm for us, should rather put others.If you only want to play around in changing locations easily, you will have little pleasure in "Deathloop".But there are also enough other alternatives.