"The Lion's Den"
Nina Everwinon 25.10.2021 | 11:25There have already been some new hygiene products that have made it onto store shelves thanks to the start-up show. After Sause and soapflaker, we get to see another innovation for washing hands in the season finale of “Die Höhle der Löwen”: With her invention, the founder Katrin Klein wants to guarantee that our hands are really completely cleaned of bacteria and viruses. Thanks to its blue color, the colorsafe liquid soap shows which areas have not yet been soaped up properly. We'll show you where you can already buy the colorsafe soaps.
How does colorsafe hand soap work?
Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, we have all become aware of the importance of washing hands. It was not just children who were drilled into washing their hands long enough and thoroughly to ensure that no bacteria and viruses were spread. With conventional soap we have to rely on our feeling that we have carefully cleaned all the places between our fingers. Smaller children in particular, who are not yet very experienced at it, can quickly end up with only superficially cleaning their hands. Colorsafe tackles this problem with a simple solution: the liquid soap contains a natural blue dye made from flowers, which only briefly stains the hands when washing where they have actually been rubbed.
Sounds pretty simple, but the development of the soap took a whole year in laboratories to develop a product that is as gentle as possible and whose natural color can be easily washed off. To guarantee thorough cleaning, the blue liquid soap is rubbed into dry hands until all areas are colored. Only then should the soaped hands be washed off with water. In this way, water should also be saved, since the tap is not operated twice or even left running.
If you want to be on the safe side, you can also use disinfectants. In the video we show you how you can do it yourself cheaply:
Where can you buy colorsafe?
While many products from "The Lion's Den" can be bought in advance from Amazon, you can currently only find colorsafe in its own online shop, in local pharmacies in Essen and Cologne, and at shop pharmacies. Here you can get the pH skin-neutral, vegan and not tested on animals soap for 15.41 euros in a 300ml bottle or a little cheaper in a double pack for 28.97 euros.
colorsafe on "The Lion's Den"
The coloring soaps are already available in local pharmacy branches, but the Cologne founder Katrin Klein would like to expand her company throughout Germany and increase the production volume. This should also lower the currently relatively high selling price. In the start-up show, she therefore offers 10 percent of her company shares for 100,000 euros - a relatively moderate deal offer.
Will colorsafe soap soon join the ranks of successful DHDL products? We will show you why these products have convinced:
The 45 most popular products from "The Lion's Den"
Image source:RTL / Bernd-Michael Maurer
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