Ludwigshafen / Metropolitan Region Rhein Neckar-on the Munnemer Gockelskerwe 2014-es has already come again-from 15.August to 19.August 2014 the Kerwe (Munnemer Göckel Kerwe) is celebrated in Mundenheim.
Tune in with the Munnemer Kerwe you will already be on 14.August 2014 in the MKV Gockelsklause at the pre -Kerwetreff, which has been taking place since 2002 and thus for 12.Times in the same place.Here the active people of the clubs meet to get to know the new princess internally, which is then crowned the following day.The task of the incumbent and upcoming princess on this evening is the MKV Gockelsklause with the hoist of the flag to open as a MKV Kerwetreff.That evening the outgoing princess always applies to saying thank you.Elena I.(Elena Simon) has masterfully completed her reign.In retrospect, we can be proud of all of our previous princesses.
Officially, the Kerwe will start on 15.August on Kerweplatz.Here again a young lady is crowned with the Mundenheimer Kerweinzessin this year.We are happy and grateful that we have succeeded in presenting a young lady year after year who is ready to perform this voluntary task committed.The crowning glory is carried out this year by the deputy and treasurer of the city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein Feid (SPD).
Our princess is Vanessa Köhler and after the crowning glory Vanessa I..She is 17 years old and is very happy to take over this office.Vanessa is a member of the Munnemer Göckel.After the summer vacation, she begins training as a dental specialist.Due to the club work in the MKV, she is closely connected to the Mundenheim district, she has been dancing in the MKV Garde for 13 years.She has accompanied many princesses in the past and now her wish was fulfilled by becoming a princess.
The coronation by the deputy Dieter Feid (SPD) also makes its connection with the district clear.
On the following days there is a full program all over Mundenheim again.The traditional princess regulars will take place on the square on Saturday, as well as the regulars' table of the trader.
Then on Sunday the singing morning pint in the parish home ST.Sebastian, who was responsible for this year through the MGV 1856 E.V.is prepared.In the afternoon, the service of the Mundenheim fire brigade is certainly looking forward to visiting the princess in the office - at this point it should be said that there has been no princess who used the alarm rod down during this visit, but everyone has so farHead used for a look over Mundenheim and far beyond.
On Monday we have the children's afternoon for the children of the ST on 3 p.m..Annastiftes as well as a family afternoon and on Tuesday at 3 p.m. the senior afternoon on Kerweplatz.
The final point of the Kerwe 2014 is the traditional gocks burning in the Mundenheim school center at MGV Liederkranz.This becomes 21.Carried out.Active of the song wreath previously stuffed the jaw for many hours, which is then lit by the princess in the evening.
Not forgetting the clubs in the places in the Mundenheim school center of the MGV Liederkranz, on Kirchplatz Treff am Turm, in the park of the MSV and in the Gockelsklause of the Munnemer Göckel.
The Kerwefestschrift 2014 was designed in the responsibility of the deputy chairman Andreas Mack.
The host of the beer garden is new this year on the fairground.It is the bar and snack company Schüßler.
AGM Chairman Holger Scharff: “At all events, the Working Group on Mundenheimer Vereine E.V.Also make it clear that you always try to work for the benefit of the member associations and everyone together for the citizens of Mundenheim and also like to get involved.
The AGM events are supported musically by Hans-Jürgen Beringer.The Qu-Stall Duo plays for the landlord.
With this in mind, we all invite you to the Munich Gockelskerwe from 14.August to 19.August 2014.