Ludwigshafen / Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region - The Maudacher Kerwe, which normally takes place at this time, has unfortunately been canceled in its normal form due to Corona. Under the organization of Thomas Herzberger, the showmen have now organized a small corona-compliant alternative. As in Mundenheim, Oggersheim, Ruchheim and most recently in Friesenheim, the Maudachers can now look forward to a Kerwe replacement. Again the board of the showmen, Thomas Herzberger MRN-News informed, the "autumn fun" of the showmen will now take place.
Video shows the "summer fun" in Ruchheim
From October 8th, 2021 to October 11th, 2021, the showmen's autumn fun will take place in the parking lot in Maudacher Bruch (Riedstraße) and not on Kerweplatz as usual. The autumn fun is corona-compliant and has a hygiene concept. Visitors are allowed in the festival area look forward to the carousel and candy stand. Of course, physical well-being is also taken care of. These small festivals are a glimmer of hope for the showmen, and Thomas Herzberger would like to take this opportunity to thank Lukom and the Ludwigshafen Marketing Association for their support.
Brief info: Autumn fun for the showmen Maudach08.10.2021 to 11.10.2021Maudacher Bruch car park (Riedstraße)Pictures from previous events in Mundenheim, Oggersheim, Ruchheim, Friesenheim: