Ludwigshafen/Metropolitan Region Rhein-Neckar.The Ludwigshafen Christmas market attracts with an inviting collection of atmospherically decorated huts as well as with a wide variety of delights and gift ideas..November on Berliner Platz.Up to and including 23.December accompanies the event through the late autumn and the pre -Christmas period.With Christmas decoration as well as valuable protection against rain, snow and wind, walk -in huts form very special living qualities when visiting the Ludwigshafen Christmas market.The manageable dimensions of these huts ensure the meeting in the smaller circle of friends, family and colleagues for a pleasantly inviting atmosphere."With an appealing ambience, generous intervals between the individual offers, and with a comfortable event period of about one and a half months, we would like to offer the Christmas market as a feel-good format that meets a wide variety of requirements," explains Christoph Keimes, Managing Director of Lukom Ludwigshafen Congress and Marketing Societymbh that organizes the Christmas market."We want to offer our visitors a completely pleasant quality of stay, but at the same time we also do justice to all the pandeme -related framework conditions."
Comfortable freedom between the individual gastronomy and sales stands create sociable residence zones without leading the crowds that are too tight.A central entrance towards Ludwigstrasse is used to control the flow of visitors.A fencing decorated with Christmas motifs and Christmas trees borders the area of the Christmas market from ordinary public transport on Berliner Platz.“It was very important to us when planning that all visitors and passers -by can move safely and freely on the premises of the Christmas market. Der gesteuerte Zugang und großzügig bemessene Abstände zwischen den einzelnen Angeboten ermöglicht uns dies", erläutert Keimes.A good three dozen wooden huts includes the Christmas market settlement on the square with a balanced mix of sales offers and residence huts.The focus of the offer is on the gastronomy, but also winter and Christmas gifts can be found in the range of the Ludwigshafen Christmas market.
In the segment of sweet delicacies, Nuremberg and Odenwälder are gingerbread, chocolate fruits and candied apples, crepes and waffles, but also particularly valued foam kisses, popcorn and cotton candy are popular classics, which are particularly valued by children.In the area of hearty delights, not only vegetarians are certainly looking forward to cheese spaetzle, baked camembert and potato buffer.Half the meter of fried and fire sausage is served in the stove-fresh baguette.Local specialties are humsy variations and the traditional Palatinate plate.Raclette variations, cheese fondue and fried apples are special delicacies in the area of gastronomy.Winzerhull wines are served as mulled wine in the best quality.In the area of the stalls, whiskey fans will definitely look forward to the Moonshine stand.Gemstone jewelry, incense, feng Shui products and hand-made cotton bags from Nepal are further highlights of the range of offers of the Christmas market.In order to accommodate the needs of the youngest visitors, two children.Various walking acts on Sunday afternoons provide impressive encounters with children: sometimes as an ice queen and her sister, sometimes as Minnie and Mickey Mouse and also as Christmas angels and elf.In addition, on 6.December between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Santa Claus at the Christmas market.
“We are extremely pleased that the Lukom also gives us showmen with the significantly extended event period of the Christmas market also gives us an expanded action period for the acquisition of income. Und dies schätzen wir gerade nach all den zurückliegenden, Corona bedingt wirtschaftlich sehr stark belasteten Vormonaten ganz besonders", erläutert Thomas Herzberger, Vorsitzender desSchaustellerverbands Pfälzer Bund Ludwigshafen/Bad Dürkheim.From the TWL light magic, a light blanket is integrated into the decoration of the square, which as a band covers the events on Berliner Platz in a festive splendor.In previous years it marked the central axis of the Ludwigsplatz.The Ludwigshafen Christmas market can be easily reached via the Walzmühle parking garage, the Ludwigshafen S-Bahn station and the public transport stop Berliner Platz.Opening times are daily from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m..The market only remains closed on two Sundays, because the Memorial Day on 14.November and Dead Sunday on 21.November are both quiet holidays.