Starrock. Approval of the budget of the community of Sternenfels was uncomplicated. At the meeting on Thursday evening in the KommIn, a good atmosphere between the administration and the municipal council was noticeable.
"Committed applications and ideas from the municipal council and the residents are processed with diligence," says Annette Häußermann (free voters & SPD). In her parliamentary group budget comment, she thanked the "great team spirit in the administration" under the new mayor Antonia Walch. When it comes to important issues, there is time pressure, she warned. Many issues have been dealt with. She mentioned the state renovation program in Sternenfels, the renovation of the Kraichquellenhalle and the Fröbelweg kindergarten, as well as the TeleGIS.
The planning for the 1000-year celebration in Diefenbach, future-oriented forms of burial and cemetery planning as well as the unbundling of the center of Diefenbach with promising ideas are considered. She also mentioned the planning of new construction areas, the expansion of commercial areas and flood protection in Diefenbach. The current budget “is a reflection of this municipal council work”. Häußermann considered it important to “follow the inventory analysis of the community-owned real estate”. To determine what to preserve and fill with new ideas. She was glad that fees and taxes were not increased. The administration was also appealed to always look for maximum funding opportunities through grants.
Steffen Merz (LfSuD) repeated the motions of his group. With regard to flood protection, he emphasized that the promotion of private measures is made possible. The administration and the municipal council must “define the funding guidelines and check whether there are additional funding pots”. Community initiatives are waiting to be implemented due to necessary administrative hurdles. "The bureaucracy eats away at our zest for action," was his comment. For him, positive aspects of the budget deliberations were the good proposals from both parliamentary groups, the unanimity and the early adoption of the 2022 budget. For Deputy Mayor Klaus Riekert (Free Voters & SPD), it was the first chair of the meeting after Mayor Antonia Walch began her maternity leave . Initially, he had informed that all requests from the groups in the 2022 budget were taken into account. The budget and the business plans for the in-house companies "Versorgungs- und Verkehrsbetrieb Sternenfels" and "Fabrik Schweitzer" for 2022 were unanimously approved.