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Björn Swanson, star chef from Berlin, accepts the challenge of playing against Tim Mälzer in the "Kitchen Impossible" duel for the first time. He sends the host of the VOX show to Robert Rädel's starred restaurant "oben" in Heidelberg.
"That's this pseudo-hipster thing," Mälzer protests against the delicately arranged celery menu in the black box. "I don't even want to try it." For this he curses Björn Swanson to "twelve hours of spray chair".
Mälzer interprets the celery juice as cucumber juice, instead of celery sauce he cooks burnt cream. He uses mashed potatoes from the supermarket to thicken the sauce and thinks it's "a very intelligent idea".
Suddenly the fun of cooking comes back and he thanks his opponent for the task: "Today I got a little better. I didn't think I'd ever say something nice to the Bumsbacke from Berlin." The ten-strong jury of regular guests awarded an average of 6.6 out of a maximum of 10 points.
Mälzer sends competitors to his own restaurant
In return, Mälzer pursues a perfidious plan and sends Swanson to his own restaurant in Hamburg in "The Good Message". "That's the bottom drawer," moans Swanson. "Such a pussy move from him." It gets worse when he opens the lid of the box: "Does it have to be? It smells like fish." As if Mälzer had guessed it, Swanson is not a fish fan: "It's a taste of its own that makes my toenails curl up."
He is supposed to recreate authentic Japanese cuisine, okonomiyaki and karaage. What the jury didn't like about his version: Instead of teriyaki sauce, he uses ponzu sauce, and coriander has no place in a Japanese dish. The faux pas is punished with 5.7 points.
"And then things went haywire"
Swanson's revenge also follows the footsteps in Pleiskirchen, Bavaria. The kitchen box is waiting in a mountain hut. Because Mälzer doesn't feel like hiking, he drives the forest vehicle. When he discovered the "Zockerbrot", a modern version of a knuckle of pork sandwich, he freaked out: "Can't a normal f... dish be put on the plate?" The "bread" was served by Alexander Huber, President of the "Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe". "Always this head shit from the chefs, it gets on my nerves," Mälzer gets into his vehicle angrily and races through the forest.
Then it cracks. A pane breaks. Mälzer hit a tree. "I got intoxicated," he reconstructs the accident. "And then things went haywire. That led to me suffering a head injury that could have resulted in death." When a cartridge case was found in the car, he even sensed a conspiracy among his "Kitchen Impossible" competitors: "They tried to get rid of me in a sneaky way. You, Trettl, Raue and the whole gang of bastards who want my job. "
It's a good thing that the "bleeding head wound" is just a barely visible slit in the earlobe. "It really bled for hours," Mälzer still suffers. "It's worse than a bullet wound in the shoulder." After the shock, the chef gets to work. The messy work of the star kitchen drives him to despair: "It's humiliating what I delivered today." The jury found the breading on his meatball not green enough for the wafer-thin slice of bread to be deep-fried. Mälzer finds the 5.1 points cheeky: "That's absolutely outrageous."
Suddenly the stove is on fire
Swanson starts his race to catch up in Frankfurt am Main in the world's only vegan starred restaurant "Seven Swans". Tim Mälzer grins diabolically: "I picked out a task for him that would personally drive me mad." Swanson certifies that he has a Napoleon complex: "Small, fat."
With ready-made sauces in his pocket, he enters Ricky Saward's kitchen, whose potato menu he is supposed to cook. When tossing the potato balls, the stove suddenly catches fire. "He lost all control," Saward laughs at Swanson's frantic attempts to erase it. He waves the kitchen towel wildly: "If I screw up, at least I'll do the best fire show."
He is unconvinced by his version of the dish: "You can eat it without dying." The jury immediately noticed that the potatoes weren't cooked in soil and that moss is missing for seasoning. His 3.9 points are not enough for Swanson to put Tim Mälzer in his place. (tsch) © 1&1 Mail & Media/Teleschau