Ex-"Bachelorette" candidate Filip Pavlovic (27) is the new king of the jungle! As every year, there was again arguing, rushing, bickering in the jungle camp in 2022. Every man for himself. There were many an insult and many a bad word. Today all ex-campers met again for the "big reunion" on RTL. To read in the ticker protocol.
10:18 p.m.: The reunion is coming to an end, but there will be an aftermath on February 20th. On RTL. Until then, Sonja and Daniel say goodbye. And so do we. Thank you for accompanying us through the jungle!
10:13 p.m .: A little confusing who is acting, who is fake, who is "playing" authentically or who is here with calculation.
10:08 p.m .: Back in the jungle with the big question: How real or fake were the stars? "I'm surrounded by amateur actors," said Anouschka in the camp. "I don't want anything to do with people like that."
9:57 p.m.: Peter is sitting at the table. Filip and Peter confess their friendship. That's what stays. And maybe Jungle King Filip will soon need a bodyguard. next and last? commercial break.
9:52 p.m.: Brief recap of the back-and-forth romance between Tara and Filip. What's going on now? "Personally, we get along really well," says Filip. "We get along really well on a friendly basis, but we realized that it didn't fit." Tara just isn't entirely convinced. She was able to confess her feelings to the cameras, but not to the king.
9:51 p.m .: He also makes a difference between "real stars" and "social media people". Who became king again? He can't remember anymore, he says.
9.40 p.m .: Harald Glööckler! He also gets his jungle review. According to Sonja, only half of him is sitting at the table, the other is still in the camp. In any case, the person sitting at the table looks very different from the camper. "Two different people," confirms Glööckler. "I'm not a person who is able to live with many people in a small space," he adds. "I wanted to get to know souls," philosophizes Glööckler.
9:29 p.m.: Linda joins us at the table in the tree house. She is proud that viewers have voted her into the exams so many times. "I'm the exam queen," explains Linda. So she could jump over her shadows and work on fears. commercial break.
9:22 p.m.: Back to the stars. In retrospect, Sonja and Daniel present jungle tests.
9:09 p.m .: In the ominous tunnel in which Anouschka insulted Tina Ruland as "F...", Anouschka never expected a camera. "I fixed my underpants there," says Anouschka. "I won't talk to you anymore," Ruland replies. commercial break.
Jungle camp reunion: Tina Ruland: "I won't talk to you anymore!"
9:08 p.m.: Tina Ruland and Anouschka Renzi discuss the insult to Anouschka. "My son saw that, my mother saw that, it was terrible," explains Ruland, finding Anouschka's behavior embarrassing.
9:07 p.m .: Eric is now embarrassed by his "I know the darkness" scene.
9:05 p.m.: An argument between Filip and Eric ends with a scene in which Eric says that everyone has to be careful because he knows the darkness.
9:00 p.m.: Next cut: Mainly Anouschka is put back in the spotlight. Of course not as a good fairy. But Linda and Peter's quarrel also gets a little attention. Crowd favorite Harald Glööckler also gets his fat off.
8:56 p.m .: Here we go. Tina, Eric and still Anouschka are sitting at the table. Throwback to the team boss day by Tina Ruland. "Always the same two people" wanted to take over the simple day watch, she complains. Who do you think she means? It is and remains (not) a mystery. Sonja steps in again, but both Tina and Anouschke intervene. "That's not true," explains Ms. Renzi and says why she didn't want to take over which guard and when. She also provides information about her sleep disorders. Once awake, she could not fall asleep at her age.
8:48 p.m .: Jasmin is gone, Tina is now sitting at the table in the tree house with Anouschka. More on that after the commercial break.
8:42 p.m .: Jasmin Herren also shares against RTL. "Not everything was shown correctly here. That's why the wrong picture was conveyed." Daniel tries to distract from that and leads to the next flashback. It's about the sausage. Not really but about the vegetarian food stress in the jungle. Again looking back at scenes from past jungle days.
8.40 p.m.: Review of Jasmin Herren’s time in the camp. She found it funny, beautiful, sad and exciting at the same time. But Sonja no longer wants to talk about the camp, but about Anouschka's "people of second choice" tenor. Jasmin Herren tries to make the bend. After all, she had nothing human against Anouschka, everything was probably clarified around the campfire.
Jungle camp reunion: Jasmin Herren attacks Anouschka Renzi
8:37 p.m.: Now Anouschka and Jasmin are sitting together on the bench with Daniel and Sonja. Anouschka is already visibly loaded. "I saw that there was a lot of showmanship, the same stories were told over and over again," she summarizes. "I should have taken a course in reality TV beforehand." Jasmin Herren fights back. "O-Tones are O-Tones. I don't let myself be labeled as a second-class person," she criticizes Anouschka's "I'm better than your C-Celebrity" behavior.
8:36 p.m.: While the summary is entertaining, none of this is new. Looking back, we're still on day one.
8:32 p.m .: In retrospect, some of the conversations at the camp move in are quite funny to overhear. If you know what to expect from the celebrities. Haha, almost forgot that Harald Glööckler had packed push-up underwear. Anouschka Renzi in retrospect: "I offend. I polarize." Well, she did that.
8:32 p.m .: In addition to Filip, Eric and Manuel, there were other people in the camp. They are reminded of them in a clip from the move-in.
8:30 p.m.: What is Eric taking with him from the camp? Daniel wants to know. "The special contact with myself," he says.
8:27 p.m .: 3rd place Manuel and 2nd place Eric join the lively group in the tree house. The two can also enjoy their highlight pictures for the time being. The video sequences make it clear. The kudu brain is still disgusting.
8:24 p.m .: "I kiss your eyes" - Filip sees his most beautiful pictures and is happy. Actually, everything was very crazy. The most annoying thing for him was that "everything you said was misunderstood."
8:20 p.m .: Jungle king Filip Pavlovic arrives. "I drank two cappuccinos and was in the toilet all night," he sums up the last few hours. He hasn't gotten his phone back yet. "The worst part was the sleep deprivation," he summarizes.
8:17 p.m.: Welcome to the ex-jungle dwellers' big "reunion". They are reunited for the first time since they left. In the tree house. With Sonja and Daniel, who greet us on the notorious wobbly bridge and promise that a lot will come of it...