Can Joko and Klaas win this time against ProSieben? Screenshot ProSieben
"Nicht wieder einladen": Zuschauer genervt von Knossi bei "Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben"
16.12.2021, 19:43Mehr «Unterhaltung»Frauke Ludowig geht Klima-Aktivist bei "Stern TV" an: "Sie sind kein Vorbild"DschungelcampDschungelcamp-Voting-Ergebnisse: Anouschka hätte schon viel früher gehen müssen "Verkackte Sendung": Rapper Farid Bang rastet nach Rausschmiss von "DSDS"-Kandidat aus"Bauer sucht Frau"-Kandidatin Antonia verrät ihr Beauty-Geheimnis: "Eine der wenigen, die dazu steht"RTL-Moderatorin Lola Weippert landete im Krankenhaus – das ist der GrundIn der vergangenen Ausgabe von "Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben" mussten Joko Winterscheidt und Klaas Heufer-Umlauf ihre erste Niederlage einstecken – trotz der Unterstützung von Klaas' "Late Night Berlin"-Mitarbeiter Jakob Lundt verloren sie gegen ihren Haussender.So it was clear: the two were not given a 15 -time show time at prime time, but had to accept a penalty from ProSieben.
What this looks like was revealed last Saturday in the show "The duel for the world - Team Joko against Team Klaas": In the final of the show, Joko and Klaas were not allowed to fulfill the task, but fought for the cup "Future Joko" and "FutureKlaas " - two significantly older versions of the two moderators.Today the duo has the opportunity to take revenge and take a victory again.
Joko & Klaas stellen sich einer tierischen Herausforderung
As in the past week, Joko was not 100 percent operational.After an accident in the penultimate task, the 42-year-old is still injured and denied the duel with a crutch.When asked by Steven Gätjen, Joko replied: "I'm better, but I'm far from good.And I have a replacement here again in the event that I can no longer."This replacement was Jakob like last week.
The first task "melodies for machines" was not a problem for Joko.They competed against Jeannine Michaelsen and Clueso and had to recognize products based on their production descriptions that were sung.In the first round, Klaas pressed the buzzer pretty quickly and called his answer - but without having agreed with his colleague beforehand, which Joko commented on with the amusing remark: "Minute seven: Klaas has forgotten that I play along.'Klaas against ProSieben."Klaas' zeal did not bring anything.They lost the game against Jeannine Michaelsen and Clueso.
In the second round it became "animal": Joko and Klaas had to make seven selfies with seven different animals.Important condition: The photos had to be taken with animals that are not locked up - animals from the zoo failed with it.
First they made a selfie with a crocodile that was in their company - organized by Mr. ProSieben.After that, employees of the two had to help out with a dog and a boa.Thereupon it got tricky: four animals were still missing, but where did it get when not stealing?Joko came up with the following idea: He bought ice cream for all employees to attract bees.However, this idea did not lead to a bee selfie.
Klaas had a better idea: he wanted to go into the forest and there they also managed to shoot a selfie with a duck.They took more photos with a snail, one of Sabine's cats and with a goat."We did it, right? Seven selfies with seven animals," said Joko enthusiastically.Yes, the task was done and Joko and Klaas got their first advantage.
Knossi nervt die Zuschauer von "Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben"
Then they played in the game "Riot in Suite No..7 "against Sido and Knossi.However, this pairing was not received positively by most viewers.Knossi in particular provided many annoyed tweets on the net."Knossi is already so hard", "Knossi tries to get into conversation.I can't do anything with him.He only goes to the pointer "And" Why is the overvalued Knossi invited again and again? ".
The challenge was to hide three things in a suite that had to find their opponents.While Joko and Klaas were looking for sophisticated hiding places, the strategy of Sido and Knossi was to destroy the entire suite and thus hide things.Knossi and Sido's approach also seemed strange to many spectators:
"Wie unsympathisch und überheblich können sich 'Gäste' bei 'Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben' verhalten? Knossi und Sido: Ja. Unfassbar..."In the end, however, the strategy worked.Sido and Knossi managed to find the three objects faster than Klaas and Jakob.
Joko is number one for Klaas
In the fourth round, Joko and Klaas had to prove how well they know each other.It was about the following: "One of you gets this question: 'Who would you save from a burning house first?'You get five options and have to create a ranking.The other must guess the correct order, "said Steven.Klaas then immediately asked this question and decided to save Joko first - "for private and financial reasons", as Klaas explained.He would save Frank Tonmann as the last one "because he is the strongest of us and the only one would do it on his own."
When Joko Klaas' order should guess, he gave the same reason as his show colleague: he would sit down in the first place, because otherwise Klaas would be unemployed.However, he decided and in the end they only had a match.This fact made some fans sad: "Joko thinks, he is not in 1st place at Klaas.In all respects.Won't get over there."Other users had a guess why Joko did not sit down in first place:" I think Joko knows how much Klaas means to him, but he can't really believe that Klaas says so openly."
Even in the next two rounds, Joko and Klaas did not have enough matches.This point also went to ProSieben and after four rounds there was three to one for the station.
Joko and Klaas were not lucky this time
Can you "knock down" the helm again in the game?In any case, the game was more harmless than expected: it was about balancing objects such as pens or a full fruit basket on its back of his hand and not falling while the playing area is getting smaller and smaller.Klaas and Jakob, who jumped in for Joko, had to compete against Patrick Owomoyela and Simon Gosejohann.However, Klaas and Jakob struck their opponents and lost in the end.
Joko and Klaas had only one way to get an advantage for the final.The game "Car Brüll-Karaoke" was the program: While Joko roared a song in the moving car through a megafon, Klaas had to guess the song title.The game brought Joko to his limits: after he had climbed out of the car, he had to hand over.However, his commitment brought nothing because he and Klaas also lost this game.That meant only one advantage for the last round.
Can the two still escape their punishment?Steven called this shortly before the end:
"Wenn ihr verliert, veranstaltet ProSieben mit euch einmalig eine Call-in-Show von 16 bis 17 Uhr, bei der euch die Zuschauer anrufen und alle Fragen stellen können."Since physicality was also in demand in the final, Jakob and Klaas played the last round with Klaas.Joko was also not idle and supported his colleagues as a cheerleader and fired them with a "You can do it!"at.Unfortunately, this was of no use, because Klaas and Jakob lost the final. Zum Schluss machte Steven noch eine überraschende Ankündigung: "Nächste Woche senden wir eine besondere Ausgabe der Show und zwar heißt sie 'Joko & Klaas gegen ProSieben on Ice'".So the audience can look forward to the moderator duo on ice skates.