During my internship I had to do with many people.I found the internship very varied.When writing the two large articles, I quickly realized that I like this work very much.I was very proud to see my name in the newspaper.
I was also allowed to rewrite police reports and write picture messages.Editor Erik Hande also gave me an insight into building a newspaper.I was very surprised at the technical possibilities with the newspaper pages on the computer that can be found in the Meininger Tageblatt the next day.Every morning I also took part in the editorial conference, in which the current issue was planned and the dates were awarded.
In summary, I can say that the two -week internship at the Meininger Tageblatt gave me a big insight into the job of journalist and I can get very excited about it.All of my expectations of the internship have been fulfilled.The working atmosphere was very pleasant, I felt very comfortable and lifted.I also got some journalistic tips that I will use for future texts.I am very grateful to take the experiences gained for my later professional life and I can now also imagine studying journalism and taking my later career in this direction.I am also looking forward to writing further reports from my school for the Meininger Tageblatt in the future and thanked everyone who has made this internship possible for me.
All ninth graders of my school did an internship during this time.My classmate Sophie Gramann gained first professional experience in Meiningen's small animal practice.She has been flirting to become a veterinarian later.Sophie experienced eventful days.She was amazed because she was allowed to do a lot more than expected.Among other things, she was allowed to assist in treatments and operations, cut claws from the small animals, vaccinate and chip ten small and cute poodle puppies - and even tackle a rat.She says that it is exhausting in the long run to stand all the time and to constantly clean and disinfect the equipment.In the profession of a veterinarian, not always everything is rosy and beautiful, as you imagine, Sophie said.“We had to deliver the news to a concerned cat owner that her cat has a large and no longer curable tumor and that we unfortunately have to put her to sleep.It was very emotional for me, but that is part of it, ”reported the fifteen -year -old.This time was super educational and informative for you.The internship was great fun.You could well imagine taking this profession.However, more with specialization in large animals and in a clinic.
Classmate Sarah from the east worked in the Penguin group in her two-week internship in the "Rohrspatzen" kindergarten, in which children aged four to five years.She consciously chose this internship because she has always been able to inspire the profession of educator and educator.Sarah really wanted to know if she can handle children well, play with them and teach them new things."The most important thing for me was to explore the job and give me a better insight," she said.Her everyday life in kindergarten was part of having breakfast together with the children, playing in the yard, eating later at noon and then going out into nature.Excursions, like a tour into the forest, often took place.“Teamwork and a sense of responsibility play an important role in the profession.In addition, you have to be able to adjust to unpredictable situations and act quickly, ”said the fifteen -year -old.She liked the internship very much because she was able to explore the professional field of the educator and especially the profession of educator very well and gain insights.You can well imagine doing the job once.