Google Photos serves as a free cloud storage for millions of users.Hobby photographers can keep an unlimited number of pictures of high quality here.But in a few days it will end.
The free photo storage platform Google Photos is enormously popular.According to the company, four trillion photos were saved there at the end of 2020 - that is, that the equivalent of each of the 7.6 billion earthly citizens could have saved over 500 photos there.According to Google, another 28 billion new photos and videos are added every week.How many users the service has is not known-but as early as 2017, two years after its start, the associated Google photo app had already been downloaded a billion times.
The great popularity also has to do with the fact that Google has so far made an extraordinary offer: smartphone users can automatically save every photo and video that you shoot with your cell phone.However, the pictures are saved with a maximum of 12 megapixels, videos at most in 1080p.Any number of it may be archived for this.So far, this has not been doing anything.But the users of Google Photos have to be from 1.June adjust to a dramatic changes.Because from this point on, the announced storage space changes for Google photos come into force.This writes Google on its website.Google had already announced this step in November 2020.
So far, only photos and videos in original quality have been added to the 15 gigabyte storage space that users receive with their Google account.
What changes
From the 1.June Google also calculates photos of high quality and express quality to the 15 gigabyte storage space.If you automatically upload images and videos, you should have reached this border after just a few weeks, many even faster.
After all - the limitation does not apply to photos and videos before 1.June were secured.In addition, users have the option of "watching photos and videos that are counted towards their storage space with the memory management tool from Google photos," writes Google.
According to Google, if you cross your storage space quota, you have some time to act: "If you have exceeded your quota for 24 months, this can have an impact on your content," writes Google.In other words: Only after two years is content probably deleted.
Otherwise, according to Google, users can complete a Google One subscription if they need access to more storage space.Here, for example, users receive access to 100 GB Cloud memory for just under 2 euros per month.2 terabytes cost just under 10 euros per month (or just under 100 euros a year).