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For Black Friday there are learning apps for children for free in the App Store.Otherwise, these 15 apps will cost more than 30 euros, but you get them for free.Is the download worth it?
Again and again you actually get paid apps in the App Store for free.The developers use the free periods to increase the level of awareness of the applications and thus rise in the ranking.In keeping with the Black Friday, you will get sensible apps this time and save a few euros.
You will currently receive the entire "Fiete" learning apps for children in the apps store.For the 15 different learning applications, you usually spend between 0.99 euros and 2.99 euros.So you get apps with a total value of over 30 euros absolutely free.
The "Fiete" learning apps
The "Fiete" apps consist of many hand-drawn pictures that at best teach the children in a playful way.
The "Fiete" apps are aimed at children from kindergarten to primary school age in their colorful presentation and on the basis of the exercises.The story of the friendly sailor "Fiete", which brings all kinds of knowledge and skills, is an integral part here.
From simple tip games, getting to know farm animals to know the arithmetic, there are many different areas of an app for many different departments.Clearly and intuitively designed, children can get along well with the exercise material even without the help of the parents.
These "Fiete" apps exist
Is the download worth it?
In view of the sheer variety of the "Fiete" apps, there should be a small mobile game for every child and every requirement area.The intuitive apps of the Cologne -based company Ahoiii Entertainment are designed to ensure that children receive initial experience in dealing with tablets at an early stage.However, parents should exercise caution in some applications, because some have in-app purchases.
The learning applications with in-app purchases are marked in the list and in the best case children should not play without their parents.Equipped with great attention to detail and hand-drawn pictures, the entry-level apps are more of digital and interactive children's books.
Dies sind die besten Apps für Kinder Kindgerechte Handy- und Tablet-NutzungChildren should only use the apps on their cell phone or tablet.We show you the best children's apps for learning, playing and entertainment.
How long the apps are still available is not known.However, if you download the apps within the campaign period, remain free for you even after the action has expired.Therefore, parents with children of the right age should at least take a look at a look.The apps are only available free of charge for iOS devices and reach an average rating of 4 out of 5 possible stars.
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