Frankenthal/Metropolitan Region Rhein-Neckar.At 4.and 5.September 2021, the popular Frankenthal farmers' marketAttracts delicacies from the sunny Palatinate to downtown Frankenthal.On both days, regional products ofAgricultureAnd viticulture can be bought from over 30 direct marketers from 11A.m. to 6 p.m..The market takes place on the Zent-Ralen RathausplatzAnd in the neighboringArea of the pedestrian zone of BahnhofstrasseAnd Speyerer Straße.Admission is free.Furthermore, there is on 4.September Mayor Martin Hebich the starting shot for city cycling,A campaign that from the 4.up to 24.September 2021 should contribute to reducing climate-damaging carbon dioxide emissions.After the opening of the farmers' market, the starting shot is given (around 11.3pm).On the occasion of the farmers' market, the cityAnd city marketing e.V.On the 5th.September between 1 p.m.And 6 p.m.A Sunday open for sales in the inner cityArea.The shopping experience is supplemented by car exhibitions in the southern Speyer Stra-Ese, the Speyer TorAnd in Bahnhofstrasse.The Oldiefreunde PfalzAre represented withA vehicle selectionAt the Rathausbrunnen.
ProgramAnd offer of the farmers market
Mayor Martin Hebich, together with Miss Strohhut Vanessa Quietzsch, will be the farmers market on 4.OpenSeptemberAt 11A.m. on Rathausplatz.The Limburgerhof hunting horn play group will occurAt 11,At 12 p.m.AndAt 1 p.m..From 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. the Palatinate brass musicians can be experienced on stage.On the 5th.September from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., the Palatinate Blaskapelle will musically frame the market musically.This weekend is the culinary delights:AgricultureAnd viticulture offer fruitAnd vegetables of the season, delicatessen, frosted food, baked goods, French salami, Black Forest ham, dining, oils, jams, honey, honeyAnd dinnerAnd eating bumpers, juices, seccoAnd sect, Liqueurs, spices, Palatinate homemade specialties, rouk cherfish, Bretonian butter biscuits, lemonadeAnd much more.
Also offered u.A. Keramikartikel, Naturseifen, herbstliche Dekorationsartikel, Korbwaren, handgebundene frische Türkränze, Patchwork und KreativesAus Stoff, ätheri-sche Öle, Holzdekorationen und selbstgenähte ArtikelAus Stoff.There are demonstrations in the traditional craft, such as in tying wreaths and bouquets, in basket braids, in fish smokehouse and building bats.The State Hunting Association of Rhineland-Palatinate E.V.Informed in the "Rolling Forest and Wild School" and NABU Frankenthal E.V.Presented topics relevant to nature conservation.The physical well -being is also taken care of. Wer vom ProbierenAn den Ständen noch nicht satt geworden ist, hat die AuswahlAus Dampfnudeln mit Vanille- oder Weinsauce, Kartoffelsuppe, Fisch-, Saumagen- und Wurstbrötchen, Wildspezialitäten und vielem mehr.
Arrival and parking
From the train station and bus station to the city center it is about walking.5 minutes. Für Autofah-rer stehen die ParkhäuserAn der Willy-Brandt-Anlage sowieAm BahnhofAn beiden Tagen rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung.
At a glance
Frankenthaler farmers market 2021 Date: Saturday, 4.and Sunday, 5.September location: Rathausplatz, Speyerer Straße, Bahnhofstrasse Opening times: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
BegleitprogrammAuf dem Rathausplatz
Saturday, 4.September
11 a.m. Performing the Jagdhornbläsergruppe Limburgerhof Immediately afterwards greeting and opening of the farmers' market, by Martin Hebich, Mayor of the City of Frankenthal (Palatinate) Greetings from the Miss Strohhut Vanessa Quietzsch Afterwards starting shot for the city bike at 12 p.m. and 1 p.m.Presentation of the Palatinate Blasmusikanten Sunday, 5.September 15 bis 17 Uhr Auftritt der Blaskapelle Pfalzklang e.V.
Corona regulation applicable corona rules must be observed: On the entire area, mask obligation applies with the proviso that a medical face mask (operating mask) or a MAS-KE of the standards KN95/N95 or FFP2 or a comparable standard can be borne.It should be taken care of keeping your distance and avoiding group formation. Für dieAktuellen Regeln informieren Sie sich bitte kurzfristig unter www.Frankenthal.de/events.